I do not own Naruto.

Kiba snarled at her as Akamaru, the now huge dog, growled. They ran towards the pink haired Akatsuki member with a frightening speed.

Hayay! (fast) Sakura thought as she jumped up to avoid a punch. Then Lee went at her. He jumped into the air at a speed much faster than her own and aimed a hard kick at her. To his luck, Sakura was hit and she was thrown into a tree.


Shadow clone.

"Nani?!" Lee cried as he looked behind him and dodged a chakra filled punch from Sakura.

"Wari, Lee…" Sakura held regret deep in her eyes as she withdrew her sword and sliced him across the chest with speed she never thought she would possess.

"Sakura…chan…" Lee winced as he fell back first onto a tree.

Sand crept up Sakura's cloak onto her leg. The particles gathered and fully surrounded her right leg.

"Haha! Haha! That tickles!!" Sakura giggled "St-stop, Gaara!!"

The Kazekage held a blank face as he proceeded on to make the hand sign that would crush her leg.

Sakura threw off her cloak and quickly made some seals.

"Water element! Waterfall jutsu!!" she puffed up her chest and aimed her mouth at her leg. She blew water out, soaking the sand and rendering it useless.

Gaara's eyes widened in shock as she then aimed her lips at Gaara's gourd of sand.

Without hesitation, Sakura blew water out once more, rendering ALL of Gaara's sand useless.

"Gaara!!" Sakura scowled and ran at him "This is for tickling me!!!" she cried, punching him on the cheek. Recovering from his shock, Gaara dodged the punch and tried to kick her. For a while they exchanged blows until Sakura finally ended it with a chakra punch to his neck.

Gaara coughed as he fell back, crashing directly through 4 trees and stopping on the ground.

"Gaara!!" Naruto cried, trying to escape his fight with Deidara to help his friend.

"Hey. You're fighting me, yeah" Deidara said, throwing a clay bird in Narrator's direction.

"Damn you!!" Naruto scowled.

"Traitor" Neji scowled, he now wanting to fight with the girl.

"I am aren't I?" Sakura turned to face Neji who had his Byakugan on.

"Wanna see something, Neji?" Sakura asked, closing her eyes.

He just glared at her.

Sakura opened her eyes to reveal them a pearl color. Around her eyes, were chakra veins. Byakugan.

Neji's eyes widened a good amount to show surprise and astonishment.

"That's impossible. How'd you get my kekkei genkai?" Neji asked, coldly.

"You see, there was this Hyuuga ANBU dude that I encountered in the woods. He wasn't searching for me, per se, but because I am an Akatsuki he had no choice but to fight me. Once he was dead, I took his corpse to Akatsuki where Rei-dono wanted me to research him. I found the Hyuuga blood in it, and the secrets to activating your kekkei genkai in my research. But even with this kekkei genkai, I do not know the secrets of the moves in your clan. This ANBU had not fully mastered them, so you're lucky, hm? As for my body. I do not possess the body of a Hyuuga. So my stamina will wear out easily…or not" Sakura smirked "Let's begin the Byakugan Battle, shall we?"

"Damn you" Neji appeared behind of Sakura, preparing himself to do 64 strikes of divinity.

Sakura let out a cry as all 64 strikes hit her perfectly.

Ren. Sakura called the pink serpent.

Hai Ren replied.

The demon sent chakra to her blocked chakra veins, clearing them all temporarily.

Sakura wiped blood from her lip and withdrew her sword once more. She swang it roughly on the ground, causing the earth to shoot up, it was inescapable.

"What the he-" Neji began but was cut off when he was striked with the earth. It caused deep cuts on his legs and torso.

That attack is dangerous. Is this the same Haruno that I knew about when we were genin?

Sakura rushed forward at Neji, forcing chakra into both of her palms and striking him in all of his vital areas but his heart. She wanted him to live.

This is painful to do…I can't believe I'm actually hurting my friends… Sakura held back a tear and sent her most powerful kick at Neji's ribs. A large crack was heard and his clothes showed blood on them. With this, Neji fell back.

"Neji!" Gai cried "I will avenge my students!!"

He ran towards Sakura. He was quick. And looking weird with all that spandex.

He was directly in front of Sakura, but he seemed oblivious to the fact that Sakura had a pink chakra orb in her palms.

"Cherry Blossom Death" she whispered when he was face to face with her. She disappeared from sight and reappeared behind him, putting her hand out slowly. Gai noticed this and tried to block her hand with a kick. But instead the kick hit his leg.

"Ahhh!!" the green-spandex-wearing-jounin cried in pain as the orb dug through his skin, resembling a flame blowing through the air.

Sakura let go of the jutsu before it could do any critical damage.

"What is that jutsu?" Gai asked as he fell onto the floor.

"Cherry Blossom Death. It's similar to Rasengan, but it's more deadly and almost guarantees death. The best part though, is that it's a combination of elements" Sakura said.

Kakashi was caught in a genjutsu created by Itachi. There were crows surrounding him and millions of Itachi's. He could hear the outside world around him. The real world, and he nearly froze when he heard 'combination of elements'.

That's impossible. Sakura? Not even Yondaime Hokage or Naruto has been able to do that. He thought as he tried releasing himself from the genjutsu.

Sakura was about to jump up, but something stopped her. She looked down.

"Oh fuck!!" she snarled "Caught in Nara's Jutsu!"

Shikamaru was standing opposite of Sakura.

Sakura struggled to get free of it. She managed to lift a leg slightly off the floor. Shikamaru was obviously sweating. It was completely visible how worn out he looked. And it had only been 5 minutes.

Sakura is making this harder for me. I'll have to strangle her.

Shikamaru made a hand sign. An arm shaped shadow was finding it's way to Sakura's throat.

"Agh!" Sakura winced.

I can't breathe. Stupid shadow jutsu. Sakura choked, spitting some blood out.

With all the strength the Pinky could muster, she forced her hands up, Shikamaru was almost out of chakra.

I can't breathe any longer…

The girl formed the sign of the ram with her hands.

"Light Element. Blinding Sun!" she gasped out.

A white light illuminated her, causing the shadow to be unable to reach her.

Sakura bent down, her hands on her knees.

Finally…air… Sakura panted heavily. She was greeted by a sharp wind, cutting her cloak. It completely took it off.

"Tired yet?" Temari asked cockily.

Sakura glared at her "No way" she regained her posture.

"Bring it" Sakura scowled.

Temari smirked, swinging her fan at Sakura's direction.

"Ugh!" Sakura skidded back, her clothes badly ripped and she was bleeding slightly.

She jumped into a tree, but that was easily broken.

My only choice is to use close range fighting then…but how do I do that… the female Akatsuki member asked herself My only chance of getting close to her without being thrown back by wind is by going underground. I can probably get her like that, but I want to finish this quickly…so Temari's weakness at the moment is her fan, right? If her fan is broken, she won't be able to use her jutsus.

Gee, who knew you were so smart, Sakura.

You know, you can help me. I have to fight this girl and Kiba, who for some reason hasn't attacked me fully yet! Come on, man!

I'm a SERPENT. And a GIRL serpent. NOT a man.

Sure look like one.


Just kidding, hehe…

Sakura poofed underground and made her way through to beneath Temari's feet.

She rose up, grabbing Temari's foot, and dragging her along as she jumped onto a tree branch. Before Temari knew it, she was hanging upside down. Dangling by a foot, 50 5t above the ground. What's worse, her fan was taken away.

"Hey!" the blonde barked "I'll kill you!"

Sakura's hands flamed and the fan burned. The ashes fluttered in the breeze.

"You think you can kill me? Even when your Kazekage was so easily beaten? And your weapon is gone?" Sakura teased "Think again" she smirked, pressing the pressure points in Temari's arm, rendering her unconscious then dropping her.

"Alright! Next is Kiba!" Sakura grinned, jumping down from the tree.

The boy was catching Temari as she nearly crashed her skull on the ground.

"Sakura, you bastard!" Kiba barked.

Akamaru roared.

"Oh my god! Akamaru is so big now!!" Sakura exclaimed "But I was more of a cat person myself" she teased.

"Dammit! Take us seriously!!" Kiba ran at her with Akamaru.

"Getsuga!!" he cried.

He and Akamaru began spinning rapidly, resembling a tornado.

"Why'd you decide to attack me now?" Sakura asked.

"Hmph. Like I'd tell you" Kiba punched her.

They exchanged blows with an occasional clash of kunai.

Near the end, Akamaru was beaten up badly and just a little way to being unconscious.

"Akamaru!" Kiba cried "Dammit! I swore I wouldn't let this happen again!!"

"Gomenesai, Kiba…" Sakura smiled softly as she knocked Akamaru out and then Kiba out with a medical jutsu.

She sighed.

What am I…I've never felt regret over this before…but now…hey! I wonder what Naruto and Kakashi are doing!!

You bounce back pretty fast…

I had to save myself from becoming crappy and emotional . Now! To watch someone's ass get kicked!!

Sakura grinned and ran over to where Kakashi and Itachi were fighting.

Kakashi was badly bruised and scratched. Itachi was completely unscathed.

"Hiiii!!!!" Sakura grinned like a maniac and soon waved like one too "How's everybody doing? Hmmm?"

"You're done?" Itachi asked casually.

"Yes I am, Itachi-san! And I'm reaaaaallllyyy tired." She overexxagerated that line, maybe just a tad.

"That's impossible." Kakashi panted "You couldn't have beaten all those people. Gai and the others were in it"

Sakura shrugged "I'm off to see Naruto's and Dei-kun's fight!! Laaaaateeeerssss!! Oh! And don't die Kakashi!!" Sakura sang and skipped away.

Hn. Dei-kun. Why not Itachi-kun? Itachi scowled in his mind. Was it jealousy? Nah! Itachi Uchiha possesses no such emotion….or does he?




"Ohaaaayooo, Naruto!!!!! Dei-kun!!" Sakura sang, grinning like mad once more.

Deidara was on top of his clay bird, and Naruto seemed heavily exhausted.

"Come back, Sakura-chan!! Please!!" Naruto cried, wiping some blood off his lip.

"I dun wanna, Naruto. Anyways, you seem badly beaten up. Well, so am I. I lost my cloak. My super cloak of total awesomeness. And why? Because of Temari. I mean, come on!! Just because I'm an evil villain doesn't give her the right to take off my cloak! My cloak, dammit! Hmph!" Sakura crossed her arms.

I want to play with the Kyuubi…

Do you have ANY idea of how wrong that sounded?


Sakura waited until the fights were finished. Deidara nearly used his self sacrificial jutsu, but was stopped by Sakura. Kakashi was currently unconscious. He was worn out from overdose of Sharingan. But Sakura didn't allow Itachi to kill him. Naruto was knocked out by Sakura because she was tired of waiting. As for the other unconscious members, they were retrieved by the other members of Akatsuki to be kept as 'prisoners'. Sakura eventually passed out because of her lack of chakra. Ren refused to give her any. So Itachi carried her back bridal style. KAWAII!! And I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it too. Mmkays! Wanna read some bloopers?

"Wari, Lee" Sakura had a hint of regret behind her emerald eyes.

"Hahahahaha!! That's so fake man!! Sakura, take it seriously!!" Lee cried, clutching his stomach.

"I was!!" Sakura laughed along with him and began crying tears of joy.

"Alright guys! Take 64!!" Tsunade sighed.


"Eep!Itachi!!Stop grabbing my ass!!" Sakura yelped.

Itachi snickered, he was carrying her bridal style.


"Hentai!!" Sakura yelled, pouting.

"Uhhh…maybe we shouldn't do this part…" Tsunade slammed her head on her desk.

"That hurt, you pinky" Itachi looked at her boredly, putting her down.

"Nani?" Sakura said hoarsely and snapped her head to Itachi's direction. She cracked her knuckles.

"Oh crap…" Itachi muttered "BOB!!!!!! (you may recognize Bob from my other story. He's Itach's imaginary Unicorn that says 'moo')" Itachi ran away.


"OWWWWW!!!!!!!!" Neji clutched his groin "Sakura, you idiot!!"

"-GASP- Oh my god!! I'm SOO sorry Neji!!" Sakura but her lip.

"Haha!! That's so funny!! Do it again, Sakura-chan!!" Naruto laughed.

Neji fell to the floor, whimpering.

"Hey! Can someone get a medic in here?" Kakashi called.


"Akamaru!" Kiba cried "Dammit!!...I forgot my line!!"

"Baka! I was in the moment" Sakura scoffed.

"It's not MY fault that my lines are so long." Kiba pouted.

"Akamaru! Dammit! I swore I wouldn't let this happen again!" Sakura sighed "That's your line, baka"

"If you think you can do it, do it yourself!" he marched off the stage.

"Kiba!!" Sakura yelled out "Uh…I have some Scooby Snacks if you-"

"Arf Arf!! Where! Where?!" Kiba hung his tongue out, sitting dog-style on the floor.

"IDIOTS!! Shizune, take over for me…" Tsunade rubbed her temples, walking away.

"L-lady Tsunade!" Shizune whined, then sighed "Ok…take 72 people…"



"Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend!!" Itachi sang, shaking his bootay.

"No way, now way, I think you need a new one!" Kakashi sang, dancing like a weirdo.

"High on booze again, aren't they?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah…but so is Granny Tsunade!" Naruto pointed in the blonde woman's direction.

Sakura gawked "Oh my god, Tsunade-sama!!!" she cried.

"No!! STOP HER!! SHE'S GONNA TAKE OFF HER SHIRT!!!" Shizune cried.

"Whoo!!!!!!" Jiraiya bled from his nose.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt" Itachi sang, grabbing a chicken leg as a microphone.

"Too sexy for my shirt." Kakashi sang along.

"Oh so sexy it hurtssss!!" Deidara cried.

"Oh my god!! THE CAMERA'S ON!!! HAKU!! SHUT IT OFF NOW!!!" Sakura demanded.



If you like this blooper idea, review and tell me. Mmkays! Laters!