Hey all. Xtina-Chan here. Going through this story to edit, and breakup the chapters a little better. Taking another look at this, I realized that I go back and forth between Serena's POV to Darien's. To make it a little easier to understand for some I break up the POVs with: - - - - Just so you know :)Thank you. Hope you enjoy. This was the first fanfic I've ever tried to write, so if you read please review. I'd love the feedback.
Disclaimer: I own nothing whatsoever to do with Sailor Moon. I am making no money writing or posting this online. I do this for enjoyment, and to improve my writing ability. So, please do not sue.
Serena walked through the sliding glass doors that led into the Crown Arcade. A rush of cold air hit her as she stepped inside. She was grateful for the drastic change in temperature.
Outside, it was ninety-eight degrees and getting increasingly hotter. But inside the arcade, it was an ice-cool paradise and Serena decided she wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Looking to the counter, she found her favorite blonde cutie working and smiled to herself.
"Hey Andrew," she bellowed, making her way towards him.
Andrew greeted her, smiling widely, her heart almost melting at the sight.
"How are you?"
"I am doing great, Andrew. Today, thank God, was the last day of school," she happily declared in a singsong voice to her friend. "Now I have 3 months of summer break! I wasn't even late for school this morning, so I got to leave on time AND my parents are going away for the summer on some type of second honeymoon trip. My brother gets to stay at a friend's house while they're gone. I totally get the house all to myself for three freaking' months!" Serena couldn't help but scream. She was excited.
Andrew chuckled at her high level of enthusiasm. He loved how the littlest things made her seem so overjoyed. Serena had this thing about her. She radiated all kinds of happiness and love and you couldn't help but be happy along with her whenever she was around. No matter how shitty your day was, by simply being in her presence, it made your day look a whole lot better.
However, the same thing happened when she was upset. If Serena was sad and angry then you were sad and angry. Everything around you would seem cruel, bleak and hopeless. You would do anything you could to make her feel better, which usually didn't take much, and then she and the world would brighten up again and everything was okay.
"That's great Serena. Are you going to be okay by yourself for that long though?"
Serena Tsukino was a great girl, but Andrew did know her after all. She was prone to klutz attacks and known for her inability to perform simple tasks. She took his question to mean he was worried about her being alone, not about being alone with her meatball headed qualities.
"Totally . . . It'll be a nice break from my family. If I get lonely, I can always ask the girls over anyways. I'll be coolies."
At least she'll have the girls if anything does go wrong.
"So, what can I get ya? You want my special 'Hell yes school is ova' milkshake?"
Serena giggled and nodded excitedly at the idea of milkshake goodness coming her way. She then heard the familiar sounds of the doors opening behind her. Maybe the girls decided to come after all instead of hiding out with their air conditioners at home.
When she turned around to see who had entered the arcade, Serena groaned inwardly.
Of course it's him. My day wouldn't be complete if he didn't make an appearance to screw it up.
- - - -
Darien Shields stood in the doorway of the Crown Arcade fully welcoming the cold air that greeted him. After a moment he sauntered his way over to the counter in desperate need of an ice coffee. What a long day it had been. He needed to talk to someone about his overly shitty day and who better than Andrew?
"Here you go, Ms. Tsukino. Congratulations on completing yet another year of school."
Andrew bowed to her in appreciation, and in return, Serena erupted into a fit of giggles obviously amused.
Andrew glanced over at Darien at the opposite end of the countertop looking toward him, obviously waiting for some service.
"Hey Dare! Come on over here. I and Serena are having a little end of school celebration."
As Andy was speaking, Darien saw Serena's face change from happiness to complete dread in 3 seconds so, how could he say no? He chuckled to himself, swaggering over toward them. Serena, looking more than a little peeved asked him what he thought was so funny.
"Oh nothing, meatball head," he answered amusedly. "Just trying to figure out how you passed another year of school. You DID pass, didn't you?" Darien raised one eyebrow in question.
Oh, here we go again.
A sweat drop appeared on Andrew's forehead as he felt a sense of defeat overtake him.
When will these two ever learn?
Meanwhile, Serena looked like she was about to boil over with anger, turning completely red trembling from head to toe with rage.
"Of course I passed, you frigging jerk." Serena screamed directly into Darien's face. "I'M not stupid, you know! Unlike some people," she finished, pointing accusingly in his direction.
"Could've fooled me," he mumbled, loud enough for her to here.
"Why you-"
"Now come on Sere, you don't want to get yourself worked up in this kind of heat. You could pass out, or get really sick, and we don't want that now, do we? Especially since no one will be home to take care of you. Then what will you do? So, PLEASE try and ignore him today. You know he's just an idiot," Andrew pleaded desperately to his blonde meatball headed friend.
She knew Andy was right, and was breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down. After a moment, Serena managed to sit down and sip her drink before smiling up at her friend.
"You're so right, Andy. I will ignore him. Thanks."
Andrew breathed a sigh of relief, grateful Serena was being the sensible one of the two today. He turned questioningly toward his other friend.
"So, Dare - your usual?"
"Can you make it an ice coffee Andy?"
"Sure, no problem at all. I'll be back in a minute," Andrew looked from Darien to Serena and mouthed the words play nice to him on his way to the iced coffee machine in the back.
"Thanks, you're a real lifesaver," Darien replied, ignoring Andrew's plea.
He smirked to himself. He did love to play dirty. But, before he got the chance to say anything nasty to the quiet blonde sitting beside him, Andy reappeared with his ice coffee in one hand and a couple of packets of cream and sugar in the other.
"Thanks man. I'm in desperate need of one of these."
He began dumping the cream and sugar into his plastic cup, swirling the liquid around, trying to get it to mix. When he felt he had put in enough coffee condiments, Darien replaced the lid. He took a giant swig from his caffeinated, heavenly-tasting beverage, and sighed happily. He was already cooling off and feeling loads better.
Andrew had walked off, busily helping other customers around the establishment. He assumed Andy wouldn't have the time to chat with him today.
Ah well, he thought, at least I've got my ice coffee to make me feel better.
Darien glanced over to one side, startling himself a little. He'd forgotten about the blonde sitting only 2 stools down from him. She actually hadn't said a thing in at least five minutes. Wow.
"Well, this is a first," he found himself saying. "I don't think I've EVER seen you so still and quiet for so long, meatball head. This must be some sort of record for you, huh?"
- - - -
Serena was pulled from her thoughts by Darien saying something stupid to her and grinning like an idiot.
"Oh, shut up, you jerk," she replied lamely, but not caring. All she wanted to do was drift back to the daydream she had been having about her and Andrew.
They had been hanging out at her house together, laughing, talking and enjoying each other's company. She sighed happily to herself. Then reality came back into view once again as she noticed that Darien had now moved right next to her. He was poking her upon the nose with an extra coffee stirrer, trying to get her attention.
"What're you thinking about?" He asked curiously.
Serena blushed slightly at his question and hoped he hadn't noticed.
"I'm just thinking about what I'm going to do tonight." With my brother and parents gone, I'm all by myself," she answered his question smiling quite excitedly.
- - - -
"Oh yeah, Andrew did say you were going to be alone earlier. What happened, did your family finally get sick of your meatball headedness and run away screaming?"
Darien mentally patted himself on the back for that one. For a brief moment, he thought he saw a flicker of sadness pass over the girl's eyes, but as soon as he saw it, it was gone.
An indescribable amount of anger filled Serena's entire being, and this could be seen in her eyes.
God, if looks could kill.
- - - -
"For your information," she started, shaking with rage, "Not that it's any of your business, but my parents are on their second honeymoon for the summer and my brother is at his friend's house while they're away. So, I get the house to myself for 3 months, because my parents want me to have a fun-filled, stress free summer 'cause they love me. So, mind your own business."
Somehow, she had managed to keep her voice down, because she had promised Andrew she'd ignore Darien and not get herself worked up. What she really wanted to do was dump her milkshake all over this asshole.
How tempting.
"Sounds like a load of bull to me," Darien said irreverently, smirking. Oh, how much she wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face.
"To me, it sounds like they went away to take a vacation away from YOU, and sent your brother away so he wouldn't have to deal with you either."
"Wrongo, jerkazoid, my parents love me, unlike some people," she mumbled.
"Excuse me?" Darien asked, his eyes turning black with anger.
Finally she'd gotten to him. She thought triumphantly.
"Well, it's obvious that your parents aren't living with you or anywhere near you for that matter. I've never heard you talk about them at all. So, what's up? They couldn't stand being near such a huge prick like you that they had to move away to another country or something?"
Now Serena was the one smirking and Darien the one about to blow up. Yes! She mentally cheered to herself. Points to me!
- - - -
Darien had never hit a girl, he wasn't raised that way, but he had never wanted to so much in his entire life either. Come on Dare, calm down, he told himself. It's not like she knows. Serena was just trying to get you back.
- - - -
He was clenching his teeth and balling his fists. She knew then she had struck a nerve and was proud of that fact, but she also couldn't help but feel a little bad. Darien hadn't said anything to her in over a minute and it looked like it was taking all of his self-control to not jump to his feet and deck her.
"Now," he finally began; his voice sounding very controlled -- very neutral. "It's you who's wrong. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. So, shut the hell up and stay out of MY business."
Darien pulled a 5 bill out of his pocket, set it down next to his empty coffee cup, and walked out of the arcade without another word. Andrew, still busy with other customers, looked up at the sound of the closing doors to see his best friend leaving. He didn't even say goodbye to me, he thought sadly. After he had finished giving these customers their change, he made his way over to Serena, taking a break.
He noticed that she looked upset and confused.
"What's up?"
She faced him looking really guilty about something.
"I think I really got him upset, Andy. He's never walked out in the middle of one of our fights before."
She'd never said anything that actually got him mad. It was always her who usually ended up being the one upset and walking away. Darien had always kept his cool with all of the insults she threw at him, except for today.
"What did you say to him, Sere?" Andrew asked, looking concerned.
"Well, he was making fun of me and mentioned my family-"
"Oh, tell me you didn't," he interrupted her.
"-So, I made fun of him and his family," Serena finished, cringing slightly at her confession.
Andy raked a hand through his hair stressfully, knowing what affect bringing up his family had on Darien.
"You really shouldn't have done that, Serena. You really shouldn't."
So, there you go? What'd you think? I hope you liked it. I love the first season of Sailor Moon. Their squabbles are so cute and you know it Thanks for reading R&R, thanks.