This chapter is dedicated to McSpastic and marebear11. They were the ones who got the song title correct. I'm so sorry that it took a while for this chapter to get out but I've been either busy with school, extremely sick (as I am now), or being annoyed by my parents, even though I love 'em dearly. This chapter is my tribute to Christmas. It has no song title so please don't tell me you think that 'New Year's Eve Special' is from I Don't Dance… lolAnyhoo, I hope you enjoy this New Years-y chapter. Oh… and Happy New Year's too!


"Gosh darn it."

"Troy, never say that again."

"Yes, boss." I smiled at him and tried to cover up my frown. He was trying to cheer me up and I was happy that it would be cured soon enough.

"On the bright side, when you're all cured and better, we can celebrate." I winked at him and I could have sworn he swallowed.

"Good morning class. Today our focus is on the shape of the Earth. It's not a perfect sphere as you may all think of it. In fact, it…" I drowned out the sound of Mr. Parkhill and looked at Troy. He was perfect in every way.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This party is going to be the best party ever. Let me explain a bit. I came to Albuquerque after I spent New Year's with Troy. I've decided that I would host the New Year's Party at my house. My mom was going to a party in New Jersey and the gang could be left all alone. It'd be perfect. Only problem was that I was the one hosting the big celebration. I had to get the room all dolled up. Everyone knows I over dose with the decorations and all. Let's just say, our house was the most decorated house during Christmas. I started putting up yards of silver garland all over the living room. I made it cross over from one corner to the other and put tinsel on the garland that was hanging. I was about to hang up all fifty two snowflakes made until the phone rang.

I got off the couch and went to the phone. I picked up the phone and asked "Hello?"

"Hey Gabs." Taylor said.

"Hi, listen I can't talk…" I started.

"I know, I know. You're OD'ing with decorations right now. I want to know if you need any help."

"That'd be great. You can hang up the fifty two snowflakes I made!"

I heard Taylor groan over the phone. She said, "Why did I even offer? I'll see you in 10 minutes. Bye."

"See you."

Exactly nine minutes and fifty nine seconds later, the doorbell rang. Leave it to Taylor to be precise about everything. I screamed for her to come in and she gasped at what was in front of her.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, sweetheart." I said while digging through the shelves with plates. I'll always be able to find whatever I need. Sometimes, it's in the strangest place, but it'll be there. I found the tooth floss on the top shelf and threw it to Taylor.

"Start hanging the snowflakes on the ceiling with the tooth floss. Make some short and some really long. Spread it all out. When there's no room left, just tape the snowflakes to the wall."

"Wow." Taylor blurted out.

"What? You've seen me throw a party before."

"It never occurred to me you were such a perfectionist! This is like perfectionist on a scale of one to ten and you're way past twenty-two."

"I'm not sure if that was an insult or a joke, but I'm going to guess it was a joke. Now, less talking and more working. Let's get cracking."

"Oh, dear. Good luck taking all these decorations down." Taylor said.

"Eh, I'll pay some little kid on the block to do it for me. They'll do it for ten bucks." I said as if it was nothing to let a poor child suffer by falling off ladders and getting stuck in the tooth floss. Oh well. Things happen.

It was getting late and all decorations were up. Taylor insisted another little prop for the small-ish get-together. As soon as people opened the door, a bucket would fall of confetti and cotton making it look like snow. It was a great idea so we set it all up. There was huge bucket of more confetti and cotton near the door to refill the bucket after someone walked through the door. The doorbell rang and we heard four voices arguing, a high-pitched voice being the loudest.

"Come in!" I yelled from the kitchen. I looked over to see the door opening and everything in the bucket falling. I started laughing hysterically! Too hysterical in fact… the knife I was using to cut the watermelon slipped and slit the back of my hand.

"Ouchie! Ow! Ow! Ow!!" I started yelling.

Kelsi, Jason, Taylor, Sharpay, and Zeke all ran into the kitchen wondering what all the commotion was about. They looked at my hand and saw the blood. Sharpay fell into Zeke's arms at the sight of blood and Taylor grabbed a towel nearby. She brought it to me and put it on my wound. I was so glad to have Taylor. She was the most motherly out of the gang. She led me to the couch and I sat down behind dazzling snowflakes.

"Hey Taylor, did you refill the bucket?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. Now keep adding pressure." She answered.

The doorbell didn't even ring the next time. Chad and Troy came in. The confetti and cotton fell. Chad started screaming like a little girl and then finally stopped. Taylor put her hand on her hip and glared at Chad.

"Hi sweetie." Chad said innocently.

"Hey Troy." I said.

"Hey Gabi, what happened!?" He screamed when he saw the blood seeping through the thick towel.

"You didn't start again, did you!?"

"Troy! Of course I didn't! I did it once because I was stressed. I wasn't planning to do it anymore!"

"Then what happened!?" He screamed again.

"F-Y-I, I was cutting up watermelon and my knife slipped!" Troy calmed down.

"I'm sorry Gabriella. I just can't help but worry. It comes along with the loving boyfriend package." He said innocently. I patted a seat next to me on the couch. When he came over and sat down, I said to him,

"I know you're just worried. You're such a great boyfriend. I'm grateful for it, really. But, please cut down at the screaming. It's really stressing to both of us."

"I promise." I gave her a light peck on the lips and pulled back.

"Does anyone feel like we're suddenly invisible?" Chad asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah… pretty much." Everyone answered.

Troy and I laughed. We got up and he got a wrap around bandage for me out of the medicine cabinet.

"Let's get this party started!" Sharpay screamed after she woke up from her faint. She blasted the music and everyone had such a great time. Taylor refilled the bucket as I wished even though no more guests were supposed to arrive. It was 11:59 and the countdown was beginning. Everyone stood next to their loved ones, me standing next to Troy.











"Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed excluding Troy and me. We were off in our own little world, gazing into each other's eyes before we kissed. We lightly pecked and before we got anywhere, we heard the door open and confetti fall. A dirty blonde haired girl entered and looked at all the confetti on her.

"Happy New Year Troy." She said.

Troy whispered something into my ear. "Ex-girlfriend…first love… it's over… before you." That is all I heard but I knew this wasn't too good. Troy and I couldn't get close because of his STD and I was standing right in front of the source.

"You've got to be kidding me!?" I screamed.