Author's Notes: This is my first Danny Phantom fanfic, so don't expect me to be too good. Either way, please read and review and hopefully enjoy. This is different than a lot of the fanfics that have Danny become evil and there is a good reason why the story is called what it's called.
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does.


Prologue: Flames of Disaster

Danny Fenton was walking on the sidewalk with his two best friends, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. He grinned. It was Friday night and he was looking forwards to the weekend. No ghosts had been around all day and things were likely to stay that way, leaving him in a good mood.

"So movies at my place?" Sam asked, breaking Danny out of his quiet thinking.

Danny glanced at her before smiling at her,

"Sure. Horror movies?"

"Fine with me. Tucker?" Sam and Danny looked over at their techno-geek friend, Tucker.

"… So long as we have popcorn and pizza." Tucker said in agreement.

"Then it's settled, movies at my," Sam paused as Danny's ghost sense went off," house.."

Danny groaned,

"And we were so close to having a ghost-free day. I'll go and handle it… I'm going ghost." Two blue rings appeared around Danny's middle. They traveled up his body, turning him into Danny Phantom.

"We'll catch up to you. I'll bring the thermos," Sam said as she began to pull the thermos out of her backpack.

As Sam and Tucker began to run after Danny, a fire engine drove past.

"I think the ghost has done a bit of damage already," murmured Tucker.

"No… You think?" Sam snapped at her friend.

Danny flew towards a large cloud of smoke. He looked at the building. It was mostly consumed with flames and Danny prayed that no one was inside. A ton of people were in the streets watching the burning building and waiting for the fire truck to arrive. Danny knew the building was a goner. One woman was trying to get to the building though she was restrained by two men.

"Stop it! My baby is in there," she cried as she struggled.

Danny flew a bit lower, so the smoke didn't hide him. He smiled as the woman noticed him before adopting a serious face.

"Please ghost boy. Get my baby." Tears glittered in her eyes as she looked at her only hope.

Danny nodded his head,

"I'll be right back." He turned around and flew into the building, going intangible before hitting into the wall.

Inside the building, it was searing hot. Flames jumped on furniture and covered the walls. Danny had been expecting the heat, but the sound was worse. Crackling came from all around him as things burned and the fire was roaring.

I'm never going to find anyone in this mess… He thought hopelessly. I might as well try though….

Danny began flying through the building staying intangible. He wished he had asked the woman what floor she lived on to make the task easier, but there was no time to go back. The sounds of crying reached his ears despite all the noise. Smiling as he realized the child would be somewhere near by, Danny flew through one more wall before turning tangible.

In front of him, a 5-year old child stood crying in a corner. He had blond, short hair and green eyes. The flames surrounded the kid as he cowered. A burn mark covered his hand.

Danny stepped closer to the kid and said in a calming voice,

"Don't worry. I'll get you out."

The kid opened his eyes at the voice and a small smile lit his face up.

"Danny Phantom!" The little boy said in a happy voice.

"Yeah, that's me. Come on." Danny leaned closer to the kid and reached out one hand.

As the kid reached out, the timber under him cracked as flames below tore at it. The kid fell and screamed. Danny's eyes widened and he flew forwards to grab the kid. His white gloved-hand wrapped around the kid's arm. Scratches covered the kid's face from where the wood had cut him, but otherwise he looked okay. Danny smiled and turned both of them intangible.

He flew left, hoping that it was the way out. It was hard to tell which direction was which. As he flew through another room, Danny thought he heard the cries of someone in that very room. He stopped and looked around. The room was painted black and looked like it once had belonged to some Goth. Danny shook his head.

I could've sworn I heard someone.. Probably my imagination.. There's no one here… Kid who lived here probably got out, or was outside when the fire hit.

Settling with that explanation, Danny flew out of the room, leaving it to burn with everything in it. The kid was curled up in Danny's arms. His eyes were closed in fear though he felt safe with Danny Phantom.

Soon Danny left behind the roaring, flaming building and flew out into the outside cool air. Danny dived down towards the ground where people were cheering as he approached. He could make out Tucker and Sam, the latter still holding the thermos. Danny smiled lightly before landing. He put the kid down who quickly ran towards his mother and embraced her.

"Mommy!" The kid smiled up at his mother, tears in his eyes. Excitement of being saved by Danny Phantom also shone in his eyes.

Danny smiled and turned to leave, not wanting to stay longer than necessary. Before he could take flight, he felt arms wrap around him. Danny looked back into the face of the mother who's child he had just saved. Her eyes were brimming with tears despite the obvious happiness they held.

"Thank you Danny Phantom. You saved my child."

He smiled lightly. "No problem. Just part of the job."

The mother let him go and he flew up. The fire truck had arrived while Danny was in the building and they were currently working on putting out the flames. Danny suddenly remembered the whole reason he had come by. His ghost sense! At that moment, a dreadful wailing arose. Danny put his hands over his ears, trying to block it out.

A ghost flew from the building. It wore a black, burnt robe that trailed behind it as it flew up. Its only visible skin was its hands and face. It had red skin covered in small burn marks. The eyes looked like glowing coals and fangs curved from its mouth. The ghost was about four times Danny's size. The people shouted in terror and began running in random directions though all away from the building and ghost. Sam and Tucker slowly crept closer to the building, ready to use the thermos.

The ghost stopped wailing and spoke in a crackling voice,

"Putting my flames out… Not a good thing to do. I'll send you all to your deaths." The ghost made two fireballs in its hands to shoot at the people.

"Not today, smoky." Danny said as he charged some ecto-plasma in his hands.

The ghost looked towards Danny and cackled. Its laugh sounded like fire spitting.

"I am Feren. I will not let a small ghost boy stop my quest of the spread of fire." Feren shouted before throwing the fireballs at Danny.

Danny threw the ecto-plasma at the fireballs. His ecto-blasts collided with the fireballs, stopping them from hitting into Danny. He grinned.

"You're going to have to be a lot quicker than that." Danny charged some more ecto-plasma in his hands before shooting a beam at Feren.

Feren turned into ash and seemed to blow away. Danny squinted, trying to find where Feren was. He heard laughing behind him and turned around quickly. A fiery fist slammed into Danny's face. He screamed in pain as he felt fire scorch his face before flying backwards to hit a wall.

"Beat that, ghost child," cackled Feren.

Danny felt pain explode all over his back and face. His face felt burning hot like someone had put coals there. It stung badly. Danny opened his eyes a bit to focus on the fire ghost. A large ball of ice formed in his hands before flying at Feren.

"I will." The ice beam hit into the ghost, causing it to shriek in pain from the cold.

"….Ice…Cold… It burns worse than anything else…" The ghost blabbered before saying in a strange, mystical voice, "Today a boy died and a ghost born.. In the darkness and heat of his room…. He will seek the phan-…."

Feren spluttered out like a weakening light bulb before he was able to finish his sentence. His body turned entirely black before plummeting as a burning ball of fading flames. Sam uncapped the thermos to suck the ghost inside. The ghost flew into the thermos in a blue beam of light. Putting the cap back on, Sam and Tucker ran over to where Danny had flew.

"Dude! Are you okay?" Tucker asked as he caught a sight of Danny.

Sam looked at Danny with a concerned expression,

"Danny…. You might want to look into a mirror." She thought a while before saying, "Or not…"

"What are you talking about?" Danny muttered, slightly annoyed that his friends didn't just tell him what was wrong.

Tucker bit his lip,

"Just look in a mirror…"

"Fine. Do either of you have one?" Danny muttered.

Both shook their heads before Tucker took out his PDA.

"I'll just show your picture to you. Don't turn back into a human in case you ruin the image." Tucker held his PDA up and quickly snapped a picture.

"You might want to get first-aid care as well," Sam said.

"Just let me see what's wrong with me first." Danny reached over to take the PDA from Tucker.

His eyes widened as he looked at a picture of his face. Ash covered most of his face though it was just a thin layer. A burn mark covered the cheek that Feren had punched. The skin was blackened and Danny knew why his face was burning so much now. As well as the burn mark, the tips of his snowy white hair were blackened. Danny felt a hand rest on his shoulder and looked over into Sam's face.

"Come on. We'll go to my place and fix you up as well as we can." Sam said in a reassuring voice. "You might look better in your human form."

Danny nodded his head before turning human. He raised a hand to wipe the ash away and felt the burnt skin. It was still there and it still hurt.

"Your hair's still white." Sam said with a small smile.

"What?! All my hair?! I turned back to human, didn't I?" Danny looked at her; alarmed. His hands raised and ran through his hair.

"Kidding. The tips are white though.. Must have been something special about the ghost's fire." Sam shrugged. "Don't worry." She smiled and that smile made Danny feel better and he smiled back.

"Maybe we should get going. Before anyone comes and asks what happened. You two can save your lovey-dovey stuff for later." Tucker teased.

"We aren't a couple!" Both Danny and Sam shouted at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Stay in denial." Tucker grinned before beginning to walk off.

Sam and Danny looked over at each other. They grinned as the same thought came into their mind.

"We'll get him back, won't we?" Sam asked.

"Oh yeah." Danny nodded before the two friends ran after Tucker.


Author's Notes: There's the first chapter. Feren isn't the main ghost, just a pyrokinetic ghost I made up to start the fire. You'll learn more about the importance of the flames later… A lot later. Please review!

Twilight Phantom Dragon