He was going to regret it. He just knew it, but walking back into the cave and looking around, he also knew that as hard headed as Lois was…there was no way around it. She was about to embark on this journey with him. Now her life was literally his responsibility, he wondered if she realized that- How this changed everything between them.
"Nickel for your thoughts?"
"Isn't that supposed to be a penny for your thoughts?" He said tearing his gaze away from the map and on to her.
"Inflation…" She said with a teasing smile and a shrug of her shoulders.
She wasn't taking this seriously. Already alarmed at the direction the relationship was headed; her attitude didn't reassure him at all.
Taking her by the shoulders he decided to make an attempt to take charge of the whole situation.
"Lois, you need to understand something."
Her hands rested on his forearms and she attempted to quiet the butterflies his intense look had given her. To no avail, touching him and breathing only made them flutter worse, an awkward and alarmed "What?" was blurted out at him before she could stop it.
"You have to understand…This is my world we are about to travel to…you have to do exactly as I say…each and every time…no questions no objections…if you want to go through this journey with me…you have to agree to do what I tell you regardless whether you agree with it or not or even understand it…do you understand me?
"Take it easy Clark…I have some pretty good skills at kicking ass, and I have already paid a visit to this place…remember?"
Smiling at him smugly, she didn't realize the depth of his resolve.
Raising his eyebrow firmly and looking at her with one of the most serious looks on his face that she had ever seen, he stated emphatically…"Lois, I am serious about this…you will not be going anywhere…we will not be going anywhere, unless I have your solemn word on this"
"Okay, Okay …I get it…you're in charge…"
"That's not a promise."
"I promise…" she answered impatiently.
"Swear to me…swear on your entire white snack collection, that you will do what I say when I say it,…and Only what I say to do…nothing more…" He raised his eyes in an attempt to prod her into comprehension that he meant it.
"My white snack collection? Are you insane? I've had those albums and CD's for years!"
"I mean it Lois…It's the only way I'm allowing you to do this with me."
Frowning, she answered quickly, "Fine…as much as I'll hate it…you are in the driver's seat… I take my orders from you…no deviations…I swear…" and then rolling her eyes when she noticed the ever increasing frown separating them, so she finished with, "I swear on my entire white snack album….Happy?"
"No…I won't be happy until we get back home…"
She turned him to face her and said quietly…"Smallville…you worry too much."And then placing her hand on the side of his face, she said with authority…"Clark you were meant to take this journey."
He frowned and answered quickly, "Maybe…but you weren't!"
Frowning at him, she said…"Come on Smallville, in what universe do you think I would ever be safer without you around?" she raised her eyebrows in a silent challenge, he looked at her eyes and he realized suddenly…she was right.
Then she leaned in closer, and while gently stroking his face she whispered…"Clark, you're my hero…where else would I be?"