Yeah sorry for not updating in a while i just. . .well i dunno the ending of this story i found difficult to write. Hopefully though its not a disappointment for those of you who have read this story from the beginning.

Chapter Six

We arrived at the restaurant just as our party was being called. Stephanie looked beautiful wearing the short black dress she had bought before but had never worn. The dress fit her curves perfectly as I watched her hips sway as she walked with Lula to the front door.

Lula was wearing the usual tight spandex dress that was bright orange. Surprisingly it actually looked good on her and by the look on Tanks face I could tell he also thought the same thing, except in a . . . different way.

"Hey man, tonight we're going to be the two luckiest men in the world. I even rented out a hotel room for the night."

"You'll be kicked out of the hotel five minutes after for being too loud." I gave Tank a small grin as he made an attempt to do an eye roll. "Doesn't suit you Tank."

He gave me a small shove in the shoulder as we made our way into the restaurant to find the girls already sitting down at the back table talking to a young male waiter. I felt Tanks anger radiating off of him as they all started to laugh.

I wasn't going to let anything ruin this night. Nothing.

Tank and I calmly made our way over and stopped on either side of the waiter.

"Four coronas." I said in a stern voice.

"Thanks." Tank added.

The waiter turned around and the smile quickly disappeared off his face. Obviously two ex-army men who are over a head taller then he wasn't something he was willing to go against.

"I-I'll be right back with them sir." He stuttered, rushing past us as quickly as he could.

"Jealous much?" Stephanie asked. When we didn't respond they both bursted out laughing.

"I never thought I would see the day that Batman got jealous." Lula said trying to contain herself. "And Tanky, you have nothing to worry about."

We took our seats sitting across from them as the waiter returned with our drinks.

"Are you all ready to order or do you need more time?" he asked, pretending to read the tiny notebook he held in his hands.

"We're ready. I'll have a chicken Caesar salad." I replied.

"Steak, medium rare with potatoes." Tank ordered.

"I'll have whatever he's having!" Lula said excitively.

"Chicken Alfredo please." Stephanie said lightly.

Dinner came and we ate in silence except for the occasional moaning the girls would create, they were obviously satisfied with there order. Towards the end short conversation was made to pass the time.

The more time that went by the more nervous I became about purposing. For once in my life I wasn't so sure about my actions. What if she rejected me? What would happen to me? I surely wouldn't be able to handle it. Tank had assured me thousands of times that there was no way she would say no, that we were made for each other.

My stomach flipped as two covered, silver platters headed our way. I had made special arrangements for the proposal trying to make it as special as possible. I let out a sigh to steady my accelerating heart beat as I watched them make there way a little more closer. This was it, no going back. In a few moments Tank and I were going to be the luckiest men in the world.

The waiter set the two platters in front of Steph and Lula followed by a bottle of champagne and four glasses.

Tank and I glanced at each other with grins spreading on our faces as they hesitantly lifted the covers to a piece of chocolate cake and resting on top of each of them rested a diamond ring.

Stephanie gasped and Lula shrieked as each of us went to their sides on one knee.



"Will you marry me?" We both said in unison.

Tears formed in Stephanie's eyes as she looked at me in shock.

"A-Are you sure you want me?" she asked nervously.

"Babe, you're the only one for me." I watched the smile form on her face as she reached for the ring off of the cake. She scrapped the frosting that had attached itself to the ring and slowly licked it off her finger. By the mischievous smile on her face you could tell she was trying to get a reaction out of me and she was doing a hell of a job at it.

"So, are you going to do it properly?" she asked handing the ring out to me. I took it along with her left hand and slowly slid the ring onto her finger. She starred at it for a moment before falling on her knees in front of me and grabbing the front of my shirt, pulling me into a bone melting kiss.

When we separated I pulled us off of our knees to a standing position. We looked towards Tank and Lula who surprisingly hadn't stripped each other of there clothes yet.

Steph looked at me with another mischievous smile. "So what do you say we take this bottle of champagne and have our own little party?"


The End

I was really excited that i actually finished this story and i really hope that all of you liked it. Please i know my spelling and grammer sucks and im having a bad day so dont critisize me too much. Unless you find it extremely necessary. Love you all!