Chapter 17. Squee.

Chapter 17, you again...

Shilo was running down the hallway. She didnt know why. Suddenly, she just had to run. Something was pulling her, calling her. The pulsing she had felt inside her 3 days ago was back and it was stronger, growing as she ran, until she skid to a stop infront of the man that had haunted her dreams for years. The man with the yellow Camaro. Bee. Meeting his wide blue eyes, she knew it could be no other. He stared at her. She stared at him. With a voice that wasnt her own, she said one small word. "Bee?" Most teenage girls would be terrified by what was happening to her. But Shilo, somehow couldnt find it in her to be afraid. He spoke, his voice quiet, almost afraid "Sam?" Her eyes rolled back into her head and the ground came up to meet her.

Sunstreaker raised an eyebrow as Bee came crashing through the door, carrying an unconcious teenage girl. "I thought we were rescueing Sam, not picking up chicks."

Bumblebee, softly "Its him."

Sunstreaker nodded, getting up "Lets go then."

Bee put the girl in his back seat and tore off after the Lamborghini.

Sunstreaker "You do know we're kidnapping right?"

Bumblebee "Since when was breaking a law a problem for you?"

Sunstreaker "Never said it was. But people are gonna be lookin for her."

Bumblebee "I dont care."

Sunstreaker "Good. We're leaving for Japan tommarow. "

Bumblebee "How?"

Sunstreaker, grinning "I am the mighty Sunstreaker. I can do anything."

Bumblebee "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight."

Sunstreaker "Stick with me kid. I'll get us into more trouble then you can handle."

Sideswipe, gently tapping Bumblebee's rear bumper "Awww, having a party without me? Im hurt."

Sunstreaker "Not my fault you waited so damned long to break out of the Brig."

Bumblebee "Hi Sides!"

Sideswipe "Hi Bee! I hear you kidnapped a beautiful woman! Way to go lil guy!"

Sunstreaker "Sides... Is that Sparkplug in your front seat?"

Sideswipe "Yep!"

Sunstreaker "Your homicidal."

Sideswipe "You know you like it."

Bumblebee "You hurt that kid Sides and I'll tell everyone about the femme chest plate you use to keep under your stasis bed."

Sunstreaker laughed. "Hey thats my leverage, find something else"

Bumblebee "She's waking up...What should I do?"

Sideswipe "Kiss her!"

Bumblebee, sounding nervous "I...Uh...But...You think I should?"

Sunstreaker, chuckling "You might want to make sure she knows who you are first, but yeah. Kissing usually works"

Bumblebee looked down at the stirring girl in his arms, feeling a joy he had thought had died forever the day Sam had jumped infront of him and he had felt his spark shatter.

Shilo opened her eyes, to find herself staring into two deep blue ones and a face that somehow she knew.

Bumblebee, smiled softly "Hi."

She blinked, then reached up, touching his cheek with her fingertips. He closed his eyes. "Is this a dream?" She muttered softly. He opened his eyes, looking at her curiously for a moment.

Bumblebee "I sure hope not. Do you know who I am?"

She nodded, feeling like she was in a daze "I dream about you all the time... Your Bee... And... I think...I love you..."

Bumblebee, gently leaning down to kiss her "I love you too." As his lips met hers, Shilo somehow knew that she had loved him forever, even if she didnt know how. As her arms slid around him, the world exploded in a sea of blue.

Sunstreaker blared his horn as the yellow camaro swerved suddenly, almost hitting him. Sideswipe giggled.

Sideswipe "Ya know what they say. Love can be hazardous to your paint job."

Sunstreak "Shut it tuna can"

Sideswipe "Ford"

Sunstreaker "Oh its on!"

Sideswipe "Sparks"

Sunstreaker "NO FAIR"

Sideswipe grinned "Hey, she wanted to come."

"Optimus Prime to Sunstreaker"

Sunstreaker groaned and answered his COM


Optimus "Where are you?"

"We're headed back to the base."

Optimus "Did you find anything?"

"Just Sam"

Optimus "Are you certian its him?"

Bumblebee "Yes."

Sunstreaker "The fact that Bee just spark joined with her so violently he almost smashed into me, I would say is a pretty good indication."

Bumblebee, sounding sheepish "Sorry..."

Optimus "Return to base. I want to see him when you get in. Oh and tell your twin he now has another week in the brig instead of two days."

Sideswipe swore as Bumblebee and Sunstreaker laughed, heading single file in the direction of the base.