Disclaimer: Same as before, I don't own Legend of Zelda, just the characters involved.

An: Seamus and Ellie extra.

Seamus drummed his fingers on the table as Ellie continued to talk about "that guy" as he preferred to call him. Badge this Badge that…he only met the guy once and thanks to Eliie, He knew the guy's entire background through her eyes. Meanwhile, Seamus had been by her side for longer than he cared to admit. She didn't seem to notice, or care.

"… not to mention what a gorgeous smile he has and…"

"Oh for the love of Nayru PLEASE stop talking about him!"

"And just what's your problem"
"What'd you think?! You just keep going on and on and ON!! If Badge is so great, what makes you think he's not already taken?!"

Ellie glared at him for the outburst, then, returned to her books. Not a minute later, she stood up and announced that she was going to cheer Badge up.


"He's been kinda sad lately. I know just how to cheer him up!"

"How's that?"

"He can borrow this!" She said, grabbing the large book called 'Hyrulian Legends and Legendary Lore' and walking out the door. Disgruntled, Seamus went after her.

"This is stupid..."

"Not listening" she snapped back in a singsong voice

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because he's a gentleman, unlike someone I know"

"I can be too you know…" he mumbled too softly for her to hear.

He followed her to 'that guy's' room. How she found out where it was, he didn't want to know.

"Ganon! If that's you I swear to Nayru-" Badge barked through the door.

"That's real nice!! It's not Ganon you dough head!" Seamus snarled back.

"And you shouldn't be swearing to Nayru anyway. We heard this was where you were staying and well, I wanted to see you and sir-bully-a-lots insisted he tag along." Ellie explained shooting a glance at Seamus. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the door frame.

Badge opened the door, and looked at them curiously.

"Hello Badge" Ellie said cheerfully. As though Badge never snapped at them


"Ummm, I brought the book you were interested in the other day. I figured you wanted to borrow it." She held up the large book of legends and lore with a smile.

"I've read so often I can recite each of the stories in order."

"That's impressive."

The complement made her blush but she continued.

"A-anyway, um… I brought it for you b-because-you-looked-like-you-could-use-some-cheering-up! It-cheers me-up-on-a-bad-day-anyway! Here!"

She held it out as though it was a box of chocolate candies. Badge raised an eyebrow and grinned. Looking at Seamus he could tell he was livid.

"Thank you. Where will I be able to find you to return it? It's a library book isn't it?"

"Oh! Right I live on the other end of the castle grounds. Just keep walking this hall, it should wrap around to the right. I live there."

"Ok thanks"

"Great!!" Ellie half skipped, half ran off in that direction. Seamus turned to follow.

"Hey, Seamus."


"You like her right?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Oh I know, but I have a suggestion; try being nicer to her. She likes this book a lot; why not buy her a copy at the festival. There's supposed to be one in a couple of days."

"… I don't have that kind of money."

"Wait here."

Badge ran back into his room, and then came back with a small sack of rubies.

"Here this should be enough. You didn't get it from me; you've saving it to get her that book."

"I can't take this!"

"Why not?"

"Duh, I'd be lying!"

"Not really…."

Seamus shifted uncomfortably then asked in a small voice:

"…You really think that'll work?"

"It's a shot." Badge insisted, cheerful smile still on his face.

Seamus smiled "Alright I'll try it. Thanks." With that, Seamus took the sack. Stuffing that in his pocket, he ran to catch up with Ellie. He really wanted her to notice him.


He went to the festival early, and went to find the book immediately. Now all he had to do is decide when the best time to give it to her, was. It remain wrapped and under his arm until he saw her by the theater. She looked like she was waiting for someone. Seamus rolled his eyes. He had a feeling he knew who it was; certainly not him. Still he walked up to her trying to be confident, despite the white-knuckled grip he held on the large book.

"Hi Ellie!" he called

"Oh. Hi Seamus…."

"Nice to see you too…"

"Sorry. Badge said he was coming to the fair today too and-"

"Probably with a girlfriend, Ellie"

Her face momentarily fell.

Seamus fingered the book and wondered if he should be giving it too her now.

"Ellie… I-"

"I don't care. If I see him here then that's good enough. What are you up to?"

"Nothing yet. Wanna go play some of the games?"

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." She replied, sounding bored.

"Well don't let me twist your arm…." He grumbled back sarcastically

Seamus fidgeted a bit, deciding to wait until later to give her the present.

As the day wore on though, he felt less and less inclined to give her the book at all.

He didn't even know what he saw in her. She was the most intelligent person he knew, and yet she was off in la-la land thinking of some guy she didn't have a chance in the next life with.

"Bull's-eye! That's four out of five." Ellie shouted as her dart landed square on the target.

"Y-your getting really good at this" Seamus ventured, wincing at how weird it sounded.

She turned pink in the cheeks, smiling at him

"Thank you, 'bout time you noticed."

"Heh, please, I bet I can still beat you in bombchu bowling game, blind folded."

They were walking through the streets of the carnival. Seamus was happier in this moment than he would ever admit.

"What is that you're carrying all over?" She asked out of nowhere.

All happy contentment was flushed out of him instantly. In its place was an icy ball of nervousness that wouldn't fade.

"o-oh it's f-for you…."

"For me?"

"Yes...well, here."

He shoved it into her arms, his face turning bright red. She took the book from him, puzzled.

"Seamus… you bought this for me?"

"Yes I did."

She hugged him unabashedly in the middle of the street "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Seamus smiled, silently thanking Badge for the Idea and the cash.

"You're welcome…."

"Come on! Where else do you want to go?"

"You pick."

He was content for the rest of the day.

FINALLY!! Yes, I'm on break! That means more fanfiction! Sorry, I couldn't update at all, due to school and life in general.