Author's Note: Hey everyone. I was reading some other Covenant Stories and I loved them, so I decided to do one myself. It is my favourite movie, so I hope I don't wreck it. This is going to a chapter story, and I hope thats alright with all of you. I hope you like and please if you don't feel free to tell me, but good comments are also accepted and very much appreciated. Please R&R. Reviews are what I live for. Thanks Shorty.

PS: this chapter is just describing who our main character is and what happened to her in her past to make her like the way she is.


Breaking Away



Dark green pine trees zoomed by the tinted window of the Grey hound bus. The blue sky was invisible behind dark grey clouds. The landscape would have been breathtaking, if she would've been headed to any other destination.

Jenna let the world behind the shadowed window blurr and she instead focussed on her solemn reflection in the smudged glass, but all she saw was a strange face looking back at her. Sighing deeply she studied her face with sad eyes. Rosy lips, ivory skin, even the freckles on her nose were still there, but her eyes gave it all away. Instead of the seemingly endless indigo, they were dull, almost grey in color. She was different and she knew that, every since last year.

"Jenna, come on girl lighten up." insisted Denae, nudging her friend playfully on the shoulder, "You only get on chance to live, you got to make the most of it."

"Denae is right Jenna, you have to have some fun before you get all old and wrinkly." explained Jessica, nodding her head in agreement.

"Which seems like it will happen very soon if you don't get your ass in gear." exclaimed Denae, walking backwards infront of Jenna.

"Guys can we talk about this later." Jenna asked, trying desperately to get her friends to stop pushing her the way she really didn't want to go.

Jenna had been trying to get away from them since last night, when very unexpectedally, James Parker had called asking her if she would like to come to a party that was taking place a cafe in Lethbridge that exact night.

"Where's Taylor?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"She's at Cory's house, helping him paint his living room." replied Jessica, shaking her head with a small smirk on her lips.

"Don't you change the subject." stated Denae, catching Jenna and her little scheme. "Please Jenna, I can't go to the party alone."

"But your not going alone, I thought you were going with Billy?" Jenna concluded, trying to find a way out.

"Well I am, but thats different he's my boyfriend, and I need girl support, and thats where you come in." Denae said, pointing at Jenna for emphasis.

"Why can't Taylor or Jessica go with you?" pleaded Jenna turning to look at her other friend.

"I have to babysit tonight, and Taylor is on a date with Cory." explained Jessica, defending herself.

Huffing in defeat, Jenna stopped in her tracks, and starred down at her feet.

Denae and Jessica looked at her expectingly. She glanced up at them and exhaled, "Fine." she stated reluctantly, "I will go but I can't stay to long, we have a test tomorrow I want to study for.

In the midst of her explanation, Jessica squealed with delight and Denae came forward and gave her a big bear hug saying, "Thank you so much Jenna, I promise you won't regret it."

Five hours later, Jenna stood patiently outside of Denae's bedroom door, it was 9:00 pm and her friend was still choosing an outfit.

"Nothing fits me!" shouted a very frustrated Denae from behind the wooden door.

"Its alright Denae, you take your time." Jenna yelled back, in no immediate hurry of even arriving at the event.

But just then Denae stepped out of her room wearing a stunning obsidian tank top with red and grey markings all over the front, dark blue jeans and high tops. Jenna stared at her friend in astonishment.

"Well do I look good or do I look good." stated Denae, twirling on the spot for emphasis.

She just nodded and looked away, feeling very small and unimpressive beside her friend. For Jenna only wore a pair of faded jeans and a T-shirt with a jean jacket over it.

Wasting no time Denae grabbed her small wrist and dragged her down the stairs and out the front door.

Just half an hour later they had arrived at what look like a normal bar, except for the massive amout of cars and trucks parked around the immediate area. Finally the two girls found a parking spot five minutes away, and entered the crowded building.

Jenna gasped in shock as she saw the huge group of people in the bar. Hundreds of people were either dancing or talking to friends or dates with a drink in their hand. Overwhelmed, Jenna let Denae drag her threw the mob and to the far end of the room.

"Billy!" yelled Denae, spotting her boyfriend talking in a small group of people. Turning at the sound of his name, he spotted her and smiled making his way over to them.

"Hey, Hows it going?" he asked finally breaking away from the throng of people and giving his girlfriend a big hug.

Suddenly Jenna felt oddly out of place in the bar, when unexpectedly she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning slightly she caught sight of the source, and grinned shyly.

"Hi James." she said turning a light shade of red.

"Hey Jenna, glad you could make it." he replied smiling at her, he then noticed Denae and Billy standing behind her and addressed them politely. "Hi Denae. Billy."

"Hi." Denae responded, waving at him, and then turning to wink at Jenna, making her flush a dark crimson.

"Hey man," stated Billy, shaking his hand.

Then followed an uncomfortable silence, they stood staring at eachother or the ground, when finally Denae broke the silence when the song "St.Jimmy" by Green Day came on the juke box.

"Oh Billy lets go dance." she stated pulling her boyfriend away by the hand, but not before taking one last glance at Jenna and mouthing the words "Good Luck" and then she was gone.

Jenna nervously looked up at James, not sure what to do. But he apparently did.

"Do you want to take a walk?" he asked innocently enough.

"Uh... Ok..." she replied, following him out of the stifling resturant.

They strolled around the bar once. twice. three times, and it was done in complete silence. Jenna felt qutie uneasy walking with him, but she had no idea why, maybe it was the way he kept stealing glances in her direction or the way, he kept eyeing the empty alley just outside to building.

Suddenly James stopped. Curious Jenna also stopped, and stood staring up into his face. His eyes were closed tight and he had his mouth set in a straight line.

"Jame..." she was suddenly cut off by strong arms shoving her into the brick wall behind them and a pair of chapped lips crushing painfully into hers.

Jenna gasped in horror, and struggled to break free of James' iron grip but to no avail, he had her trapped. She still fought against him, as his hands roamed over her body, causing her to scream into his dusgusting mouth. Finally breaking her right hand free of his grasp she slapped him with all her strength. He shouted in pain and relinquished his hold on her body. That was all she needed, Jenna ran as fast as her feet could carry her in the direction of the resturant. Tears were streaming down face by the time she reached her destination and her breath was coming in short gasps. Bolting through the doors of the building, heads turned in her direction staring down at her shirt in curiousity or scorn. It was then she realized that when James had been... well you know... her T-shirt had been ripped along the collar to show her plain white bra underneath. Gasping in mortification, Jenna brought her hand up to hide the rip.

"Jenna?" Denae questioned breaking threw the group of spectators, clutching Billy's hand. "What happ..."

"Denae please, take me home! I don't want to be here anymore!" Jenna pleaded coming to stand infront of her friend.

"But I wa..." she started, then she saw the desperate look in Jenna's blue eyes, and knew something was wrong.

"Please!" Jenna begged, tears rolling over her cheeks.

"Alright lets go." Denae stated, as she leaned up and kissed Billy good-bye and grasped Jenna's hand and led her to the car.

Finally they reached the vehicle, and were on their way to Jenna's house. Neither of them said or asked a word of what happened, not until suddenly Denae pulled off onto the curb of the highway and turned the ignition off. Turning to face her friend she looked intently at her dirt stained face, as if she could read what was wrong by just staring.

Jenna refused to look her in the eyes, istead she stared at the dirt on her sneakers.

"James hurt you didn't he." Denae concluded finally.

She didn't know how to respond, but instead answered, "Yes."

"That Shit Head, that egotistic bastard." exclaimed Denae clutching the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white.

"Denae..." Jenna whispered softly, barely audibly, "thanks for taking me away from there."

Slowly Denae calmed down and smiled at her comrade, "Jenna I am your friend I won't let people hurt you."

"Thanks, your a great friend." Jenna said finally looking up into her friends dark green eyes.

Both of the girls had tears coming down their faces as they embraced in a sisterly hug.

They seperated, both wiping tears from their eyes when suddenly, a pair of headlights seemed to banish the darkness of night that had settled over the car, and the deafening sound of rubber screeching on asphalt and the crunch of metal against metal came to their ears, and the next thing Jenna knew everything went black.


Far Away Voices Calling her Name

Pleading with her to open her eyes, come out of the numbing darkness, but the thing was, Jenna didn't want to wake up. There was no pain here, no emotions.

But the voices were persistent, they came closer, louder, pulling her away and back into the hellhole we call reality.

"Jenna, please Jenna wake up!" begged the familiar voice.

Reluctantly she opened her eyes, and as soon as she did, a blinding pain seared threw her body like wild fire.

"Oh thank God!" stated Jenna's mother as she came and hugged her daughter in a tight embrace.

"Jenna, Jenna are you alright?" asked the two other familiar voices. Jessica and Taylor stood at the foot of her bed, starring at her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and concern.

She looked around the room, she was laying a hospital room, which smelled of medication and cleanliness. Everyone was there, Her mother, father, brother, sister, Jessica, Taylor, and even her grandparents stood watching her. But someone was missing.

"Where's Denae?" she asked, voice hoarse from lack of use.

The room went quiet and everyone had sadness and guilt written on their faces. Jenna's stomach clenched and a hard lump formed in her throat.

"Where's Denae?" she repeated more urgent, when no one answered.

"Jenna..." her mother said in sympathy.

Jenna's gaze turned to her mother, and she noticed the salty tears sliding down her ivory cheeks. Then she heard her father speak up.

"Denae is... She's dead sweetheart." her father explained, taking her hand in his own.

Jenna could feel the impact of his words slowly sink in. Her heart seemed to tie itself in a very tight knot and then unravel and shatter into a million pieces.

Denae was... gone...

And it was her fault...

"I killed her." Jenna stated out loud, everyone in the room inhaled sharply at her statment.

"No Jenna, Honey, a truck hit the driver's side going 100 kilometers an hour. There was no way she could have survived." Her mother said taking her hand and stroking it comfortingly.

Jenna stared blankly at her mother, and the other people in the room. They had no idea what had happened that night, how could they. If she haddened of made Denae leave the party she would still be here. If she haddened of asked Denae to drive her home she would still be here. If they would have kept the engine on, the stupid speeder would have seen them and been able to stop, and she sould still be here. But no Denae was gone and she wasn't coming back and it was all Jenna's fault.

Jenna stared at the back of the seat infront of her, remembering how on that same day, her family and friends had seen the life in her deep blue eyes fade away, and be replacd with dull nothing. Her heart had died that day, and she was certain there was no way it was coming back. All that was left was a dark void filled with hate toward herself and sadness toward her family and friend's who tried so hard to forget what happened that day. There was no love. Love was just all nonsense to her. A myth, a legend. It wasn't real. Never would be.

Finally the bus slowed to a stop and the doors opened with a squeal. She glanced out her window and saw that she had finally reached her desitination.

Spencer Academy.

It was a huge school which housed a huge amount of students.

Slowly Jenna climbed to her feet and reached into the shelf above her head for her luggage, which wasn't much, only two suitcases, and a small purple backpack. Swinging the bag over her shoulder she clambered off the bus.

Taking in the sight before her, she didn't feel intimidated, or frightened. Just anxious, anxious for the new education, new people, new home.

Exhaling loudly she lugged her bags up the hard stone steps and into the large school doors.