Hey guys I've never done an X-man story before so I hope its o.k please review and tell me what you think. Not really set in any verse and characters are probably a little ooc.

To everyone else they had a platonic relationship. They could even be called best friends. Her almost being the only person that truly understood him she knew him, basically she got him. Every aspect of him from his hatred of his past and the people involved in it to his connection to the Earth and it's animals.

He felt connected to her, she was the woman he respected most out of all the people he came in contact with. She knew him and understood him in his most feral state she didn't back away and she was never afraid...

In public they were the best of friends in private it was something different, over the years they had known each other their platonic feelings for each other turned into pure un-bridal lust. They couldn't get enough of each other, they snuck around at night, did it in broom closet, anytime and anywhere as long as they had a few minutes alone. As far as this "fling" they were having it was nothing to either of them, they wanted each other and that was all there was to it. They had sex, they fucked but never made love. They both enjoyed each other with no pretences of a relationship. Never wanting to get attach to anyone both having "issues" to work out. This way they both got what they wanted, no strings attached.

At least that what she thought before. Ororo Munroe sighed looking in the mirror. She ran a finger under her eye smoothing the little pouched shape swell under it. Ororo Munroe, other-wise know as Storm the weather goddess or weather witch. Second in command of the X-man a group of mutants who fight for the equality of all man, mutant or not. But that was not the problem now. She was late...really late. She should have been downstairs thirty-minutes ago but was caught up with her thoughts. She glanced over herself once more before leaving her loft.

The music filtered out into the hallway, It was a celebration, her 2nd best-friends wedding reception. She had been the maid of honor at Jean Grey and Scott Summers wedding. She was happy for them but as the saying goes "Always a bride's maid never a bride." That was her, but alas she planted a sugary sweet smile on her face and walked in her light-turquoise dress moving with her. She waved away the worried looks and made her way to the Brides table. She took her seat next to Charles Xavior, her mentor and friend. He had given Jean away, she gave him a small smile before her eyes landed on the name tag next to her's, Logan.

She glanced around where was he? She had seen him at the wedding; He must have left after Jean said her vows. It was no secret that Logan liked Jean maybe even loved, but they never talked about it never went that far into it. She frowned at that thought but she didn't have time to dwell as Charles turned to her.

(The Cyder House)

This was his 5th beer, his mind revolving around nothing, Blank not a simple thought in his head, but that he lost someone precious to him. He growled and ordered another beer. He wanted to drown his miseries in alcohol, maybe it was time for him to hit the road again, go back to Canada's wilderness back to a simpler life.

He held his head back as he took the last swig of his beer, he lay down some cash and got up sauntering over to the door and out to his motocycle. He hoped on and made his way back to the mansion. He stopped before going into the mansion opting to take a walk through the little forest behind the mansion. He crouched and sniffed the air. Sandalwood and Vanilla.

Logan peered through the darkness, her scent wafting towards him, What the hell is she doing out here so late He moved stealthy through the trees following her scent. He stopped just outside a clearing, and scanned the area again. Ororo was sitting her legs crossed over each other her head tilted towards the sky a slight smile on her face. He was immediately hard. He moved a little adjusting his "package" and watched her, he had to have her.

He didn't even debate with himself if it would be wrong to interrupt her in her solitude, he stalked towards her the wolverine out and on the prowl. He pounced on her knocking her to the ground; he let out a grunt and began to rip off her clothes.

Ororo shrieked caught of guard by the sudden force. The wind knocked out of her. She pushed at Logan's body desperately trying to get some air. She heard a low growl come from him as he lifted himself just a little to unzip his pants and enter her.

Ororo gasp at the intrusion, he filled her and then some stretching her to the limit. She held on to him as he moved his speed ever increasing. He took her rough and hard, venting his frustrations on her body. Ororo clung to him her body finding its way to climax. He took her this way sometimes and she did not mind, she for some reason was turned on by him. Not just Logan but the Wolverine the animal inside the man. When he fucked her like this she knew it wasn't the man but the animal. Ororo left her mind wonder and focused on just being there like this with him. Minutes or hours went by her brain was to mixed up to really care.

Logan lifted himself off her and zipped up his pants he glanced down at her his breathing already back to normal, Ororo still laid there her clothes strewn around her. She picked up each article," Oh great, what am I supposed to wear now?" She turned a sharp eye on Logan a frown on her face.

"Here Darlin'" Logan threw her his shirt which didn't really cover much.

"Wow thanks a lot, I can definatly walk through the front door in this." Her frown still in place," Next time you decide to sneak up on me bring an extra set of clothes." Storm turned and summoned the winds which she rode to her window with one last look behind her.

(Two Weeks Later)

Ororo dismissed her class and starting grading papers, she heard the click of the door and glanced up." Logan what are you doing here? I thought your class didn't end for another hour."

"I had to see ya Ro. I missed ya." He moved towards her table silently. He stood his eyes never leaving hers.

Ororo gave a little laugh sticking the papers in her desk and stood up standing in front of him. She ran her hand through his unruly hair and leaned down , her face inches from his, "Well your just going to have to wait a little longer I have some company coming over later and I want to look my best." She hovered a second longer then pulled away walking out the door and leaving Logan behind.

Logan stood there almost dumbfounded Company? His and Ro's relationship or better yet lack of one didn't constrict then from seeing other people, so then why was his blood boiling and crazy thoughts running through his head.

(Later that night)

"So Ororo what's the news? What could you not wait to tell us?" Ororo, Jean, Rouge and Kitty sat in booth of a mid scale restaurant. Ororo had called them together her best friends." Don't make us wait forever, it's got to be important to call me away from my honey-moon." Jean tossed her red hair over her shoulder and mentally tried to take a peak at Ro's brain.

"Jean you know I don't like when you do that." She threw an exasperated look at Jean, already feeling nervous.

"Oh Ro you don't hav ta be nervou's sugah, we all ya friends her'." Rogue gave her a sympathetic look and a smile.

Kitty patted her hand a big smile on her face." Nobody is going to judge you Ro we all love you and nothing can change that."

Ororo sighed and sucked in a breath, no time being better than now, "You guys have to promise me you won't tell anyone anything that I'm going to tell you. That means double for you Jean." She took on a hurt face but nodded.

"I promise sugah"

"Me too I would never reveal a secret."

"I promise Ro' whatever you are going to tell us will stay between us."

Ororo took a deep breath before rushing out," I'm pregnant and I'm going to keep it and I'm also leaving the X-man I'm going home..." A look of surprised marred all the girls faces.

"Congratulations Ro' although I didn't know you were seeing anyone, AND I wish you weren't gonna leave us." Kitty wrapped her arm around Ororo, she had been a kind of surrogate mother to her.

"Congrats sugah, wonder who da lucky man is." Rogue winked at her and Ororo smiled.

"Oh my God Ro' congratulations, I'm so happy for you. But there is still one question: Are you going to keep us in suspense? Are you going to tell us who is the father?




If you like it please review. Flames are welcome but ignored and critiques always help, hope you enjoyed.