Chapter 2: Late Night Visitor

He stood outside in the cold it was late but he didn't care nothing seemed to matter to him anymore he needed to talk to her to see her smile again the smile that always made his heart rate increase and that's why he was here standing outside her window debating whether or not to wake her from her slumber.

Voice Over- I knew it was late Amanda would probably be sleeping but I needed to talk to her my head was telling me to leave and talk to her in the morning but my heart was a completely different story

Bending down he grabbed a small rock and gently tossed it at her window he stood there for a few seconds waiting he let out a soft sigh "come on Amanda" he thinks to himself as he bends over again and picks up another rock and tosses it at her window. He lets out a sigh and turns "guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow" he thinks to himself as he turns away from her house and makes starts to make his way back home. A soft sound is heard of something opening causing Kyle to turn around when he does he sees Amanda sticking her head out the window looking down at him. He makes his way back over to her house and stands under her window he gives her a small smile.

Amanda looks down at him and a fled of emotions comes over her sadness, pain and anger "Kyle what are you doing here…trying to wake up my mom" she says with sarcasm "great way of masking the pain" she thinks to herself. She can't help but be glad that it is so late the darkness hides away her pained eyes.

Kyle lets out a soft sigh "Amanda I needed to see you…I wanted to talk about us."

Amanda "well then you wasted yourself a trip because there is no us…why don't you go back to Jessie."

Kyle looks shamelessly on the ground wanting to hide his guilty face from Amanda "I don't want Jessie I want you…Amanda you're the only one that I want to be with…Jessie is just a friend we share a connection." He see's the hurt expression on her face and quickly continues "It's not like that its" he pauses not knowing what to say.

Voice Over- I knew that if I told her the truth then everything would be ok I wanted to tell her everything, but I was scared

Kyle "it's complicated" he explains.

Amanda lets out a frustrated sigh "it shouldn't be" she whispers back at him. She can feel tears starting to well up in her eyes she looks back at Kyle "You should go."

Kyle looks up at her he can feel his heart breaking all over again he blinks his eyes to stop a tear from forming "I cant lose her" he thinks to himself he closes his eyes for a brief second to gain his composure "Amanda from the first moment that I saw you I felt something and as I spent more and more time with you it grew more."

Amanda "Please go" she whispered not wanting to hear anymore not wanting to feel her heart brake yet again.

Kyle "No" he said forcefully "not until you hear me out" he pleaded.

Voice Over- I didn't know what came over me the only thing I knew was if I left now I'd lose Amanda

Amanda looks away from him to gain her composure "its late Kyle I can't sneak out of the house…my mom would catch me" she explains.

Kyle lets out a soft sigh and looks around his attention turns to a tree near Amanda's window.

Voice Over- I was desperate and I was going to do everything in my power to get her to listen to me