Music in the Heart

by Pitafish

After a tragic accident, a young man presumed dead begins an unusual journey in which he gains new comrades, a new home, and a new name.

Hiapplz! It's Pitafish. This story has some funny origins. The idea was sparked after watching a YouTube video by HotPinkMidNite (I'm not saying which one), and I thought that concept was interesting. It also explains the Xigbar/ Demyx pairing perfectly. At least, what I think it is. I posted this up in eight entries in my journal on Gaia, and it was an accidental success compared to my other stories. One person told me it was "heart warming, funny, tragic, and other stuff". Yes, she said "other stuff."

And so, I'm submitting this story in eight chapters, just like it was in my journal. I hope you enjoy this story fully. If you have questions or comments, I would like to hear them. I love to get questions about my stories.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the concept of Kingdom Hearts II or any of its original characters. These are the characters I own: Lillian, Kirin, and Kari. I kind-of-sort-of-not-really own Myde and Rudol. You'll understand why later on in the story.

She stood by the small mound of dirt that she finished making and placed a small shiny stone on top. It had a heart painted on it; probably the best work a four year old could do. She then kneeled down and folded her hands.

"I miss you, Grampa…" She whispered. The breeze caressed her soft, short dark hair that had a blue ribbon tied in it and her white dress. Her grandfather wasn't actually dead, but he was gone for a long time, so everyone just assumed what happened.

"Kirin, you ready to go?" A woman with russet-colored wavy hair stood behind her.


So Kirin was picked up and carried home by her mother.

"How was the visit to Grampa?" asked Myde, Kirin's brother. He was sitting on a bench watching the fountain gurgle and spill water down its spout. Water always interested him; it gave him a calming sensation all over his body.

"…Good," concluded the small girl.

Her brother smiled and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry. We'll see him someday." He noticed the small frown on her face. She had never met their grandfather, so she didn't know how to feel about him. Was he nice? Was he terrible? How was she supposed to know? Her father never talked about it.

Myde thought of an idea. He knelled down to his sister's level and said, "Tell you what, it's kind of warm outside. Why don't you and Mom get your swimsuit and come back here?"

"No thanks," said Kirin. She rubbed her eye and started to sniffle. "I-I don't feel like swimming."

Myde's face fell. He didn't like seeing his sister cry, so he did his best to comfort her.

"Want to go home to Rudol?"

She nodded.

"C'mon. I'll take you home while Mom does some more shopping."

"Are you sure?" asked their mother. "I ought to go home with you."

"I'm sure."

That night, Kirin lay in Myde's bed. She didn't like sleeping alone. When her brother came in, he laughed.

"You want to sleep with me again?"

She nodded and said, "Tell me about your dad again."

"My dad? I thought I told you about him yesterday."

"It sounds nice the way you say it."

"Alright." He sat down next to her. "My dad was a pretty responsible person; he got things done on time. He loved Mom and me very much, and we'd spend a lot of time near the ocean. It's because of him that I like water so much. But, he left one day and never came back."

"Why did he leave?"

"Well, he was working with our grandfather on a special project that was supposed to help people. At first, Grampa really wanted to finish it, but later he thought it was a very bad thing. He asked his helpers to stop working on the project, but they didn't want to stop. They worked behind his back, and then…"

"What happened?"

Myde only shook his head. "Nothing. I don't know what happened next. Grampa disappeared soon after that."

Kirin had nothing to say. She was thinking about what sort of project would be bad. The worst she had ever done was draw on the walls of her room. Her mother thought the picture was lovely, but her father was the one who gave her the lecture of keeping her room neat. She then gathered up the courage to ask Myde, "Are you mad that he's gone?"

"Well, I can't say that I wish he didn't leave. If he didn't, Mom would have never met Rudol, and you wouldn't be here."

"I'm glad Mum met Dad because I get to be with you."

Myde smiled and hugged his sister, who held on tightly.

"Let's get you back to your bed."

"I don't like being alone."

Kirin's brother looked around his room until he saw something that would help; a stuffed turtle with glass eyes and a small smile sewn across his face.

"Have you met my friend Tuttles?"


He picked up the turtle and placed it into her lap.

"He helped me when I had trouble sleeping. You hug him tight while you're sleeping, and he chases away all the bad dreams from getting into your head. He even chases away the monsters from under your bed and in your closet."

Kirin patted Tuttles on his head and felt his soft front legs.

"I can sleep with him tonight?"

"And every night until you can sleep by yourself. Just be sure to take good care of him."

"I promise."

(Let me put in this little footnote, though it's not really necessary. Myde is eight years Kirin's senior, so that makes him roughly twelve years old. For a preteen, he's pretty patient around his little sister, don't you think? That doesn't mean they never have arguments, because they do. It's just not as often as most siblings.

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