Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical, or any of the other movies or music mentioned in this fic. This is purely for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of the readers.
It was just another average Friday night. My dad had gone out drinking with his friends, my mom had brought some guy over while dad was out, my thirteen year old sister was out with some guy in my grade, just the start to another great weekend. I found it was best to be gone when my dad got home, didn't want to be on the wrong end of his drunken anger. My sister had the right idea, just in the wrong form, leave and stay gone as long as possible. My room was on the first floor and the window lead out into the backyard, sneaking out was easy.
I slipped on a pair of pants and some random shirt off the floor, my room was always a mess and you couldn't tell what was clean from what was dirty, most of the time it didn't matter much. I pulled on my jacket and a pair of black Vans. I grabbed a box from under my bed and unlocked it with the key on a chain around my neck. I took out a few pencils and a sketchbook full of my artwork; I kept it hidden because I don't like people seeing my work. Finally I climbed out the window trying not to make too much noise, not that my mom would notice, she was to busy with some bastard guy.
Once you're a block or two away from your house you almost get a kind of thrill, knowing you're doing something you're not supposed to be is an amazing feeling. I wasn't completely sure where I was going, but it was a nice night and I was away from my problems, it didn't matter where I ended up.
After walking for about twenty minutes I ended up at a park in an area of town I didn't know very well. There was a sign at the entrance "Park is closed from 1AM-6AM." I looked at my watch and saw that it was only eleven-thirty, which meant the park was still open and hopefully safe to spend time in at night. I walked in and made my way to the swings.
As a kid the swings were my favorite area in the park and I always went to the furthest swing on the right, but as I got older the swings made me nauseas. I went to my swing furthest to the right and sat down, opening my sketchbook to a blank page and looking around. What lay ahead of me was an amazing sight, the way the trees were positioned and how the layout of the park was done, it was the perfect thing to draw. I put pencil to paper and got lost in my artwork, my escape from the world.
Lost in my own world I didn't notice the person approaching me. "Excuse me, but you're in my swing." A voice said from behind me causing me to jump and mess up my drawing. "Number one, is your name on this swing? I don't think so, and you messed up my drawing!" I said. I didn't even bother turning around to look at the guy, I was to busy picking up the pencils I dropped on the ground. "Well, yes actually it does have my name on it, check the bottom, and as for your picture, it wasn't very good anyways." I stopped what I was doing to look up and see Ryan "The Drama King" Evans grinning down at me.
"Well, if it isn't Jason Cross, Troy Bolton's little lapdog. What are you doing in this part of town this late at night, without your master at that." Ryan said with a smug look on his face. "Ryan, I'd really rather it if you left me alone right now. I'm not in the mood for your 'I'm better than you are so look up to me' antics at the moment." I said to him annoyed with the grin still plastered to his face. "That would be more intimidating if you weren't on the ground looking up at me." Ryan said with a small laugh to himself. I never knew Ryan was as much a bitch as his sister was.
"Sorry… I didn't mean to scare you or come off as an insolent jerk. I just came out for a walk and saw you here alone. You looked like you could use some company, mind if I sit here?" He said gesturing to the swing next to me. I guess I was wrong about him being a bitch; first impressions have never been my strong point. "I guess…" Was my only response as I sat there pulling my coat tighter because the wind was picking up and it was getting a bit chilly. Ryan took a seat on the swing and started humming a familiar tune. I wasn't sure where I knew it from, but I knew it nonetheless.
"What's that from?" I asked him trying to figure out where I had heard it before. "Rent. It's the reprise of I'll Cover You." Ryan said looking up from staring at his perfect white shoes. "Oh, that makes sense. I knew I'd heard it some where." Remembering the funeral scene in Rent. "You've seen Rent?" Ryan asked me a little bit confused. "Yeah, last year when Kelsi and I dated she made me watch it. It was almost enjoyable. 'Cept that weird Angel dude… Or chick… Or whatever…" I said, confusing myself and getting a laugh out of Ryan.
"So, I don't want to ruin the mood or anything, but what did happen with you and Kelsi? Or the whole East High basketball team for that matter. You all used to be so tight… Now you don't even talk to them." I don't know if he actually wanted to know or if he was just asking to start conversation. "It's quite a long story…" I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to tell my life story to someone I barely knew. "Well, start at the beginning, I've got all night. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, believe me, I know the feeling, and it doesn't look like your 'friends' have been any help. What do you have to loose?" Seems like he really wanted to help me. "Okay, but get comfortable, this may take a while." I said and started at the beginning.
I talked about being the kid in the corner trying hard not to get picked for school activities. I told him about sitting in my room for long hours sketching pictures of things I had seen. I explained that when I did basketball it was because my dad decided that no son of his would lock himself in his room drawing like a girl. He listened while I complained about being put in the spotlight by winning the championship game and finally realizing basketball was too much for me. He didn't leave when I talked about Kelsi and her striving for attention. I finally got to the part about Troy and the team giving me shit for quitting the team and leaving a girl like Kelsi. He flinched when I told him they names they called me and finally I was done. Finally someone other than myself knew and finally I felt like someone cared, even if it was Ryan who would probably never talk to me again after this.
(-Author-) Well. First story published on this account. First Ryson story written. What do you think?