Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Deidara, or any of the other hott characters found in this fanfic, other than my new oc, Emiri

Warning: Yaoi pairing(s) NaruDei

Note: In this story, Naruto and co. are 16, Shippuden age. Deidara and Sasori have already attacked Gaara, but Sakura does NOT kill Sasori. Sasuke decides to rejoin his old team instead of forming a new one to kill Itachi.

Well, just to make sure everyone knows...this is thought

A/N...well...I've been free for the past month, but haven't been able to write. Karin's taken over for me for a long time, and everyone knows that you can't write a fluffy fight while being emo P (i can't either way, but meh). For those of you who haven't read my profile, Karin in the suicidal emo bitch in my head.

A/A/N...I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE UNACCEPTABLE LATENESS OF THIS CHAPTER! As explained in A/N, I just haven't been able to write. I hope you all will forgive me! puppy dog eyes pleaaaaaassssseeeeee!

...But then again, this chapter is as sucky as all the others, so there really is no reason that you should.

Revenge Gone Awry

Chapter 14

(North Entrance- Avenge and Revenge)

Naruto and Kakashi stared wide-eyed at Konan and Itachi. The evil pair just stood there, arms crossed in front of their chests, smirking.

"So," Itachi said haughtily, "you've finally came to avenge the death of my dear brother, eh, demon?"

Naruto's eyes flashed yellow as he growled at Itachi. Oh no! Kakashi thought, eye darting between Itachi and Naruto. If Itachi provokes the Kyuubi, we're all done for!!!

Kakashi gently placed his right hand on Naruto's shoulder. Slowly, his eyes changed back from yellow to their typical light blue. Naruto continued to glower at Itachi while Kakashi turned to Konan and signaled her into the next room.

"Konan, my dear! Isthis what you've become? What happened to my Ko-chan, the carefree teenager? Remember the day you left me standing alone in the clearing? Remember?

Kakashi discreetly cloned himself and began doing hand signs while he spoke, banking on the inattentiveness of his ex to be her downfall. Dog, boar, monkey, dragon, boar, rabbit, horse.

Konan shrugged and looked Kakashi straight in the eye before speaking. "I'm glad I broke your hea-"

Konans words were stopped as a ball of chakra was forced into her back. "Chakra Lock no jutsu," murmured Kakashi, watching her fall to the ground.

Kakashi leaned down and whispered in Konan's ear, sending unwanted shivers of delight down her spine. "The good guys don't ALWAYS play by the rules you know." (1)

He quickly straightened up and looked down at his immobile princess. He pulled out a kunai and held it above her. "You broke my heart all those years ago," he said coldly, "and now it's finally time for me to break yours"

With that, Kakashi plunged the kunai deep into Konans chest, cutting her heart in two.


(East Entrance-Team Penis)

Neji scanned the upcoming rooms through the walls. Why is it so quiet? He glanced over at Sai who was amazingly calm. "Okay," Neji whispered cautiously, just in case of hidden traps he had (doubtfully) overlooked. "There are two asleep. One there," he pointed at a door on his right side, "and one there." He now pointed to the door that was directly across the call from the first door.

"Hai." Sai nodded professionally as he sent out two ink dragons. Each slithered under a door where they proceeded to consume the two bodies. As soon as the bodies disappeared from sight, Sai produced two scrolls and sealed the dragons back into their scrolls.

Once the scrolls were sealed, Sai began to 'grin' like crazy, causing Neji to roll his eyes in irritation. Picking up the walkie-talkie, he muttered dejectedly, "Team, erm, Penis; mission success. Two down and sealed."

The radio crackled as Kakashi's voice rang through the speakers. "Revenge successful. Konan heart-broken."


(North Entrance- Revenge)

Kakashi put the radio away, not expecting a reply. He jumped when he heard a voice coming from his leg. He pulled out the walkie-talkie in time to hear Shikamaru's message. "Larses (2) in and clear. Revenge, where is Avenge? Did you leave him alone with the target?"

Kakashi's eyes widened as he dropped the radio and ran to the nearest entrance. Oh crap!!! If Naruto and Itachi are alone together…someone will die…and I think I know who!


(Outside North Entrance- Avenge)

Itachi glanced around coolly at the circle of Narutos that surrounded him. 4, eh? Itachi thought, pausing momentarily on the Naruto nearest to the entrance. So that's the real one… He quickly snapped his fingers and leapt at Naruto, kunai in hand.

Naruto dropped back into a defensive position and blocked the kunai with one of his own. Naruto grabbed Itachi's arm and rolled onto his back, driving his foot into Itachi's stomach and throwing him over his head straight into a wall.

Itachi soughed up a chunk of blood and looked up as Naruto stalked closer, spinning a red Rasengan in his hand. Itachi chuckled, the happiest sound Naruto had ever heard him make. "Gonna kill me Naruto?"

Naruto only growled in response and continued forward. Die. Die. Die. was running through his mind. Then Itachi said something that made Naruto's blood run cold.

"Down by the river is the man who killed your precious Dei-kun."

Naruto stopped in his tracks and stared at Itachi, his mind in turmoil. H-how does he know about Dei-kun…WHAT does he know about Dei-kun!? He quickly handed the ball of chakra to a clone and ran out the door at top speed. Murderer. Will. Die!

The clone glanced and Itachi and nonchalantly slammed the burning Rasengan into his chest, causing him to burst instantly into flames.

"Ohhhhhh…pretty fire!" the clone murmured before disappearing into a cloud of smoke, as the only thing left of Itachi was a relatively small pile of ashes, with a slightly wooden odor.

The real Naruto shook his head absently as if trying to rid himself of a residual genjutsu once he left the base. Shrugging it off, he pushed forward to the river to confront his loves murderer.


(West Entrance- Team Red)

Akamaru started barking wildly as a plant-like figure emerged out of the shadows. Kiba and Shino spun around to face Zetsu, who now stood behind them smirking, his olive skin practically shaking with excitement.

Kiba ran at the green man blindly and was promptly send spinning into a wall by a poorly executed foot sweep. Nonetheless, Kiba was knocked out instantly upon contact with the wall. Shino just stood there, no smile, no visible emotions. The thought of facing the bug boy was very unsettling to Zetsu, being mostly plant. No one can be that calm and not have a plan!!!

"So, I guess it's just y-AHHHHHH!" Zetsu's comment was cut off suddenly by the anguished scream that escaped his lips. He looked down at his arms and saw that they were covered with bugs the colour of his 'flesh'. He shifted his gaze up to Shino in horror, it finally dawning on him why he had felt so crawly when they entered the room.

Shino simply shrugged. "Aphids. Ninja rule #1: when you know your enemy, be fully prepared. You'll be dead in a few seconds…just relax and let them eat. I don't want them to get sick." Although half-plant half-humans are their regular diet…

Within twenty seconds, Zetsu was no more. Shino sighed and spoke monotonously into the radio. "Team Red complete; Zetsu terminated. BB about to revive Fang as expected." Shino stepped over to his teammate and quickly healed Kiba's minor injuries. They both stood up and, after taking one last look around, set off further down the hall.



Naruto skidded to a halt when he reached the riverbank. He spotted a dark figure standing out on the water wearing an Akatsuki cloak. Naruto instantly recognized the silhouette of the man; his eyes went wide and a gasp escaped his throat.




(1) This is a reference to the unofficial ninja "rule" that one must not attack whilst an opponent is in the middle of an unimportant flashback, or telling you EXACTLY how their going to kill you.

(2) Larses is the words Lazy and Arses combined. My mouth won't let my form the words lazy arse separately…it always combines them into one word.