Disclaimer: I don't own own anything you may recognise

Hermione Weasley lay in the hospital bed, staring down at the tiny face looking up at her. Her newborn son was watching her intently, his wide blue eyes inspecting his mother closely.

Hermione couldn't help but smile. Unlike his older sister, her newest child looked a lot more like his dad. He had been born with the signature Weasley red hair, and Hermione was sure she could see Ron's face in him; the long nose, freckles and bright eyes.

A noise from the other side of the room tore Hermione's eyes away from her son. Ron had just come in, closing the door behind him. He sat down in the chair next to Hermione, his own eyes cast down to his new son.

"Is Rose OK?" Hermione asked absent-mindedly.

"Yeah," Ron replied, "she's at Ginny's." Hermione smiled again; she didn't trust anyone more than Ginny and Harry to look after her daughter. She looked at Ron, who was staring down at the newborn.

"He's beautiful," she whispered. Ron nodded in reply.

"He is" he turned his gaze to Hermione

"And he needs a name to fit." He stood up and started walking over to the window.

"I think we should call him Hugo."

Hermione looked up at him. It was if something had burst inside of her. A warm burst of realisation. Prickles of heat seemed to dance across her skin. A lump rose up into her throat and tears prickled at the corner of her eyes.

"Ron I-" He continued to stand, staring out of the window.

"So what do you think?" he asked, still not turning to meet her gaze. Hermione didn't know what to say. She sat in silence for a couple of seconds before finally managing to get out some words.

"Ronald Weasley, after all this time, and it's now you choose to remember what my father's name is?" Ron turned to her, his ears pink, staring down at the floor.

"Well, I…" Hermione shook her head at him.

"I love it," she said softly, staring up at him. Ron walked back over to her.

"I just think it's important that he's proud of his Muggle grandparents. It's special, to have something like that; a link to the other world". Hermione nodded, trying to hold back her tears.

Suddenly, something struck her.

"It's a lovely name, but he can't just be Hugo Weasley" Ron frowned at her, obviously confused. Hermione smiled and continued, "He's got to be Hugo Arthur Weasley". Ron stared at her, his ears turning redder.

"Thanks" he said simply. More words seemed to escape him. He lent down and kissed Hermione on her cheek, settling down next to her. Hermione smiled at him before casting her eyes back down to her son.

"Hugo Arthur Weasley, welcome to the world".

A/N: This oneshot has been edited since 15/04/08. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far. It is much appreciated - Elle xx