Summary: A brutal homicide shakes the city of Washington DC, leaving all inhabitants touched by the case. But some people are struck more than others when Special Agent Seeley Booth finds himself arrested for the vicious crime.
Author's Note: Okey, this is planned to be my very first multi chaptered Bones story. I hope it's not too OOC or too unrealistic and that I've captured the characters and made the events as real as possible. Please review! Constructive criticism is welcomed! Now read.
The darkness is mostly viewed in two different ways. Either it meant freedom that no one could see you, that you were anonymous and that your mistakes seemed to be forgotten in the break of dawn. Or, the lack of light would feel suffocating and you would go to sleep, refusing to wake up until the sun came up. Yes, the darkness was both good and bad, an enigma to most people, still it completely depended on who you were.
To her, it was the latter. The darkness was pushing her into a corner, leaving only one way out, one way without a single stray of light. Her heels echoed against the cold asphalt. His steps were barely heard but she knew he was coming, and that he'd quickened his pace. There was only one way out of this; running. In a flash, she slipped out of her high heels and ran. He had no idea where but she knew he would follow no matter which way she chose.
She felt something cold and wet under her feet. Mud. She would slip. She just knew that. She fell into the mud, growing as cold as the mud itself. He approached slowly, cause she wouldn't stand up. It was like her determination to get away, had died.
He was tall, blocking her view of anything else than his large body. He had broad shoulders and…cold, dark eyes, showing off no emotion at all. At the same time, he looked pained about the situation but it was quickly covered up with a mocking smirk when she begged him to let her go. But it only seemed to encourage her.
Suddenly, the darkness didn't give her any way out at all. All she could do was try to fight for her survival instinct to return. Pray that someone would come by and save her. Wish that this was just a horrible nightmare. Fight, for as long as her body would let her
Since this prologue was so short, I posted the first chapter at the same time. To keep your interest ;) Thanks for reading and please review this prologue even if it was short.