When Gabriella arrives at east high she instantly becomes friends with the wildcats, Follow them through high school, summer, love, jealousy and friendship... Pairings troyella, zekepay, chaylor and jelsi...

Authors note - there will be swearing through this, so sorry in advance... you've been warned!

Chapter One - The Start of Something New

Gabriella Montez let out a loud sigh as she walked through the large doors into east high. She looked to the incredibly high ceilings and back down to the

wide hallway which was heaving with hundreds of teenagers. The nervous feeling was soon exchanged for one of shock as she felt someone's head

collide with the back of hers. Gabriella turned round to see a slim, attractive blonde girl raising her head from its previous position where it had been

looking through her gold, oversized bag for something. Just as Gabriella opened her mouth to apologise the blonde beat her to it.

"Oh shit, sorry, I was trying to find my purse and wasn't looking where i was going"

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to apologise i was the one that had stopped in the doorway" Gabriella reasoned.

"I'm Sharpay, by the way. Are you new here, i don't think i have ever seen you before". Sharpay babbled.

"Hi Sharpay, It's nice to meet you, i 'm Gabi. Yeah i am new, my mom's company transferred her here." Gabi explained, just then the bell rang and the

halls started to clear.

"Well i hope you like it here at East High, it's pretty much a normal high school. Who's your teacher by the way?"

Gabi looked through her school bag and pulled out the thin pile of papers that were stapled together at the top, after she flipped through them she came

across what she was looking for.

"umm.. Ms Darbus in room 10?" Gabi asked, more as a question than a statement towards Sharpay.

"Great, that's the same one as me and my friends, you'll like them by the way so don't look so nervous."

Sharpay replied with a smile which revealed her perfect set of pearly white teeth, as well as a mischievous twinkle in her eye, which Gabi didn't seem to


"I can't wait to meet them" Gabi said whilst starting to slowly walk to class with Sharpay, knowing that if they didn't hurry up the teacher would be a

nnoyed, and she hadn't even met Ms Darbus yet.

"I'm sure they can't wait to meet you either" Sharpay replied pleasantly then, under her breath added

"especially Troy" Sharpay thought back to the talk her and Zeke had with Troy the previous day whilst eating lunch.


"Come on Troy you need to get a girlfriend, preferably someone i can shop with" Sharpay laughed, then continued

"I mean Taylor and Kelsi are good to shop with but they don't love it, they think we should do something more worthwhile, and besides, since you

broke up with that last bitch, Amy, or whatever her name was, you haven't been the same" Zeke then joined in on the conversation

"Yeah, my beautiful girlfriend is right as ever, you never want to come out with us either because you say you feel like a gooseberry"

"sorry guys, but i want someone real... Not one of these fake cheerleader people who don't give a shit about me and just want to be my girlfriend so

they can say they are dating the captain of the basketball team. I want someone who has a personality, and isn't fake, who i can talk to like you

guys, and who is beautiful in her own way, not just because she wears tons of make up... The kind of girl who wouldn't mind me seeing her first

thing in the morning, and a girl who actually eats would be a bonus, not to mention th-"

"that she listens to you and cares what you say, not just what you look like and who you are" Zeke and Sharpay finished with a small laugh as they

rolled there eyes at each other. The trouble was that all three of them knew that Troy had built up a reputation of sleeping with girls and moving on

to the next one and whilst everyone else thought he waned something that was no strings attached they all knew that he was just looking for the

right girl, and this was simply a way of getting his mind of the currently non existent dream girl of his.

"Troy, man, we have heard that speech hundreds of times" Zeke said then continued "This girl, What does she look like in your mind?"

Troy thought for a minute, then answered

"It doesn't matter, but I've always imagined her to look real, everyone else may think she is not perfect but i will KNOW that she is, she wouldn't

look fake like all those nymphomaniac girls who are obsessed with me, I imagine her to have long dark her and beautiful eyes that I can read and

that hold all her emotions and secrets in, that don't just say let's see how quickly we can get back to your room and are filled with lust, i want MY

girl to have eyes filled with love for me, and desire" Troy let out a breath of relief, as though he had let out something that had been burning at his

Mind for a long time. Sharpay raised her eyebrows and said "wow Troy, that's deep" and then to added jokingly

"well that's a side we have never seem before" Zeke, after being quiet for a while, as though he was thinking added

"I'm sure she will come along soon, perhaps over the summer"

"Thanks man, i hope so" with that Troy got back to his lunch and was lost deep in thought, wishing from the bottom of his heart that the girl would

come to him soon, he didn't just want her to be a summer fling, but a girl that would last way past summer. Whilst Troy was lost in his thoughts

Zeke leant across to Sharpay and kissed her on the cheek before rubbing his hand up and down her leg giving it a squeeze just above her knee then

bringing it up to her perfectly manicured hand before whispering in her ear

"At least I have my perfect girl with me"Sharpay then replied with mock seriousness

"Damn right Baylor, you're lucky to have me" her voice then went back to it's normal tone before she then added "

but you aren't nearly as lucky as i am to have you" and leant in to kiss him properly forgetting Troy was there at all.

"Hey lovebirds, sorry to break up the moment but i think Troy is trying to eat and you are making him want to retch" Sharpay broke away and

turned to Chad who had sat at the table with Taylor

"I didn't need to open my eyes to even have guessed that it was you that said that" she said, sticking her tongue out at him before turning to Taylor

to talk weekend plans whilst the guys talked Basketball.

End of Flashback

Sharpay was snapped back in to reality when Gabi pointed to a door across the hallway and asking

"That room is 10, is it the right one?"

"Yeah, sorry about that i totally zoned out"

Sharpay opened the door, and looked across at the teachers desk only to see that it was unoccupied and let out a sigh along with Gabi before saying

"You're lucky, trust me, Darbus shouting at you for being late is enough to make anyone's first day MUCH worse"

Sharpay then started towards a group of people that were smiling at the two them , but not before she had grabbed Gabi's arm to lead her over.

"Hey baby, i was worried, you're never late" Zeke said, whilst standing up and giving her a quick peck on the lips, Sharpay rolled her eyes at Gabi and

then turned to Zeke again

"I am only 10 minutes late babe, chill out" they laced hands and then Sharpay had obviously sensed the awkward feeling in the air because she turned

back to Gabi,

"Everyone, this is Gabi, She's new. Gabi this is My boyfriend Zeke, Chad, His girlfriend Taylor, Kelsi, Her boyfriend Jason and last of all... Troy"

Sharpay explained to Gabi whilst pointing her hand at everyone in turn. There was a Chorus of "Hey Gabi's" and "It's nice to meet yous" and Gabi

swept her eyes around the friendly group. When she got to Troy she felt a sensation in the bottom of her stomach that felt like a mix between it

dropping and butterflies. She moved her eyes from the bottom of his light wash jeans up to his horizontally striped blue and white polo shirt, that

evidently covered a well defined stomach and abs and then up again to his well defined and extremely handsome face, (which, she noted, had soft pink

strikingly kissable lips) and sandy coloured hair before meeting his cobalt blue eyes that had a glint in. Gabi looked deeper into his eyes and also saw

that the smirk he wore was reflected in them. Gabi didn't know how long it had been but when she turned back to everyone else she realised they were

all looking at her expectantly, She then remembered that she hadn't actually said anything yet, so as a blush began to spread across her face realising

what a fool she must look like she started to speak,

"Hi everyone, it's really nice to meet you all" Gabi enthused, and at that moment Gabi let out a sigh of relief as the infamous Ms Darbus waltzed into the


"What a fine morning it is ladies and gentlemen, let us begin by taking a note of who is here and who is not, I also believe that we are lucky enough to

have someone new amongst us and i know for a fact that we also have notices, so let us not waste another moment" Ms Darbus managed to get out in

one breath sounding slightly like a flight attendant going over the flight details before a plane took off. Gabriella turned around when she heard

someone let out a loud yawn, only to see it was troy who had a bigger smirk and a brighter twinkle in his eye she returned the favour by smiling at him.

Just as Gabi had turned to face Ms Darbus she heard her name being called out

"Present" Gabi replied. Ms Darbus looked up wondering who was being so polite when she saw it was the new girl that had answered, the edges of her

lips turned up slightly and she let out a small smile

"Aah Miss Montez, could you see me after this period is over please. Everyone, this is Gabriella Montez, the new girl, please take time to show her

round and direct her to anything she may need" with that Ms Darbus returned to calling names out and she heard a someone snickering from behind

her, once again she turned around in her seat and surprising herself at being capable of speech towards the most gorgeous guy Gabriella had seen in her


"Most people just say yes, not present" Troy informed her in a rather mocking tone Gabriella, not knowinghow to take it replied

"thanks for the heads up, I'll remember it next time" she said, trying not to sound to sarcastic or rude. The rest of the period rushed past in a haze of

pointless announcements and loud chatter. As the bell rang signalling end of the period Gabriella felt someone grab her wrist and she saw troy

"So what subject do you have next?"

"English, you?"

"Sports, too bad for me, i don't get to see you wearing tiny shorts or a barely-there skirt" he said with a wide grin playing on his lips Gabriella gasped

slightly not knowing what to reply when she heard Sharpay

"Troy!" she screeched, sending Gabriella a look of apology. Just as Sharpay opened her mouth to speak again Troy said

"come on Shar, you've got to admit she has a hot ass upon that gorgeous pair of legs" Sharpay had a look of fury on her face as she pointed her finger at

Troy "You! You can't speak to Gabi like that, Jeez Troy your hardly making her welcome on her first day look how much she is blushing"

At that moment Gabriella felt her cheeks turn from a light blush to scarlet...

"It's fine Sharpay, umm... Bye Troy"

Troy turned back to Sharpay and Gabriella and said

"lighten up Shar i was only joking, see you at lunch. Gabi i will see you next period, biology, and you can bet I will see you later" Troy winked then

walked off towards the basketball court.

"I'm sorry Gabi, Troy can be a bit like that sometimes, but get to know him and you'll see that he is a really nice guy" Sharpay explained, trying to

excuse Troy's behaviour towards Gabi. Sharpay and Gabi headed to English which flew by in a blur of poems and Shakespeare.

After English Gabi headed to biology and Sharpay to drama. Gabi was first to arrive at the biology lab so sat down at the last table of the back row, she

lay her head on the table wondering what time her mom would be home later and also trying to figure Troy, and the two sides of him she had seen, out.

the kind and genuine guy he was to his group of friends and also the flirtatious and playboy type character he was to the rest of east high. Just then she

heard a deep voice that made her insides melt

"Hey sexy its not even lunchtime and your tired what were you doing last night" she looked up to see Troy with the signature smirk playing across his

lips and she decided he wasn't that bad really and the best way to get to know him was light-hearted humour so she played along and decided to tease

him a little bit, as she would with any guy who commented on her ass and legs.

"You know, the usual, i had a shower, unpacked boxes, went out to some house party, found some guy there, took him home, had wild sex and another

even better shower and then slept for all of about 4 hours, you?"

Troy looked gob smacked, slid into the seat beside her and replied

"You, Miss Montez, are a naughty girl. Overloading my imagination with such images" Troy answered back in a low, husky voice that if she wasn't

mistaken was also laced with lust. She didn't know what answer to expect but didn't expect that one, or the tingling of her entire body when he winked

at her again.

Hey anyone who is reading this (which i doubt is anyone), this is my first story and i had to try and write this chapter because it wouldn't go out of

my head... I don't know whether i should go on with this or how to go on with it because i am not really very good at writing stories and the like,

but i would like to try and if anyone can give me any constructive criticism and help me with the plot and writing in general (as well as ideas) it

would be greatly appreciated, thank you anyone who does... X