A/N: It has occurred to me that there are many great, unspoken moments in Doctor Who. Either of things that we don't see onscreen, or those wonderful shots when you can tell there is so much going on inside a character's head at one particular point. So I've started some little one-shots to try and break myself out of my current writer's slump. Hope you enjoy, and suggestions are welcome!
It had started with only six little words. Six simple, unimportant words that formed an average, every day sentence; so unimportant that even when the Prime Minister was demanding to know what they had been, he couldn't remember. Not even after just a few seconds, because it had been nothing, really. It wouldn't be until much later, after Harriet Jones had stepped down and Harold Saxon had taken her place, that Alex would remember those six little words and recognize his role in what had happened. Would see how the Doctor had used him to bring down the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Because all it had taken was a whisper. And that's how this new Doctor worked, apparently. He was at his most deadly, his most fierce, when he whispered. The bug planted in Alex's ear had been enough, just the right idea at the right moment, because after the Tylers and the Doctor and their friend had walked off, and he was left with a near-hysterical Prime Minister, Alex had started to see it. The bags under her eyes, and the added weight on her shoulders where it hadn't been there before. She does look tired, he'd thought, and rightfully so. After all, they'd all been through a serious trauma today, and Harriet Jones was no spring chicken.
And as they were arriving back to Downing Street, it was he who suggested that she take a few minutes to gather herself before speaking publicly to anyone about the Sycorax invasion. He who casually mentioned to a member of staff that the Prime Minister had been through a great deal, and could probably use a good cup of tea to help her relax. And he was the one who went ahead and called in her personal physician, just to be on the safe side, as Harriet Jones did look as though she were ready to collapse any moment.
So one whisper became two, and three, and before the evening was out the rumors had begun publicly, that the Prime Minister was no longer physically fit for office. The damage had been done, just as this strange man known as the Doctor had intended. And it was only later, so much later, when the President of the United States was killed and Harold Saxon revealed himself to be quite insane that Alex would remember those six little words, and recognize his role in the domino effect that had led the world to the brink of destruction.
"Don't you think she looks tired?"