Hey readers! This is the final chapter of my story. I know, I wrote it in two days and the chapters were short. This one shall be the best and have an ending that will explain the title of the story. You will not believe your eyes when you see this. Well, you probably will, but that's okay. So, I hope you enjoy it, but I don't care if you don't. Remember to review, if you would like!

Today was our one-month anniversary. We had the whole night planned. Ryan was making me dinner. I didn't know what he had bought me, but I had bought him a new white hat. I had given it to him the day before. Yeah, that's kind of suckish, but Ryan had been eyeing it and that seemed like a clue to me. Gabriella had picked out the outfit for me, so it looked really cute. I waited at Ryan's front door. He opened the door, looking better then ever. He had a white polo shirt on and beige pants, with brown shoes. On his head sat the hat I bought him.

"Well, hello, my darling," he said to me in his sexy voice.

"Ryan! You look amazing!"

"As do you, darling."

He kissed me and took me into the kitchen. A small table was a set up. There were two chairs, two plates filled with food, and two of everything else. A candle sat in the middle. It was red and lit. I smelled the food. It looked amazing. On the plate sat penne pasta, covered in meat sauce. On one side of the plate, was a bread and butter sat in the middle. On the other side, sat a small salad and dressing on the side.

"Ryan! It looks amazing!"

"Well, I try."

We sat down to eat. I ate my bread first, while he worked on the salad. The rest of the food came very quickly. It was completely delicious! For dessert, he brought out two sundaes, the same kind we had on our first date. I was stuffed from dinner, so I ate mine slowly. We talked for most of the dessert.

"Ryan, you are the most amazing man ever!"

"Martha, you're the most amazing woman ever."

"Wow, I've never been called that," I said, twirling my spoon through the ice cream.

"So, do you like the dessert?"

"Yeah, it's really good," I said, without even knowing it.

Ryan was silent. When we finished our dessert, he brought me to his bedroom. It was filled with musical posters and other colorful things. His bed sat in the corner of the room. He sat down on the bed.

"So, what do you want to do?"

I was very shy and didn't know what to say. I sat down next to him and the moment became very awkward. He looked it me and I looked at him. He kissed me. I kept my hands on the bed, while he put his on my face. I broke the kiss.

"Ryan, I'm about to say something very special."

"Martha, everything you say is special."

"I love you, Ryan."

"I love you too."

A large smile spread across my face. I didn't exactly know what to say. This moment was just perfect. My life was going so well and I didn't want to ruin the moment. I opened my mouth to say something stupid, but he stopped me.

"Martha, I have a question for you."


"When did you know you loved me?"

"Well, it was the first time I saw you on stage, dancing with Sharpay."

"It was love at first sight?"

"No. It was love at first step."

The end.

This is probably my favorite chapter. It's the last one, so it makes me feel like I made a good story. I wasn't going to get into the actual sex, because it's a T rated story. Plus, I wanted to end it with that line. I planned this whole scene out, right after I wrote the first one. Quite like J.K. Rowling did with Harry Potter 7's last chapter. I'll be starting a new story soon. Just for a preview, it's another romance story, but with my second favorite couple. Well, thanks for reading my story. Remember to review. Thank you.