Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Naruto (If I did you could expect to see a whole lot more yaoi)

.: Last Time :.

Sai let out a small giggle as he looked at the little slip of paper that laid in his hands.

He had called Kiba not to long ago and was thankful that he cooperated with his demands. It didn't take a genius to tell that Naruto didn't like him.

'I think I'll have some fun with Naruto tomorrow,' he thought, laying the number by his cell phone.


Sasuke squeezed his eyes shut as the annoying ring of the alarm clock went off. He had climbed upstairs after kissing Naruto goodnight. 'I wonder if he's still mad at me?'

He threw off the covers, practically jumping out of bed, and ran down the stairs to find Naruto still asleep, in the same position, on the couch.

His eyes soften as he approached Naruto, the boy was starting to toss and turn, singling that he would be up soon.


"Naruto! Hurry up or you'll be late!" Sasuke hollered for the boy, hoping all his rushing would working.

Naruto grumpily made his way down the stairs, his steps heavy and hard. "I don't want to go to school today, I'm still tired," he yawned as his steps then became that of a lazy person.

"Naruto, you know I can't allow that… unless you give me a good reason," said Sasuke, his voice showing that he would not be easily persuaded.

Chapter 13: Nude


The morning was cold, clouds a pure shade of white, the day bright. Sasuke was driving the car, fuming, while Naruto sat by the passenger window pouting.

Sasuke slide his fingers through his hair as he sighed. All he asked for was one date and then Naruto got all red and began to yell. He didn't remember exactly what he was yelling about but that was only because he wasn't paying a great deal of attention to the loud mouth blonde.

Naruto reached over and clicked a little button turning on the CD player. He didn't want the silence to carry on, it was just awkward for him to bear. Just his luck a sappy love song started to play. 'Great, mom left one of her CD's in.'

He reached over to push the little button again, to stop it, but his wrist was caught by Sasuke. "Leave it, I like this song, Naruto."

He just rolled his eyes and leaned back wanting to get to school as quickly as possible.


It was near the end of fourth period and the lunch bells were about to ring when Naruto was got a text message from Sai asking him if they could meet in front of the main building. Naruto frowned and sighed deciding not to send a message back. He wanted to leave Sai not knowing because he felt that he deserved it. 'Stupid, jackass,' was all the blonde could think of when he thought of Sai.

Naruto lingered in the hallway a bit before actually going up to the main office to see what Sai had texted him for. He frowned as he found the older male leaning his back against the wall, waiting for him.

"Naruto," Sai said monotone as an empty smile graced his face. He was dressed in black caprices with an asymmetrical black shirt to go with it.

"Why are you hear, and what the hell are you wearing" the blonde asked completely annoyed.

"To take you to lunch. Ramen, my treat," he said, ignoring the other question. The smile he once wore grew bigger as he watched Naruto trying to make up his mind.

The blondes face scrunched up a few times while thinking. Could he really trust Sai? He just shrugged not caring anymore. He wanted free ramen.


Sai drove them away from the school and to a little ramen stand inside the city. It was big park, filled with different kinds of stalls and vendors. Benches lined almost every corner, and trees shaded the pathway.

The things and people around them were full of life. People were hurrying so they wouldn't waste their lunch break. Many of them wore suits and had cell phones to their ears chatting about something. Naruto thought probably about business or some other important matter.

They made their way over through the busy crowd to a slightly populated ramen stand as Sai told the blonde about all the different flavors the little stand offered. By the time they reached the stand Naruto was already drooling.

"Hey dickless, I'm curious to find out," Sai said as they took seats to the far left. "Why did you come to lunch with me?" he questioned, his once delightful tone long gone.

"Don't call me dickless!!! And the only reason why I agreed to come was for the free ramen," Naruto huffed as he glared at Sai.

The answer quickly brought down Sai's face, but he quickly recovered before the vendor could come over and ask them what they both wanted. Naruto answered happily ordering three bowls of FIND ramen while Sai didn't order any.

Naruto was quickly finished and ordered three more bowls. Sai watched in amazement as Naruto slurped and sucked down the juices that lied at the very bottom of the very last bowl.

After Naruto finished Sai told the blonde that he had a surprise for him and that he would have to get into his car to find out what it was.

Naruto was skeptically and said no at first but when Sai then told him he could walk back to school the blonde suddenly had a change of heart. He had no other choice, he could be stuck at the park, which was a good deal from his school or go with Sai and hope his surprise wasn't getting molested.


Sasuke looked at the clock that hung on the wall of his classroom and sighed. Naruto was over 20 minutes late. They usually met in his classroom for lunch, but this day the blonde was a no-show.

Sasuke's brow twitched as he thought about who Naruto was having lunch with.

'Are they really that more important than I am,' Sasuke thought sadly with his head hung low. He was sitting in an computer chair behind his desk, his hands and lunch between his legs.

And, what made matters worst was that the knuckled headed boy hadn't even called to let him know that he wasn't coming.

Lifting his head the raven hair male furiously bit into his lunch as he sent the clock a death glare, hoping it would fall.


They pulled up to Sai's campus, and Naruto's jaw dropped, the place was gorgeous. Cherry Blossom trees lined the pathway that led to the main building and the place was littered with people, doing their own things, some sat under the protection of the trees while others played in the open fields provided to them by the school.

Sai smiled when he saw the awed expression across the young boy's face, inspiration once again hit him like a ton of bricks, for some reason this boy always inspired him rather he wanted to be or not.

Sai wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, he was never good at talking to people, so he marched forward expecting Naruto to follow him.


His eyes once again sparkled in awe as Sai lead him to a huge classroom used for art. Least to say Naruto was very impressed with the school.

Painting, paints, marble blocks along with other art supplies filled the huge room. Light flooded in through huge windows that ran from floor to ceiling. The cabinets, walls and floors were all either white or some sort of metallic material that Naruto couldn't figure out.

"Like it," Sai question as he walked in the room.

"Yeah," was the only word Naruto could mange as he nodded his head.

"Naruto," Sai said as he stopped in the middle of the room. The sunlight reflected off his pale skin making it look like he was glowing.

"What," Naruto asked, slightly blushing. He turned his head and focused his eyes on the floor for some strange reason when he now looked at Sai he no longer saw Sasuke. But, the strange male still had a strange effect on him and Naruto could honestly say he didn't like it. The last thing he wanted, was to see Sai as Sai and not as Sasuke.

"You don't mind skipping the rest of your classes do you," the older male asked a smile plastered on his face from ear to ear.

"Are you kidding? If I get to stay here I'm in," Naruto said enthusiastically.

"I thought you would say something like that," Sai said as he got a clean canvas from under one of the cabinet drawers, and fresh jars of paint.

Naruto watched a little confused. "What are you doing," he questioned as he quietly observed the other.

Sai tilted his head to the side and smiled at Naruto. "Wow, seems like your penis isn't the only small thing about you, your brain is pretty small too."

Naruto's eyes widen and his face flushed as he began to hurl insults left and right at Sai who wasn't even paying attention. The pale male was too busy setting up the canvas and getting the paints ready to even look the others way.

Sai finished setting everything up and smiled. He turned to Naruto, smile still on his face. "How about we do a nude," he asked.

*Tonkotsu (pork bone) ramen is usually has a cloudy white colored broth (which is why I picked it.....I'm such a perv)

Talk about not updating (it's been over a year -random person throws tomatoe at her-) sorry! I guess I forgot how much fun fanfictions could be. I don't expect a lot of review (especially after for not updating for a year) but if you do you'll make my day^^

Please Review