My Name

A/N: It's a just a little story I wrote for my friends.

"Ryan Evans," the math teacher read, looking at his class roster.

"Here," I raised my hand, so the teacher could see.

My name is Ryan Evans. Not many people actually know that, though. I'm always "Kid with a Funny Hat" or "Sharpay's Less Talented Twin." I'm the talented one, though, and, if you ask me, my hats are very stylish.

I don't mind that Sharpay and I didn't do the Winter Musical this year. We're always rehearsing, designing costumes, or something. It was nice, having a chance to just pay attention to school for once.

I also don't mind that Sharpay made us go to each performance, just in case Troy or Gabriella messed up horribly. It was nice, having a chance to just pay attention to Troy for once.

You see, I've had a crush on Troy Bolton since freshman year. He's cute and he's the basketball star, what isn't there to like? Sometime shortly after I got the crush, I realized I was gay.

Somehow, that all changed during the Winter Musical. Her name is Gabriella Montez. She played the lead in the play. She's drop dead gorgeous. She's a genius. And she has a much better voice than Sharpay.

So, the week after the musical, I spoke to that cute little Kelsi Neilson girl, who's always writing music. I've never had a chance to talk to her, since Sharpay seems to hate her. That week, Sharpay was a little… off, so I was free to do as I pleased.

Kelsi seemed surprised to see me in the auditorium during free period, or maybe she was just surprised to see me without Sharpay, I'm not sure which. I asked her about Gabriella, but I didn't find out much, just that she moves a lot and had started looking for a summer job. That was the only time I spoke to her.

So, when I overheard Sharpay and Mom talking about getting Troy a job at the spa, I knew what I had to do. The spa needed more staff for the summer, so they were fine with hiring Gabriella, too.

At first, I didn't really have much time to talk to Gabriella alone, since I was always with Sharpay. In case you didn't know, Sharpay absolutely hates Gabriella. Then, Sharpay started spending more and more time with Troy, and I was free.

Of course, I decided to help Gabriella and her friends with their talent show audition. Not only did I get to know her better, but I also got to choreograph without Sharpay's screeching every few seconds, which is very stressful, trust me.

I did a lot while trying to get Gabriella. I even played baseball. Baseball! I do not do sports. I'm not the kind to get my clothes dirty. I also swam a lot, but only when she was on lifeguard duty. I don't usually swim, so I'm sure I looked awfully stupid doggy paddling.

The night before the talent show, Gabriella and I were talking. I wished so badly that I could let them perform, but I can't go against what Mom and Dad say. Maybe Sharpay could, but I couldn't. It was getting late, and we were the only ones left in the room where we practiced our talent show performance. The lights were dim- a few were burned out- so it was fairly romantic.

I softly touched her hand with mine and gave her a chaste kiss.

It just felt wrong.

For some reason, I found myself thinking about Troy. Wasn't he Gabriella's boyfriend? Wouldn't he be angry? Wouldn't he be cute if he was angry?

I quickly pulled away, mumbling something, an apology, I think.

For the rest of my time at the spa, I did my best to avoid Gabriella… and Troy.

But now, here I am, first day of senior year, sitting right behind The Troy Bolton in math class. His hair looks good. He must have gotten it cut since he quit his job at the spa.

As we got paper out to take notes, Troy turned around and smiled, "Hey, Ryan."

I froze. So did my heart.

He knows my name.

I clumsily scrambled to get my paper out.

He knows my name.