"Be mine?" he asked, grabbing his hand and pulling him out from the niche

"Do you even have to ask?" Draco commented dryly, leaning in for another kiss


Lets just say they were waaaay late getting back to the common room. When they finally made it up there it was obvious something was up. Their robes were disheveled, Draco's hair was messy and Harry's hair was… well… it was the same as always. Maybe the most discriminating evidence was the fact that they were holding hands, and walking very close together

As they approached the door to the common room Draco heard Harry sigh. He looked at him questioningly; Harry ran his free hand through his hair

"Man…. We are sooooo going to be interrogated again" Draco laughed and hugged him

"I think it's a little obvious what we were doing" he stated, grabbing Harry's hand again, Harry grinned sheepishly and gave the fat lady the password

Surprisingly when they got to the common room no one was there, Harry shrugged, everyone was probably still enjoying their free time. With a glance a Draco, Harry concluded that he should relax for a while before going out again. He pulled him up the stairs

When they got to the door Harry reached out to take the handle when it slammed open and they were dragged in

With startled yelps, they were thrown into the room, grabbing the bedposts so they wouldn't fall they glared at their attackers, only to find that it was Ron and Blaise!!

"Where the hell have you two been!?!?!" Blaise shouted, Harry and Draco looked at each other, stunned

"Pansy nearly had a melt-down when we noticed you two were gone!! She realized that you almost died Draco!!! You almost died!!!!! And then you go and disappear!!!!" Blaise grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him with every word

"Do you even realize that!?!?! You could have fallen off that railing to your death?!?! You---"


Blaise stumbled away from Draco, holding his cheek in shock. Without Blaise holding him up anymore Draco slumped to the ground, his entire body trembling, Harry stepped in front of him

"SHUT UP!!!! You weren't even there when it happened!!! You just saw the end!!! You have no right to make him remember that!!!! And he was finally starting to calm down!!!!" Harry started forward again, only to stop at a small tug on the bottom of his robes, he quickly looked down, his anger melting at the pleading look in Draco's eyes

"You have three seconds to get out of here. Both of you" Harry growled, picking Draco up and setting him on his bed

"B-but" Ron started

"One. Two. Three" Harry waved his hand toward them, and as if they smacked by an imaginary wall, Blaise and Ron were thrown out of the room. After locking door he turned back to Draco and sat next to him

"You okay?" he said softly, rubbing Draco's back

Draco turned slowly towards him, his face was pale and he was still shaking

"I-I could have d-died" he muttered "I-if you hadn't d-done that spell I would have—"


Startled Draco looked at him, confused. Harry pulled him into a tight hug

"I wouldn't have let you die"

"B-but what could you have done? It would have b-been impossible" Draco whispered

Harry let go and grinned at him

"Impossible? You mean like it's impossible to survive the killing curse?? Or how it's impossible to use Accio to summon a person??? And from mid air while their free falling??? I'm sorry but I don't follow the rules of impossible" Draco let out a shaky laugh, Harry checked his watch

"Lunch is starting now, do you want to go down to the Hall and eat?" Draco shook his head "Okay then"



"Harry Potter sir!! What can Dobby do for you?" Dobby bounced enthusiastically around the room, stopping when he caught sight of Draco

"Master Draco sir!!" he squeaked, bowing low to the floor

"Don't bow Dobby, I'm not your master anymore" Draco sighed, nuzzling further into Harry

"Anyway Dobby, do you think you could bring some lunch up here for us? Oh, and could you get our bags from the Potions classroom? Please?" Harry asked

Dobby bobbed his head enthusiastically "Anything for you Harry Potter sir" and with a crack Dobby disappeared

Draco and Harry sat there in content silence, Harry continually rubbing Draco's back in a steady rhythm. After about 3 minutes Dobby reappeared, this time accompanied by several other house elves, all carrying trays of food, and their bags. At Harry's gesture they set all the stuff on the floor and after bowing, disappeared yet again

"Hungry?" Harry asked, Draco nodded and started to get up when Harry stood up suddenly, taking him with him


"Oh calm down" Harry laughed, sitting down by the food, Draco in his lap. Draco muttered something under his breath, blushing slightly. When Harry offered him a bite of food he refused to be fed like a baby and took it out of his hand, Harry pouted but continued eating

They were almost done with their meal when they heard thumping coming up the stairs. Harry reached for his with one wand, but other than that made no move towards the door. With his other hand he reached for another chicken leg and munched on it, Draco looked at him, confused but mimicked him, grabbing a leg for himself. Suddenly there was a loud knocking at the door

"Harry Potter you open the door this instant!!" They recognized Hermione's shrill shriek, but Harry still made no move towards the door

"D-d-draco" At this voice (sob) Draco bolted up, striding to the door he threw it open, allowing Pansy to rush, sobbing, into his arms

Harry sighed and stood up walking to Draco he put a hand on his shoulder and smiled as he heard Draco repeating the comforts Harry had just recited to him

That smile quickly changed to a snarl as Blaise and Ron appeared at the top of the stairs. Draco stepped backwards, as Harry wrapped his arms protectively around him, including Pansy as she was still attached to Draco

"Come to make him miserable again??" Harry growled, Blaise shook his head, looking towards the ground


Harry snorted but said nothing; Hermione patted Blaise on the shoulder as Ron sighed. Pansy and Draco were still wrapped securely in Harry's arms, but Pansy was beginning to calm down, she had stopped crying

"Better now?" Draco whispered as she pulled away and wiped her eyes, she gave him a small smile and turned toward Blaise. Drawing her wand, she touched it to his cheek and muttered a healing spell (remember Harry punched him) before she turned to Hermione with a silent plea, Hermione nodded and pulled out her wand, spelling Pany's face (all red and puffy from crying) back to normal

Draco sighed contentedly from Harry's arm, glad that Pans was okay again. Harry rested his head atop Draco's and stared at the group in front of them, almost laughing at Ron who had just spotted the food

"We have Care of Magical Creatures next" Hermione started looking at Draco "You ok to go?"

Draco turned around "Yeah I'm good to go" he stated, giving Harry a brilliant smile, Harry grinned back and leaned down, kissing him slowly

When they reemerged they turned back to the group and laughed at the shocked/gaping looks of their friends

"W-w-when did THAT happen???" Ron squeaked

"On the way up here" Harry nonchalantly, grabbing his bag and throwing Draco his

"We going or what??" Draco asked, biting back laughter at the still gaping looks of his friends

Hermione snapped out of it first, pulling her camera out of her pocket she grinned


..hi, well anyway, starting on RxH and BxP now, along with some more drama for Harry and Draco

Remember 100 reviews and you get the Christmas story (dammit, their at 95, I better write it now)
