Harry sat in his compartment on the train, alone. Ron and Hermione had prefect duties and had to be at the front. Some people tried to talk to Harry as he waited for his friends to return, they found him unresponsive, and left him to himself. The train had traveled about a third of the way to Hogwarts when the door to his compartment opened again. Harry looked up, knowing it was too early to be Ron and Hermione. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkison were standing at the door

"We're sitting here now Potter" Draco stated, he had to keep up his 'act', to avoid suspicion from others

Yes he liked the Golden Boy, he had for a long time, and he had switched to the light side for him, along with Blaise and Pansy

Harry stood up, the 3 before him tensed, reaching for their wands

"I'll sit somewhere else then" Harry's voice sounded dead, his lack of spirit confused and concerned Draco. He reached out and caught Harry's arm

"What's the matter with you?" a tiny bit of concern could be detected in his voice, he was unprepared for Harry's reaction though

When Draco grabbed his arm, Harry's entire body flinched. He jerked out of Draco's grip, cradling his arm, and rushed part Blasie and Pansy

This made no sense with the three Slytherin's until Draco looked at his hand. It was covered in blood, and it wasn't his blood, it was Harry's

"Shit, that moron is hurt" Draco exclaimed

"Should we go get him?" Pansy asked

"Yes, Pansy you stay here and get a First Aid kit, Blaise you and I should go look for him"

Blaise and Pansy nodded, she started to look for the kit (they had them on the train in case of emergencies) as Draco and Blaise left

When they got to the hallway they decided to split up, Draco going left and Blaise going right. Draco walked down the hallway, looking in the compartment windows. As he neared the end of the car all the compartments he saw were full. He was about to give up hope when he saw someone sitting on the bench at the end of the car

'Bingo' he thought to himself

"Potter" he called out

Harry looked up as his name was called, the dead look that was on his face worried Draco, though he wouldn't admit it. Draco noticed that he was still holding his arm, he frowned

"Come on Potter, we need to see your arm" he held out his hand, Harry looked at him warily, searching his face for any sign of a trick. When he found none he cautiously offered his left hand to Draco, who pulled him gently off the bench and pulled him back toward the compartment

Pansy looked up as she heard the compartment door slide open. Draco had his hand on Harry's shoulder and was gently leading the boy into the room

"Sit him down over here Draco" she patted the seat in front of her, Draco steered Harry to the seat and then sat down next to him. The compartment door opened again

"I couldn't find…him" his sentenced trailed off as he spotted Harry in the room, Draco smirked at him

"Couldn't find who?" he sneered

"Oh shut up" Blasie grumbled

"Ok, you need to take your shirt off so I can look at the wound properly" Pansy ordered as she looked through the First Aid kit, they all knew some healing spells but they weren't very powerful, they would need to use the kit as well

Harry stiffened and shook his head, using his left hand to roll up his right sleeve. He then offered his arm to Pansy. Draco and Blaise looked at each other, why didn't Potter want to take his shirt off?

"Its just your shirt Potter, just take it off" Blasie encouraged, again Harry shook his head

"Fine, we'll just do it the hard way" Draco stated as he took out his wand and vanished Harry's shirt. Harry yelped in surprise but couldn't stop the spell

There was a clatter as Draco's wand fell to the floor. The three Slyterins started in horror at the wounds they could now see. The word FREAK was carved into middle of his chest. Other cuts and bruises were scattered all over him, he was malnourished as well, you could see his ribs. Draco gagged, Blaise had to turn away and Pansy put her face in her hands

"Bloody hell Potter" Draco whispered, Harry looked away from them

"What happened to you?" Pansy asked quietly

Harry didn't answer right away, about a minute went by until he answered, almost so quietly they didn't hear it

"…..my uncle……"

Pansy's eyes filled with tears but she wiped them away furiously. Blaise and Draco looked at Harry, stunned. They had thought he lived with a family that worshipped him hand and foot. They had never imagined this

Pansy took out a green potion and looked a Draco

"You need to hold him down, this is going to hurt. Blaise, see if you can find Weasly and Granger" Blaise nodded and practically ran out of the compartment

Draco swallowed nervously and carefully approached Harry; his eyes were closed, obviously preparing himself for the pain to come. Pansy had him lie down, then Draco half leaned on him while he was pinning his right arm down, being careful of the wounds on his chest. Pansy slowly poured the green potion on the gash. Harry tensed and jerked under Draco's grip, small whimpers escaped him as the potion was absorbed into the wound, but Pansy wasn't done yet. She motioned to Draco; he climbed up on the seat and put a leg on either side of Harry, straddling him. He pinned his arms to his sides, being careful of the gash on his right arm, while Pansy poured the potion on the rest of his wounds. Draco thought he saw a tiny blush through all the wincing but he must have imagined it

After Pansy had put disinfectant on all of his wounds, she got out another potion. When this potion was poured over his wounds, Harry began to relax. Draco let him go and climbed off him, in the nick of time too. The compartment door crashed open

"HARRY!" Hermione yelled, seeing him, she charged forward, Ron at her heals and Blaise panting behind them, Draco wisely stepped back

"Harry, what happened to you? Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione questioned, gripping his hand

"Bloody hell mate" Ron seemed horrified to see his best friend in this state, his face changed to fury as he looked at the word carved into Harry's chest

"Did he do this to you" he growled out "We told you to tell us if this happened again"

"Again!?! You mean this has happened to him before!?!" Pansy exclaimed

Harry sat up and glared at Hermione and Ron, Draco was relieved, he was starting to act normally

"I told you not to mention that" Harry growled out, he shook Hermione off and winced, which drew Pansy's attention

"Ok, ok you 3 can continue this later, I still have to finish this" Hermione looked like she wanted to argue but Ron caught her arm and dragged her back, Pansy motioned to Draco and Blaise

"Ok, you two know a healing spell right? Well I want you to help me heal his more serious wounds" Pansy pulled out her wand and sat next to Harry

Hermione pulled out her own wand and went to help but Pansy shook her head

"Your to emotional to be any help right now, you won't be able to concentrate enough" Hermione scowled but sat back down, she knew Pansy was right

Draco and Blaise pulled out their own wands and approached Harry, Blaise sat on Harry's other side and Draco kneeled in front of him

"Episky" they whispered, Draco and Blaise were working on his chest while Pansy worked on his arm. Though they weren't strong enough to heal the wounds all the way, but they did make them smaller

"Ok, that's all that we can do. You should go to the hospital wing when we get to Hogwarts" Pansy said as she wrapped the remaining wounds in bandages

Harry nodded, staring out the window as Pansy bandaged him up. When she was done he turned to Draco, a slight smile on his face

"What about my shirt?" he asked

Draco and Blaise chuckled, Pansy smiled slightly, Ron and Hermione were lost

"Just get a new one out of your trunk" Draco said, still smiling slightly

Harry's face fell, and he looked down at the ground

"I sent my trunk to Dumbledore 4 weeks ago, I don't have anything with me"

"Why'd you do that?" Blaise questioned

Harry looked out the window "So nothing would get damaged"

Hermione got up and hugged him, carefully. Harry patted her on the back reassuringly Draco sighed and hopped up on the seat to reach his trunk. When he and Blaise were looking for Harry, Pansy had put their trunks in the luggage rack above the seats. He rummaged around in it for a while before pulling out a dark green short sleeve shirt, he tossed it to Harry

"Here, you can give it back when you get your stuff"

"Thanks" Harry said as he put on the shirt, wincing slightly. After the shirt was on he straitened up and offered his hand to Draco

"Lets start over. Names Harry"

Draco looked at Harry, shocked by this sudden offer. He smiled and shook his hand

"Call me Draco. You've met Blasie and Pansy" he said nodding over at them

"Well now I have" Harry answered, offering his hand to Blasie and then Pansy, when he shook Pansy's hand he thanked her for helping him

"You guys have met Ron and Hermione" this was a more tense meeting; there was lot of history between Draco and Ron that Ron didn't seem to want to forget. Blaise stepped forward and offered his hand to Hermione first

"Blasie Zabini, call me Blasie" Hermione shook his hand, beaming

"Hermione Granger, pleased to meet you" she then offered her hand to Pansy

"Nice to meet you Pansy"

"And you, can't tell you how much of a relief it will be to have another girl to help keep these boys in line" Pansy said with a smile, Hermione laughed quietly and turning to Draco she seemed to falter a little. Draco shifted nervously, Harry elbowed him, glaring at him he offered his hand to Hermione

"Call me Draco if you want" she smiled slightly and shook his hand and he opened his mouth again "Sorry for being such an ass these past years" he knew it wouldn't cut it as an apology but it was the best he could do for the moment

Hermione looked surprised at his apology, but smiled, nodding to him as she stepped back. Now came the hard part. Ron. He stared at Malfoy a long time, Harry and Hermione didn't think he would accept a hand if it was offered. Ron turned toward Blaise, and offered his hand

"Ron Weasly, nice to meet you" Ron said as Blasie shook his hand

"Blaise, as I'm sure you've heard before" Ron chuckled slightly, turning to Pansy

"Again, I'm Ron" Pansy laughed

"And again, I'm Pansy"

He turned toward Draco again and just looked at him. Clearly he was not going to offer his hand. Draco glanced at Harry, who nodded encouragingly. He swallowed and offered his hand to Ron

"Uh.. Draco Malfoy" he offered Ron no apology, because he knew it wouldn't be accepted, Ron stared at the hand that was offered to him and, smirking, he took it

"Ron Weasly" he shook Draco's hand slightly before dropping it again. Harry laughed, drawing everyone's attention to him

"Well that was fun" he said while chuckling, Draco and Blaise smiled slightly while Pansy and Hermione giggled and Ron laughed

"So shall we sit down now? Or are we gonna stand the entire ride?" Harry asked as he sat down, the others followed his example and sat down too. On one side Harry sat next to the window, Draco next to him and Hermione next to Draco. On the other side, Ron sat across from Hermione, Blaise sat next to him and Pansy had the window. After several tries, they finally found a good topic and settled down for a peaceful ride

omg…. That was a loooooooong ch….. so tired…. can't continue… unless u review XD

the next ones won't be this long

anyway, what do u think? Please review X3