I actually wrote another chapter for this story, shocking is it not, I know Ryuk could care less for Light in Death Note, but seeing as this is my fanfic I am making Ryuk a 'little' OOC in the manner Naruto gets something Shinigami-like without any downsides. PS I know this chapter is a little short but I find I like my work better in shorter doses and leaving them with better cliff hangers so if ya don't like it, tell me and I will make a special chapter just for you. Now it is time to begin the next chapter of D N N(Death Note Naruto obviously)
WAKE UP NARUTO!" Ryuk shouted, right in Naruto's left ear.

"WHAT THE FUCK RYUK!" Naruto shouted as he attempted to grab Ryuk's head and slam it into the ground, but Ryuk was faster and moved out of the way.

"You took too long to wake up, now I don't have as much time to train you before you have to go with your team." Ryuk said with a shrug, he then pulled a scroll out of a portal he somehow opened with a quick flick of his hand. "Now to begin today's lesson, is there anyone in this village who you hate more than anyone else?"

"Yeah, actually he was the one who told me I had Kyuubi sealed inside me." Naruto said, Ryuk shrugged slightly.

"That will work I suppose, now before we continue today's lesson, I'm offering you a deal. Allow me to semi release Kyuubi and I will let you have Shinigami eyes, or you can take the Shinigami eyes and lose half your remaining life span, which is it?" Naruto raised an eye slightly, so Ryuk explained "A Shinigami's eyes can tell who a person is, and how much longer they will live." Naruto looked pleased and almost immediately decided.

"Semi release Kyuubi of course." Naruto said with a grin, Ryuk let out a held breath and began chanting in French

"Je laisser vous, trespas renard scellez briser(I release you, Death Fox, Seal shatter)." Ryuk chanted over and over until Naruto's entire body was glowing dark fiery red, and then Kyuubi was expelled in a miniature fox form, and hopped onto a now unconscious Naruto's lap and curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

About half an hour passed by and Naruto hadn't waken up, so Ryuk decided to go raid Naruto's fridge for apples, which Naruto had bought a surplus of just for Ryuk. About that time Kakashi and Sasuke barged into the apartment building, anger in their eyes.

"A fox?" Kakashi asked himself as he saw the small, crimson colored fox that was curled up in Naruto's lap. Sasuke was over at Naruto shaking him in an attempt to wake him. "Leave him be Sasuke, I guess I can only teach you and Sakura that jutsu I was going to teach today." he added, thinking Naruto would jump at the chance, but was mistaken as Naruto didn't move a bit.

"Lets go sensei, if he doesn't want to learn it's his fault.' Sasuke said, Kakashi shrugged and walked off, unaware of the following Ryuk and a now stirring Naruto.

Half an hour later all, or most at least, of Konoha heard a shout.

"What the fuck!!!" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs, adding chakra to his throat for an added sound. At Team seven's training ground Kakashi winced.

'We are in for it, too bad.' Kakashi thought as e pulled a kunai out and threw it, towards were Ryuk was nonchalantly floating around, the kunai impacted in his chest, and he raised his left eye slightly.

"Can you see me cyclops?" Ryuk asked Kakashi, but Kakashi didn't reply, so Ryuk figured someone was close and checked it out, he was right. In the bushes there was a rabbit, but it wasn't anything to worry about, right?'I must have made a little more noise than needed, feh I could care less.'

Elsewhere Naruto had pulled his Death Note out and began writing the name of a mass murderer that had been caught the previous day, he saw the name and picture in a newspaper, but all he really needed was the eyes, unlike other users of the Death Note he still had his entire life span.

"I've filled five pages of the Death Note already. I wonder what happens when it is completely full?" Naruto asked slightly louder than a whisper.

"Simple kid, once the Death Note's pages are full, all the names of the people you have killed with it vanish." a voice said from beside Naruto.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he turned around quickly, he saw a kid who looked around his age, but Naruto's Shinigami eyes couldn't find his name or anything.

"Light Yagami, a previous user of the Death Note, though now I prefer being called Tenshi. The reason I'm here is because I dropped my Death Note, on purpose of course, all because humans using the Death Note are fun to watch, well later." Light said as he turned and sprouted two enormous wings, one white, the other black as coal, and took off in a spectacular display of gracefulness.

'Looks like I have to worry about another Death Note user.' Naruto thought as he took off to Team seven's training ground, to find Ryuk sleeping in a tree while Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke were busy training in a tree walking exercise

"Hello Naruto." Kakashi said as Sasuke began running up the tree for what looked like the fifth time, and was thrown off from using too much chakra.

"Hey, so what is today's training about?" Naruto asked, Kakashi just pointed to Sasuke and Sakura, both of whom had just passed the half way mark. Naruto smirked and allowed his eyes to close for a moment, he saw his chakra network linking to each of his tenketsu and immediately rushed the tree, ran up and got to the top before being thrown like a piece of paper in a hurricane from the tree, straight at Kakashi, who caught Naruto in a spectacular sight of grace and dignity... NOT, Kakashi caught Naruto, sure, but not in a display of grace and dignity, it was more like a slam dunk with a bowling ball through a paper mache basket ball hoop, get the image? If not just imagine a happy little field of bunnies. Suddenly a little chibi version of Ryuk came into the field with a large sign that was written in French."Fin"

"For those who can't read French it says End as in end of this chapter." the chibi Ryuk said in a, surprisingly menacing way as you scroll to the final words of this chapter.

I'm trying a different way of ending chapters more... humorously, well did it work? If not oh well back to the drawing board -pulls out chalk board that is entitled drawing board-

Anyway on to more 'pressing' matters, I'm as sick as a fur-less dog in the middle of the North pole, well maybe not AS sick but you get the idea I feel horrible, so if any chapters that come out within the next few days/weeks/months-hopefully not months- oddly, it is my cold/flu making me write stranger than usual, mind you my endings will, hopefully, be the same even after my cold/flu is over, I hope, but if the vote is in the negative I won't continue

Ciao readers, see ya next time in one of my fanfics.

Signed by Lord Orochimaru

PS:If you believed that signed by Orochimaru your strange, Ciao