Um, my second fanfic for Prince of Tennis. I can't really update on my other stories because
1) A fatal disease, writer's block
2) And/ or I have lost any and/or all interest in that story.
Just so people know, I'm the type of person who jumps around from subject to subject, so don't be surprised if I suddenly stop a story. However, I will do my best to finish any stories eventually.
Also, a warning is that, my current obsession is Prince of Tennis.
Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis. That honor, unfortunately, belongs to Konomi Takeshi, who is a genius. Pity me. . .
This story will continue after the manga/anime. Since I don't know when during the year that everything actually occurs, so I'll just assume that it all happened in the fall. Thus, this story will begin on Christmas, during the same year,
There is an OC, so, if you no like, then you no read.
Warning: high IQ, a genius, boy/boy, slash, yaoi, shonen-ai, girl/boy. . .
Shishido scowled as he tugged on his tie. "Why the hell did we come again Atobe?"
Atobe scowled at him. "You should not sully ore-sama's ears with such coarse language."
Then he continued, waving his hand flamboyantly, "As ore-sama has already told you, this a business dinner party for Christmas. Two of the more important people coming tonight are Kimura Kaito and his genius daughter, Kimura Amaya."
"For some reason," he then added, looking irritated. "My father believes that Amaya-san would be a good fiancée for me, if I like her. Thus, they have decided that she will attend Hyotei, and even if we decide not to marry in the end, then she'll probably have gotten some friends and experiences that the average person knows about."
"But the thing is, she has to live with me for a while to attend Hyotei." Atobe scowled. "Since ore-sama will undoubtedly not enjoy today, I have brought you all for entertainment. Ore-sama also advises all of you to be on your best behavior. Another reason is that since we will all be going to my winter lodge tomorrow, it is much more convenient for you all to simply stay here over the night. Was that easy enough for your micro sized brain to understand, Shishido?"
Then Atobe swept off, stalking into the mansion regally, with his nose in the air. "Come, Kabaji."
Shishido blinked at the swinging doors where Atobe and Kabaji dragging Jiroh had went through. "Atobe must be a in a really bad mood to get upset over that little complaint."
As the four of them walked in, Atobe glared at them. "Hurry up. Ore-sama detests waiting for the commoners because they were not punctual. Be on your best behavior. We will be meeting Amaya-san after or at dinner. There will be dancing after dinner. If you must fight, do so in one of the deserted hallways. As this house belongs to ore-sama, you may hide in one of the back corners if you insist on injuring yourselves."
Right after dinner, Keigo's father called them over. "Everyone, this is Kimura Kaito, and this is his daughter, Amaya-chan. Kaito-san, this is my son Keigo and his tennis team regulars."
Kimura Kaito was a thin man, with straight dark brown hair, dark, narrow eyes that were slightly slanted, and a smile with a hint of cold unpleasantness.
His daughter was also thin, and her eyes were dark and slanted, but her hair was wavy and black that had a hint of red with brighter dark scarlet highlights. She never looked up from the ground, and her long eyelashes were shown clearly against her pale skin.
Kimura Kaito nodded at them. "Amaya."
"Hai, otousan." She bowed before hesitantly turning towards the tennis regulars. "Perhaps we could go somewhere else?"
Atobe nodded haughtily, gesturing towards an empty corner of the room. Amaya and the other regulars followed him.
"Amaya-san," he said, gesturing elegantly – because the great ore-sama couldn't possibly gesture in any other way – towards each of the regulars in turn. "These are my teammates, Kabaji Munehiro, Oshitari Yuushi, Mukahi Gakuto, Ootori Choutarou, Shishido Ryou, and Akutagawa Jirou."
She nodded politely. "Hajimemashite, minna-san." How is it that his team appears to include weirdoes only? Honestly, I didn't expect them to look just the way that the handout said their personalities would be like.
There was an awkward silence before the regulars slowly began talking, relaxing, until it was almost normal, as though Amaya wasn't there. Sitting there, listening, but not really a part of them.
Some drifted off, some getting drinks, others dancing. As soon as she decided that no one would notice, she sneaked off.
I think I'll go to that room up at the clock tower, she decided after looking at her miniature laptop's map. It'll probably be much more peaceful there.
As she scurried along the dimly lit halls, she suddenly crashed into someone and both of them fell to the ground. "Gomen nasai. Daijobu?"
Whoever it was yawned, "Hmmm?"
Suddenly, she realized who it was. "Akutagawa Jiroh-san!"
Her mind flitted through all of the facts that she knew about him at lightning speed: 3rd year at Hyotei Gakuen, born May 5, 160 cm tall, 49 kg, blood type AB, right handed, favorite food: lamb meat, favorite color: orange, hobbies: sleeping and reading comic books, two siblings. . .
He blinked at her in surprise.
Atobe sighed. It was really very boring today. Gakuto and Shishido hadn't gotten into one of their fights yet, Yuushi hadn't provoked him into a war of carefully veiled insults; in fact, his team was acting perfectly quiet and nice, without causing any ruckus at all. It really didn't make any sense.
Suddenly he saw Shishido with Choutarou. Well, that was one mystery solved. He almost wrinkled his nose in disgust at how sweet and nice they were acting towards each other. Except that ore-sama didn't do things like that.
He looked around again, and snickered as he noticed that Gakuto was too caught up with Yuushi to make any trouble. Everyone knew that the two liked each other except those two. Constant blushing. Staring at each other when they thought that no one was looking. It was ridiculous. He should arrange for those two to confess over at his winter lodge.
As he continued watching the people around him, he realized that Amaya-san had disappeared. Oh well. If she leaves of her own free will, then it's not my fault.
Atobe sighed again as Jirou unsuccessfully attempted to stifle another yawn. "Jirou. If you want to go to sleep, then go. Just make sure it's not here, where everyone can see you. Try and look for Amaya-san, will you?"
Jirou looked at him gratefully before sleepwalking into one of the halls.
Jirou sleepwalked away from the ballroom, intent on finding that room in the clock tower. He remembered that it had many wood lattices, and that you could see the gears of the clock. But the best part was that it wasn't closed to the outside, and it had a great a view.
As he walked along, he suddenly crashed into someone and fell backwards. Wasn't everyone at the party?
"Ah, gomen nasai. Daijobu?"
He yawned. "Hmmm?"
Suddenly, whoever it was started in surprise. "Akutagawa Jirou-san!"
He blinked at whoever it was in surprise. Then he realized it was a girl. "Oh. Aren't you Kimura Amaya-san? The one Atobe introduced to all of us? Shouldn't you be at the party?"
"Shouldn't you?" she asked dryly.
"Well, yeah," he said sheepishly, as they began walking side by side. "I just got tired, and Atobe told me to go sleep somewhere where not too many people were around, so I was going to go to this room at the clock tower."
"Really? So am I. I heard that it has a really good view."
"Yeah it does. And today's a crescent moon, isn't it? It should be really nice," he said enthusiastically. "And – hey what's that?"
He peered into a dark shadow. "I thought I saw a – white shadow? Musta been my imagination."
He began walking again, only to stop as he realized that the quiet girl had stopped. "Amaya-san?"
"It was my cat," she said, sounding disappointed. "She must have walked off."
"I didn't know that you had a cat. Do you think that Atobe will let you keep her? What's her name? What's she like?" he asked, nearly bouncing around now that he was awake.
"I didn't think that Atobe-san would mind," she said slowly. "Do you?"
"Probably not. Atobe acts like an idiot sometimes, but he's actually really nice."
"Well, my cat has these really large, dark eyes, but usually, you can't really see them 'cause she keeps them half-closed all of the time. I've only seen them open about 3 times, and they have these little gold flecks. Her fur's silvery white, so she almost glows in the light. Her name's Miyuki."
By then they had finished climbing all of the stairs and had already gotten to the room at the clock tower, and they both sat down next to the wall, opposite of the largest window.
"Ne, Amaya-san?" Jirou asked, yawning. "Can I sleep on you?"
"Um, just Amaya's fine. And . . . sure. . ."
He sighed sleepily and relaxed, putting his head in her lap. "Ne, Ama-chan?"
"Hmmm. . .why do you look so . . . lonely?"
She froze and stared at the sleeping boy.
"I am not lonely," she whispered, but she wasn't sure if she was trying to convince him or herself.
Please review and stuff. The longer, the better. Thanks. And please tell me what you liked about the story and what you didn't and what's bad about it.
Er, just so people know, Jirou doesn't like her yet. There are some reasons for him being so nice that will be told during the next chapter.