Here it is, the sequel to my story Forgetting Hogwarts I suggest you read that before you read this, otherwise lots of points of reference in this story will not make sense at all. And to all of you who have read Forgetting Hogwarts welcome back. Have fun reading.

Disclaimer: If when I wrote Forgetting Hogwarts I did not own any part of Harry Potter why would I own any part of it now? I OWN NOTHING OF THE HARRY POTTER WORLD! NOTHING!

Remembering Hogwarts

Twenty-eight year old Hermione Granger glanced through the glass at the group of nine year olds doing ballet. They were in two rows. In the first row, center, was her own precious little girl, Laura. Laura had curly; but less unruly then her mothers; blond hair, and brownish grey eyes. True how Hermione conceive her daughter was terrible, but she couldn't help but love her. Abortion wasn't even an option to Hermione, nor was adoption. She loved her little girl. Her daughter's teacher was Miranda Lambeenee, Hermione's best friend, and once world famous ballerina. The two had taken dance lessons together when they were little until an accident rendered Hermione unable to dance. Even now, when the two of them owned their own dance studio, Hermione couldn't teach dance, instead she was the substitute teacher and the secretary of the studio; Bee-File Dance Studio.

Hermione turned back to the notebooks and binders on her desk. It was the first week of April so of course her desk was loaded with people's checks for the month. She had to write them down in her book as well as write out receipts to give to the parents next time she saw them. She could usually get all that done by the time the parents came to pick up their child. She continued working on it when the door opened slightly and two people came in.

There was a woman, about Hermione's age, with flaming red hair, blue eyes and freckles. With her was a little girl maybe six or seven, with the same red hair but sparkling green eyes instead, she too had freckles, but she also wore glasses.

"Hello, welcome to Bee-File Dance Studio," Hermione said kindly. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I… ah… noticed you had a Register Now sign on your door, and I wanted to sign my daughter up for dance class," the lady said.

"Of course," Hermione said opening another binder and putting it over the one she was working on. She handed a schedule to the lady, "Here is next years schedule. Classes are thirty dollars an hour; each class is an hour long; the eighth class you opt to take, if you wish to go that high, is free. Our instructors are well qualified, and our head instructor is Miranda Lambeenee, she teaches mostly the higher up levels, but she also teaches ballet to younger students as well. Every year we hold a year end recital, and there are competitions throughout the year if you opt to take a competition class. When and if you decide to register, you have to pay for the first month of class in advance, as well as a twenty dollar costume fee for each class."

"What do you want to take Lily?" the lady asked.

"Ballet!" the girl exclaimed looking at the list, "And Jazz. And, what's that?"

"I don't know dear. What is Lyrical?"

"It's a form of dance that's softer then Jazz but faster the ballet," Hermione replied.

"I want to take that too! Oh can I mommy? Please! Please! Oh please please please? I hardly know anyone around here! Please!" the girl begged.

"We'll talk to your father about it when he gets home from work," the lady said, "three classes is an awful lot." She looked back up at Hermione, "May I take this schedule home with me?"

"Go ahead," Hermione said, "would you like me to put your daughters name down in the list for beginners of those three classes, as a just in caser? The classes are filling up fast, and if I put her name down now and if you and your husband decide to let her take lessons she will have the spot."

"That would be nice," the lady said.

"What is your name then?" Hermione asked the girl.

"Lily Potter!" she exclaimed happily. Hermione froze, the name sounded failure, almost like déjà vu. She shook her head and wrote down the name in the three slots.

"Alright, come on Lily," the lady said. As she headed for the door she stopped and looked back at Hermione, "By the way, I don't think I caught your name."

"Sorry," Hermione said, "I'm Hermione Granger, the secretary."

The lady paused and stared, and then as if realizing what she was doing grabbed onto her daughters hand and headed out the door. As she left Hermione couldn't help but picture her in a purple dress, with a pink sash and pink straps.

"Mommy!" a voice called, breaking her out of her thought, her daughter was standing by the counter taking a drink from her water bottle, "Guess what!"

"The sky turned purple and your nose fell off!" Hermione guessed, and Laura coughed slightly on the water she was drinking.

"No silly," she said shaking her head, "Miss Miranda said if we work really really hard for the rest of the year, we can have a sleep over in the studio!"

"Really?" Hermione asked feigning surprise, "Well I guess you better work really really hard."

"Oh I will Mommy," Laura said, "but I have to go, water break is over." And she left, her curly hair still up in the bun that Hermione had to put up for her. With a small smile Hermione went back to her work, not completely shaking off the feeling that she knew Mrs. Potter, or possibly her daughter.

About twenty minutes later mothers started filling the receptionist office, waiting for their daughters to exit class. Hermione gave them all back their receipts and spent the next ten minutes talking to them.

"So what is the theme for this year's recital," one mother asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," Hermione stated. Every year since the studio opened five years ago they had a surprise theme for the year end show. Even the kids were good at keeping the secret of the show. And while they did bring their costumes home a week before the actual recital, it was still hard to guess what the theme was.

"Ya Barb," another mother said, "wait out the surprise." If Barb was going to make a reply she was cut off by girls, and a couple guys exiting the three actual studios. Miranda's ballet class, Jason's jazz class, and Sarah's advanced jazz class. Students rushed to pull pants on over there tights and body suits, change their shoe's and exit with their mothers. Only Laura and another girl, Sally, stayed behind. They had another class next. They both headed to the change rooms to change from there pink ballet body suits to their black jazz body suits, and black dance shoes.

"So how excited was the class when you told them of the sleep over?" Hermione asked as Miranda came out of the studio and sat down next to Hermione, drinking from her own water bottle.

"Great. Did you not year the 'eeeee's' out here?" Miranda asked.

"No, I was busy," Hermione said, "a potential new dancer for next year." Hermione said twiddling her pen. She hesitated for a moment before asked, "Do you know anyone by the name Potter?"

"No, why?" Miranda asked.

"Oh nothing," Hermione said, "the lady and her daughter who was almost signing for dance was named Potter. It just sounded familiar."

"Well Potter is a common name," Miranda said standing up, "now I have to get ready for my next class." Hermione nodded. Maybe that was it. Common last name. For some reason, she didn't believe that.

And there it is. The first chapter. Three guesses on Laura's father. (Gee tough one). And just so you all know, this is a DMHG fic, just eventually, not at this moment in time (as you can obviously tell).

Thank you for reading.

Please review.

Rebellion Author.