As I said before, this chapter would be put up sooner depending on how many people reviewed. Originally, it would have been put up on Wednesday, but because of these wonderful reviewers, you get it today.

(Calls up each reviewer one by one, each of them wearing a robe similar to the one you wear at high school graduation)

As I call them up, they shall each get a certificate of appreciation!



Harry Potter Fan 1994



(Gives out certificates)

Now, on with the fiction!


"What do you mean….it didn't work?" Raven asked, looking over at a very red Robin.

"I mean it didn't work." Control Freak said, "Why?"

"Well, if it wasn't you, then, who was it?"

"IT WAS ME! MWA HA HA HA!" Kitten yelled.

"Kitten?!" The five Titans yelled, confused.

"No it wasn't! It was me!" Johnny Rancid yelled, appearing out of nowhere.

"Johnny Rancid?" The Titans said.

"No! I want to be the one who caused this!" Dr. Light said, running out of an Asylum.

"Hey! I was supposed to be the cause of this! I was here first!" Slade yelled.

"I want to!" Random villains yelled, coming out of nowhere.

All of the Titans and villains: (Looking at me expectantly) "Well, who is it?"

Me: I don't know! Control Freak was supposed to be the cause of it all!

Everyone: "Then who is it?"

Me: "Um…(closing eyes) Eenie….Meenie…..Minie….Moe! (I open my eyes to see who I'm pointing at)

Everyone: But….that's….that's just a mailbox.

Me: But Control Freak's behind it! (I point to a hideous teenage girl)

CF: That's not me! I'm over here!

Everyone: But weren't you dressed up like that earlier?

CF: No.

Me: So….you're saying…that…that….that that is a real girl?!

CF: Yeah.


So, the Titans never figured out who was behind this mess, and I went crazy and had to go with Dr. Light to the asylum.

When the Titans got home, Starfire went straight to her room. About a half an hour later, someone knocked on her door. She expected one of her friends to be there, and wonder where she was, but no one was there. She was about to close the door when she looked down.

There, on a plate, were a dozen half-burnt and horribly misshapen bunny cookies. She smiled to herself, and was able to be at peace, finally knowing how Robin felt about her.


Thank you everyone! This story is over, so don't hold your breath for more, but that doesn't mean I don't want reviews!

Thanks for all of your love and support,
