Summary: Have you ever had those moments when you start to think out loud? No big deal, right? Right? You can be the judge of that…..

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Especially not the teen titans.


It was a calm, peaceful morning at Titans Tower. Okay, no it wasn't. Cyborg and Beast Boy were having a tofu-meat war, and when I mean war, I mean they were literally tossing tofu and meat at each other. Cyborg brought out the heavy duty weapons, and started firing beef jerky through a cannon.

"Dude! No fair!" Beast Boy yelled.

"Too bad, so sad! Get over it, grass stain!" Cyborg yelled back.

Raven looked up from her book. "Boys," she mumbled, looking back down at the book. She tried to concentrate, but it was no use. She was about to get up and leave, when she saw Robin come in through the door.

"Oh good, Robin, you're here! Tell those idiots to shut up be for I buy a neon sign that reads 'Idiots for sale' on it and attach it to the tower!" Raven said, frantically. Robin answered by mumbling something incoherent, and sitting down at the table. He got some cereal and milk out. He poured the cereal on the table and the milk on the floor.

Beast Boy and Cyborg noticed this and stopped briefly. "Yo, Robin! You okay?" Robin didn't answer.

"Dude! Wake up!" Beast Boy yelled. Robin rubbed his head.

"I have the worst headache ever!" Robin finally yelled.

"It was probably from our battle with Slade last night," Raven said, "You hit your head pretty hard last night."

"Raven needs to get out more, it takes all my will power not to puke when I see tofu, and I really wish Cyborg would speak English when he fixed things," Robin mumbled. The others stared at him. Suddenly, he realized what he just said and became fully awake. "I do NOT know where that came from!" he said, desperately.

"You're thinking out loud, and I'm going to be nice and ignore that last comment," Raven said, in a monotone voice.

"Thinking out loud? What are you talking about? You never make any sense!" He put his hands over his mouth.

"Yes, you're thinking out loud and I know that because I can sense it. You'll probably be better by tonight, and once again, I'm going to ignore that," she said angrily.

"You mean I'll be stuck like this until dinner? " Robin asked, "Well, it won't be too hard," he said, getting up.

"Yeah, but, if I were you I wouldn't go anywhere near Starfire," Cyborg warned.

"Why not?" Robin asked, curious.

"Well, because" at that moment Starfire walked into the room.

"Greetings, Friends!" She said, throwing her arms into the air.

"Wow, she is amazing. And Beautiful," Robin said. He realized what had just happened.

"What did you say?" Starfire asked.

"That is what would happen if you are anywhere near her," Cyborg laughed.

"Oh, nothing," Robin said, looking around the room. His face was scarlet, "Just that, Oh! Look at the time!" he looked at an imaginary watch, "I just remembered, I have to be anywhere but here!" He ran out of the room.

Once he was sure it was safe, he slowly backed away from his bedroom door. "This is going to be one long day," he sighed, falling onto his bed.


How did you like it? I don't know if I should continue or not, so review and tell me! If you want more, I'll be seeing you soon. Otherwise, the next chapter of The Line should be out soon.