

DISCLAIMER: As usual, if it isn't from Bleach, then it's mine, like this idea, if I'm not mistaken.

What would've happened if, during Ichigo's first fight with Yami of the Arrancar, Hichigo was able to take over?




"Switch with me!"

He's back… Ichigo thought, grasping his head in the hopes that, somehow, it would help.

"I can kick their asses if you switch with me!"

"Go away! Go Away! Go Away!" Ichigo shouted in reply, gripping Tensa Zangetsu tighter in his right hand. Suddenly, his body was immobile. "What are you doing?! Trying to kill us both?!"

"If you'd switch with me and let me HELP. It's not that hard a concept to understand, King."

"Help… You? Help? You'll kill everyone! Inoue, Chad, and Tatsuki!"

"Your confidence in me is staggering, King. Just shut up and GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

With that shout, Ichigo could only watch as the Arrancar's fist came toward him. He heaved a great mental sigh, as if he had the world on his shoulders. "Just don't hurt your allies!" he yelled toward Hichigo before his consciousness was ripped away from his body and thrown into his inner world.

Geez, King… Learn to trust. Sheesh, Hichigo thought to himself before letting out an eerie scream as the half mask formed on the left of his face while catching Yami's fist. "You already lost your right arm. Do you wanna lose this one, too?" he asked with the ever-present, insane, gleeful grin on his face. "Getsuga Tenshou!" he yelled, slinging a black energy wave from Tensa Zangetsu before flipping away and repeating the action.

What is this power? Ulquiorra wondered. Is this…creature an Arrancar like us? Or is it our enemy? Lord Aizen must hear of this.

"What the hell's a'matter with you? Can't you stand still?" Yami asked, withdrawing his Zanpaktou from the ground.

"I'm just too energetic to wait for the big, bad, one-armed Sasquatch!" Hichigo replied, laughing as he deflected the large Arrancar's sword. Flash-stepping toward Yami, his sword's edge slid easily through the huge creature's skin, sending a spray of blood from the gash made beside the hole in Yami's chest. "Aw damn…I missed! I wanted to see if my Zanpaktou could go through that hole!" Hichigo snapped his fingers disappointedly.

"Quit foolin' around and fight me, whatever you are!"

"Now, now… That hurts…right here," he said, tapping his left hand against his chest. "I guess you'll just have to call me Hichigo, what with me being the Hollow to the Shinigami, after all!" He cackled again as he dashed forward, slipping through Yami's defenses, knocking the Arrancar's sword up, jumping into the air, and slashing through the side of his neck. "I suppose we'll just have to try again," he pouted, sad at having not beheaded him just then. Lifting the Zanpaktou to his face, Hichigo licked a bit of the blood from the edge. "Ew! Yuck! Your blood's tainted!"

"What kind of thing are you?! Some vampire?!" Yami shouted, dashing forward and slamming his sword into the ground where Hichigo had been standing.

"Your blood's nasty! It's not like the King's. That's one thing Ichigo does have. His blood has a warm and pure taste," Hichigo said, reminiscing as he leaned against Zangetsu, the blade's tip in the ground. "That was a compliment, but you still suck," he sent to Ichigo. Snapping out of his memory, Hichigo gazed coldly at Yami. "I'm going to kill you for having me include you and the King in the same speaking span of time. I hope you've had a nice life."

"Quit talking! Blah, blah, blah! Shut-" Yami was cut off when Hichigo did a quick back-flip, using the momentum to sling another Getsuga Tenshou at him, but faster than before. Lifting his Zanpaktou too slowly, he only blocked half of the attack, the other half slicing through his right shoulder to cut the arm off the rest of the way.

"Your voice annoys me. Quiet yourself," Hichigo said in a mocking tone, cackling again as he dodged Yami's attacks. He flash-stepped to be in front of the Arrancar's forehead. "Getsuga Tenshou," he murmured as he stabbed the blade into Yami's forehead. "One down, one to go," he taunted, turning to Ulquiorra. "Who are you again? Ah, nevermind. I don't want to try to pronounce it." He waved his hand, flopping it on his wrist it the air before grinning and flash-stepping to stand in front of the smaller Arrancar. "Do you want to die today?" he asked as if selling Girl Scout cookies. Hmm…strawberry Girl Scout cookies… he thought to himself.

"Get out of my face, you scum. I am the first among the Espada, strongest of the Arrancar. I will not sully my hands with you," Ulquiorra said in his normal monotone as he glared at Hichigo.

The Hollow grabbed his chest with a wince. "Damn…that stings…" After saying this, he grinned, lifting Tensa Zangetsu to attack. A blast of reiatsu caused him to skid backward. Giving his memorable, eerie scream, Hichigo sent a scythe of energy at the Arrancar. Ulquiorra dodged it, getting a raised eyebrow in response.

I've no time for foolishness. Lord Aizen is wanting his report, the Arrancar thought with slightly clenched teeth. "This is farewell…Hichigo. I look forward to fighting you when you become stronger," Ulquiorra said before vanishing in the pixel-looking portal to Hecho Mundo.

"Ah well… Wonder how the others are?" Hichigo asked himself.

Stay away from them!

"Shut up, King. I ain't gonna hurt them. Trust ain't as hard of a concept as help," he replied as he used the chain on the end of Tensa Zangetsu's hilt to loop it around his arm, letting it hang freely. He flash-stepped over to Tatsuki. She's still alive…barely. What was her name…? Tatsuki. He lifted her upper half from the ground with his left arm. "Tatsuki," he called, shaking her slightly. After doing that a couple of times more, the light of her soul came back to her eyes.

"I-Ichigo…?" she asked, recognizing his hair. "Still orange…" she mumbled before slipping into unconsciousness.

Lifting her into his arms, he stepped over to a girl with red-orange hair. Um…Inoue… he recalled as he lay Tatsuki beside Chad. Orihime came over then, and Hichigo looked at her. "I ain't Ichigo. He's a Shinigami with a Hollow. I'm the Hollow…but with a heart."

"Is Kurosaki-kun all right?" she asked as she healed Chad's arm.

"Yeah, Ichigo's all full of peppiness…as usual," Hichigo said dryly. "His arm's almost healed?" She nodded.

"I'm not peppy, you bastard."

"Do I have a jolly laugh during Christmastime? No, I don't think so."

"Let me have my body back!"

"Technically, our body. But…whatever you want. You're the King. Just visit from time to time, would you? Watching Zangetsu float around on his almighty pole gets old after a while," Hichigo replied.

"As long as you don't try to kill me," Ichigo said with a snort at what was said about his Zanpaktou's personality. He opened his eyes and was looking at his friends, the half-Mask crumbling from his face. You're better than I thought…Hichigo…




I had to make a joke about Zangetsu's perch in Ichigo's inner world. I still remember a story where someone called it the 'pole of doom' and I laugh every time I think about it.

Well, it's three in the morning and I'm going to bed. If you don't mind, leave me a review on your way out. I still have my stash of marshmallows for the flames because, so far, no one's said anything about Defense. And I'm working on the sequel for that when I get up in the morning.