
Hey guys. Thanks for all the reviews you've sent me for this story but I'm really sad it had to end. So, anyway, this is the last chapter and I hope that you like it.


"Mom, Jamie is picking on me again." yelled Lilly. She was now six years old and had long blond hair just like her mother and ocean-blue eyes while her brother Jamie had light brown hair and emerald-green eyes, just like his father. Lillian got married to John three years ago and was now pregnant with her second child. Lilly was playing with her Barbie dolls while her brother Jamie was shooting his sister with a bi-bi gun. She had her back turned to him which made it easier for him to shoot her. Cornelia was in the nursery feeding her nine month old baby son. His name was Scott and he had dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. Cornelia heard Lilly yell and so she got up from her rocking chair, with Scott in her hands. Scott was almost asleep so she put him in his crib and turned on the baby monitor, in case he started crying. She stepped out the room and closed the door gently. Then she went down the stairs to stop Jamie and Lilly from fighting, again. She found Jamie playing with his puppy Snoopy while his sister played with her Barbies. Jamie always did this when he was left alone with his sister and when his mother or father would come back in the room he would pretend to play with his puppy.

"Jamie, stop picking on your sister." replied Cornelia as she stirred the spaghetti.

"Well, she started it." He whined. This wasn't really true but if it could get him out of trouble, he would say anything.

"No, I didn't." said Lilly as she got up and put her hands on her tiny little hips. She looked like a mini-Cornelia.

"Yes, you did. You hit me with your stupid Barbie doll first." said Jamie as he sat up the same way his sister did.

"My Barbie doll isn't stupid and you started it. You're a liar. Liar, liar pants on fire." She pointed at her brother.

"Both of you stop it." Cornelia yelled. She heard Scott cry on the baby monitor. "Now, you woke up your brother. Now, stay put." She told them as she walked up the stairs again. And to her surprise they did what she told them to do. She came back, holding Scott in her hands, and at that moment Caleb came back home from work.

"Hey, honey." he kissed her on the cheek and put his bag on the floor, "Hey there Scotty Scazootie." he said. Scotty Scazootie was what Caleb called him, this always made him laugh which was cute. He took Scott from Cornelia and played a game with him, called the rocket-ship. He lifted him up and then down again until he burst into complete laughter, he laughed with him until he heard his older son say;

"Daddy, do me next." pleaded Jamie as he tugged on his father's pants. Caleb put Scott in his high chair and grabbed Jamie. He held Jamie up and then down until Jamie got a bit dizzy. Caleb put him down gently, Jamie started spinning around in a complete circle until he fell to the ground with a smile on his face. At first Caleb thought that he got hurt but then Jamie burst out laughing and said;

"That was, awesome. Can I do that again?"

"No, Jamie, once is enough." Caleb said in a fatherly tone.

"Oh, bird feathers." Jamie said as he got back on his feet. Caleb helped him up to his chair and then he saw Lilly putting her dolls away in the doll house that was given to her by Grandma Kathrine. "Do you want to play the rocket-ship?" He asked. But his daughter simply said;

"Daddy, I'm a big girl now. I can't simply be playing rocket-ship while me dolls are on the floor."

"Ok, suit yourself. C'mon Jamie let's play another one." Caleb said as he lifted Jamie up and spun him round. He laughed and so did Caleb until his daughter said;

"Maybe one rocket-ship." she smiled and held out her tiny arms for her father to take. He lifted her up, while holding Jamie with his other hand, and did the same thing with Lilly now. She let out a few giggles which made Cornelia smile. All this time she was looking at Caleb and the kids playing. He turned out to be a great father just like she thought he would. "Dinner is ready." she said as Caleb put Jamie back in his seat and then he put Lilly in the opposite of the table. He then sat down at the table quickly joined by Cornelia and then began to eat.

"So, how was your day, honey?" Cornelia asked after she swallowed her spaghetti.

"It was fine. Lillian came by. She asked if you could go to the doctor with her tomorrow." Replied Caleb.

"Oh, great. Remind me to call her later." They ate and talked between bites until it was time to meet the gang at the park.

At the Park:

Irma and Martin were the first one's to arrive, which over the years turned out to be a better habit of the one they had (being late for every single get-togather they had), with their six year old son named Justin and their four year old daughter named Jennifer. Justin was exactly like his father, he had dirty-blonde hair and amber eyes while his sister had light brown hair and honey-brown eyes. They were now running towards the swings until the others arrived.

In a matter of minutes Will and Matt arrived with two strollers. In it were their five year old twin sons. Their names were Robbie and Blaize. They were playing with their toy cars. Will and Matt walked over to Irma and Martin and sat down on the bench while they unbuckled Robbie and Blaize. The children went happily playing with their friends on the swings and slide.

After a few minutes Nigel and Taranee arrived with Hay Lin and Eric not that far behind them. Over the years Taranee and Nigel had gotten married and had a three year old son named Hayden. He had black hair and honey-amber eyes just like his mother and coca-cream skin. Whilst Hay Lin and Eric had a four year old daughter named Diane. She looked exactly like Eric except for her dark blue-black hair which was done in two pigtails, just like her mother was at her age. They walked over to where the others where and sat next to them allowing their children to play on the swings and slides.

The last persons to arrive were Cornelia and Caleb. Scott was fast asleep in his stroller while his brother and sister held their mother's hand while their father pushed little Scott.

"Sorry we're late, but Jamie couldn't find his bear so we had to look for it." Said Caleb as he gave his eldest son a smile. Jamie looked at his father and smiled as well, right after he hugged to his chest.

"It's ok. We know how kids can be." laughed Matt as he watched his sons playing in the sand box.

"Mommy, can I go play with them?" pleaded Lilly.

"Sure, honey. Just don't push your brother in the sand box like you did the last time we came here." Cornelia said as she got to eye level with her daughter. Her daughter pouted and said, "Well, okay. But if he puts sand in my hair I will kill his ." she gave her brother an evil grin and went to play with Justin, Jennifer, Robbie, Blaize, Hayden and Diane.

"It's ." he yelled, "Don't worry , she won't hurt you." Jamie said as he looked at his bear and patted it's head. Then he went to play with the others.

"So, guys. How's it been with you?" Cornelia asked as she sat next to Caleb on a bench opposite them. She picked Scott up because he didn't want to stay in his stroller anymore.

"Nothing much. Justin keeps picking on his sister as usual and Jennifer just pokes him back." Martin said as he laughed with his friends.

"Well, my brother is doing well at school and my mom and dad are great." Said Will. She was talking about her half brother Lucas who was thirteen years old. His father was or Dean as Will now called him. He was married to Susan for over fifteen years and his family were his whole world now.

"Good." Said Caleb. At that moment Jamie came back yelling.

"Mommy, daddy look what I can do." Jamie stood in front of them and he put his hands to the ground. "I can make the ground move. Watch." he said as a chunk of earth floated up. He grabbed it and it turned to dust the moment he touched it.

"How can he do that?" asked a shocked Caleb, eyes wide in surprise.

"He's too still too young for this." Said Cornelia, it was as if she could read her husband's mind.

"Mommy, I can do that too." Said Lilly as she came running her little arms waving. She did the same thing her brother did except when she caught the piece of earth turned into a lovely flower. "Well, ok I can't turn it into dust but I'll take a pretty flower any day." smiled Lilly.

"I guess they'll be the next guardians in couple more years." said Hay Lin as she looked at the children playing and having fun. Jamie and Lilly then went running back to the swings to tell their friends what they could do.

"I guess so. But they can't possibly be the guardians now. They're too young." Said Taranee. Her son couldn't possibly be a guardian at the age of three.

"For now the children will play and have fun. But in a couple of years' time they will become the new guardians of the veil and they will face a new evil." spoke a voice that only the current guardian's and their husbands could hear. The voice was coming from The Oracle. He was in Candracar and because he was all seeing he could see the children playing at the Park.

"Did… did you guys just hear that?" asked a shocked and surprised Taranee.

"Yeah, I heard it." Said Will.

"Now he's just invading our privacy." said Irma. To her surprise they all laughed.

"Well, you're right about that, but there's nothing we can do." Said Cornelia as she put a sleeping Scott in his stroller. They spent the next few hours talking and watching the kids play on the swings until it was time to go home. Cornelia, Caleb and the kids walked home because it was such a beautiful night. Jamie was fast asleep in Caleb's arms while Lilly stayed on the back wheels of the stroller. She was barely awake but she still held pushed the stroller gently so that she wouldn't wake up Scott or make Lilly fall.

"It's such a beautiful night." said Caleb as he looked up at the sky. Millions of stars were in the sky and a huge moon lit their way home.

"Yeah, it's just like the night you proposed to me." smiled Cornelia.

"That was a lovely night," smiled back Caleb. He leaned in to give her a kiss but Jamie interrupted them by saying; "Less kissing more moving. I'm really tired here."

"Just go back to sleep Jamie" said Caleb as he kissed Cornelia and continued to walk. They arrived home a few minutes after. They then put the kids to sleep and went to sleep themselves. Cornelia couldn't sleep so she sat up to read a book. She heard Scott crying so she put down the book. Caleb was fast asleep by the time he had hit his pillow so she let him sleep. Cornelia got up and went to the nursery to find Scott tossing and turning in his crib, so she picked him up and held him in her arms and sat down in the rocking chair. She rocked back and forth until his crying stopped a bit. He looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, there Scott." She touched his little nose and he laughed, "I know you don't know what I'm saying but… someday you're going to be the next guardian of the veil." He started sucking his thumb as he looked at his mother. "Well, a guardian of the veil is a protector. It's a person who protects evil and the whole universe from evil beings that want to gain control of the universe. And it's your job to stop them at all costs." Said Cornelia, she started outside the window the was just opposite them. It was a star filled sky that night and it was beautiful. She continued, "You can control one of the four elements. Water, Fire, Earth or Air. But you can also control the Heart of Candracar which unites the four elements. That was Will's job." She remembered sadly how bad she treated her for being the leader of the gang, at the beginning of it all. "But someday it can be yours or it could be one of your friends' job to protect and serve the Heart of Candracar." She looked at her son, he was almost asleep. "But for now, that job is our job. So, don't you worry, we will protect you. For now, just sleep, my little angle." he closed his eyes and dozed off. Cornelia didn't want to get up so she just laid there until she fell asleep while holding baby Scott tightly but firmly in her arms.

End of Story

Well, guys it's finally over. Tell me if you liked it or not. Oh and by the way sorry for the first chapters' spelling and lack of punctuations this was my very first fan-fic and I had a lot to learn and so here I am. But I promise you that in the upcoming stories they will better. So thanks for all being such faithful readers and I hope that this is one of your favourite stories. Until the next stories review.
