
Hi ppl this is Krissy and this is my first story on my own without my sis. And for your info Caleb is 23, Cornelia is 21 and Lillian is 17. Oh and by the way I've edited this chapter a bit because I wanted it to make more sense. Enjoy!!

Chapter 1: Telling Caleb

It was a chilly afternoon in Heatherfield and the gang had arranged to meet in the park because Cornelia had something to tell her boyfriend of five years. Her boyfriend was Caleb Schohlfield and he was a handsome 23 year old man whom she loved deeply. The gang walked through the portal that Will had just opened just a few minutes before. They stepped in one by one. A mere moments later they stepped back out. They found the whole Meridian Rebel army getting ready for the battle against Phobos' followers. Cornelia made her way to Aldran who was saying goodbye to his friends and family.

"Aldarn, where's Caleb? I have something to tell him." asked Cornelia. As she gave him an apologetic look for interrupting him.

"He's in the tent getting ready." said Aldarn "But hurry we have to leave in five minutes."

"Its ok I won't be long." said Cornelia. She saw the huge tent that was for the Meridian Rebel army and walked in.

"Cornelia, what are you doing here?" asked Caleb as he gave her a kiss.

"Caleb, I have something to tell you." said Cornelia, "I think you have to sit down for this." she sat down next to him, "Caleb, I'm… I'm pregnant." said Cornelia as she felt tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She tried to hold them back but it was no use, they fell down her cheeks.

"Wh… what? Are you sure?" he asked. He looked at his soulmate and took her hand.

"Yes, Caleb. I'm sure. It's been late for six weeks." she sobbed.

"Oh, then I'm not going." Caleb said while he wipped away her tears with his thumb.

"No, you have to go or else Phobos will win and take over Meridian. I can't have that on my conscious." said Cornelia as Caleb pulled her in a warm hug, "Besides you're the captain."

"Don't worry, I'll tell Aldarn. He'll understand because I'd do the same for him if he was in this kind of situation. I'm not leaving you Cornelia, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt while I'm gone." he said.

"I love you too." Cornelia said. At that moment Aldarn came in and said, "Caleb, we have to leave. It's time."

"I'm not going Aldarn, you're the captain now because I'm gonna be a dad." said Caleb as he kissed Cornelia and got out the tent.

"What?!" said a schocked Aldarn. He couldn't believe this. Caleb had been waiting for this moment all year and now he just blew it.

"Aldarn, don't you worry. You'll do fine without me. Just remember all the training and strategies we've thaught the others and you'll do fine." he put a reasurring hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"Ok. We'll see you in a couple of months." he said while he turned around and walked away.

Cornelia looked at Caleb couldn't believe what he just did for her. She was really grateful that she had such a faithful boyfriend that she could trust and relay on when she really needed him. Caleb made his way to Cornelia, "You can go and pack your stuff. Then you can come home with me," said Cornelia, then she made her way to where the gang was.

"So, how did it go?" Taranee asked while she got up from the fallen tree that was sitting on.

"It went fine." sighed Cornelia. It felt like a great, heavy boulder just lifted from her chest, "He just went inside to pack his things. He's now coming home with me." "Now I just have to tell my parents."

"I'm ready." Caleb said, he had a big douffle bag in one hand and his sword in the other.

"Now, let's go home." said Will as she stepped in the portal followed by the others.

In Heatherfield

They stepped out of the portal and were now saying their goodbyes. "Well, I have to go or else my mom will kill me if I'm late for dinner again." said Irma "Good luck Corny." she said as she gave Cornelia a hug. Even though a lot of years had past since they meet each other and she had invented the dreaded nickname for her, she still loved caling her 'Corny'

"Yeah, me too. I don't want to be late for my date with Matt." said Will as she gave Cornelia a hug and said, "Call me, ok?"

"If my parents don't throw me out first." Said Cornelia as she gave her a weak smile.

"Don't worry, they won't." Will said while she began to walk.

"Well, we better get going. I want to give your mother the news." said Caleb. He didn't really know what Cornelia's parents were like because he'd never met them. Caleb grabbed Cornelia's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze at this she smiled at him.

"Well, good luck." said Hay Lin and Taranee as they gave her a hug and left.

When they left, they left Caleb and Cornelia alone. They then started to walk in the direction of Cornelia's house. After a couple of minutes of walking they arrived at Cornelia's apartment. When they arrived Cornelia started crying and sat down on the front steps of her home.

"What's wrong?" Caleb said as he sat down next to her.

"What if my parents don't except me, Caleb? What if we have to live in the streets? A pregnant woman can't live in the streets." she asked as more tears ran down her cheeks.

"Hey, Shh Shh… they're your parents and they will except you. And you know why? Because you are their daughter and they love you very much. Besides even if they do throw you out I won't let them because I love you too. Now come on, lets go up stairs." Caleb said as he helped Cornelia up and he wiped her tears away. He looked at her ocean-blue eyes and saw that she was really worried about what her parents would say or do. "I won't let them hurt you, no one will hurt you when I'm around. You can be sure of that." said Caleb as they went up stairs.

At Home:

"Mom, I'm home." Cornelia said, she hung her coat and put her keys on the table. "Lillian, where are mom and dad?" she asked. Caleb stepped in and put his down.

"They went out for dinner. It is there anniversary after all." said Lillian as she turned off the TV and went to the kitchen. She sat down at the table and stared at her sister.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot."

"I'm going to put these bags in your room." said Caleb as he bent down grabbed the bags and made his way to her room.

"Hey, what's wrong Cornelia you look pale." said Lillian.

"Nothing." said Cornelia. She sat opposite her sister and played with a lock of her blonde hair.

"I know something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes. You can tell me I won't tell anyone." said Lillian.

"Ok, but promise me that you won't tell anyone?" Said Cornelia.

"I promise."

"Ok." sighed Cornelia, "I'm pregnant."

"What do you mean?" said Lillian, "I mean I know what pregnant means but... does Caleb know?" Lillian asked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Wow. I'm going to be an aunt! she thought joyfully.

"Yes, he knows. I've just told him." Said Cornelia and at that moment Caleb came in.

"Congrats Caleb, you're going to be a dad." said Lillian as she shook his hand.

"So I assume that you told her." said Caleb as he sat down next to Cornelia.

"What did you want me to do? She already knew about something." said Cornelia.

"Well, let's celebrate." said Lillian as she opened the fridge and got a bottle of champagne.

"What are you doing? You know that you can't drink. You're only 17." said Cornelia.

"And besides Cornelia can't drink she's pregnant." said Caleb.

"Ok ok. Party Poopers." frowned Lillian as she crossed her arms and sat down on the couch.

Cornelia heard her mother saying, "Honey, we're home."

"Oh no." said Caleb. His eyes wide in shock.

End of Chapter 1

Well, that was chapter 1 and I hope you liked it. Now please REVIEW.
