Disclaimer: I own neither the Twilight series or Robert Frost's poem "Fire and Ice," which obviously had a huge influence on this piece.

Author's Note: I wrote this in an attempt to hate Bella less for what she did to Edward in Eclipse. I mean, I love Bella, and I understand her feelings and why she did… everything…, and I know she feels awful (as she should, dammit), but I can see what's coming in Breaking Dawn and it does not make me a happy fangirl.

…except for the wedding part. That definitely makes me a happy fangirl. Though I just know Bella is going to screw it up, somehow, and go look for Jacob or something…

…Okay, this author's note is making me think of the Jacob!Bella kissing scene outside the tent and that whole scene very nearly made me physically sick, so I'm just gonna shut up now.

Please enjoy.



Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire

But if I had to parish twice

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice

"Fire and Ice"

Robert Frost




Some say the world will end in fire

And others say in ice

From what I've tasted of desire

I know that ice can be a fire

And as his fingers brush my skin

A frosty flame erupts within

Which quickly burns me to my core

And leaves me breathless

Wanting more


Some say the world will end in fire

And others say in ice

From what I've tasted of the flame

I know it leaves me cold, in pain

An aching I feel in my soul

And only ice will fill the hole

But if the ice sets me alight

How can the freeze of heat feel right?


Some say the world will end in fire

And others say in ice

From what I've tasted of neglect

I know my choice, though I regret

The hurt I must inflict on he

Who once saved me from misery

For though he melts me with his touch

The things he does can be too much

And I would soon evaporate

Destroying that which we'd create


Some say the world will end in fire

And others say in ice

From what I've tasted of remorse

I know that there's no other course

I need him like I need the air

I can't survive without him there

And when his eyes burn with desire

I know that though I'll melt in fire

The ice that courses thorough his veins

Will touch me, freeze me—

I'll be saved


Some say the world will end in fire

And others say in ice

And yet I felt like water

As I found the path that's right

Like rain I fell and snuffed out flame

Crying harder from the shame

But still I longed for winter

And the ice that stole my pain


And deep inside I know the truth

It hurts, but it remains:

That if I were to parish twice

My choice would stay the same