I do not own Naruto or any of the story has yaoi if you do not like then do not read !!A/N: sorry about how long it has taken me to update my muse had gone on strike and had many rl issues going on. So anyways on with the story !! I had woken up feeling sore as hell but in a good way. I glanced over and saw that Hayate was gone. I gave a mournful sigh as I slowly got up from the bed. As I went to my bedroom door I smelled breakfast being made. I gave a small smile realizing that Hayate was still here. I had missed him so much when he was gone. Now all I wanted to do was to have more time with him. I knew it was impossible he had his missions and I had mine. It really sucked the more I thought of it. I gave a small shrug and went to the bathroom and get myself a shower. I look in the mirror and find my eyes widening in shock. I have hickeys ALL over my neck. I am in shock that he did that . I feel a smirk cross my lips Hayate is highly possessive and he hates the fact that Sasuke has been stalking me. He is making sure that everyone knows I am taken.
I quickly dried off and went to the bedroom. I opened my closet and gave a gasp. ALL of my orange outfits were GONE!! I gave a small groan as I heard Kyuubi laughing. He hated those orange outfits and so did Hayate. I looked over my new wardrobe and saw all of my new clothes were either black or dark blue. Reaching in I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a black muscle shirt. I quickly put them on and went to the kitchen. Once in there I saw Hayate placing our food on the table. He looked over at me and gave me a smile and a nod. "That looks a million times better on you than those horrid orange outfits." he said and I gave a small nod. " Yeah I hated those as well. But, what could I do when that is all the hell they would sell me?" I replied and he shook his head. "Don't worry about it I will be the one to buy your clothes from now on" he said as he smiled at me. I gave him a smile back and sat down at the table with him and began to eat breakfast. Kami, Hayate is an awesome cook. I love it when he comes over and cooks for me. It's not that I can't cook for myself I just prefer his cooking over my own. Once breakfast is done we do the dishes standing close to each every once in a while we trade small kisses. I give him a hug and a passionate kiss before I leave out the front door and he uses a jutsu to leave. After all we don't want to be found out. I walk out the front door and lock it behind me. I hum a small tune as I leave the complex and walk to the bridge. I feel many people looking at me. I just ignore them like always after all I have nothing to say to any of them. I reach the bridge and look down in to the stream. I hear Sasuke and Sakura come up behind me. Sasuke does his usual of staring at me. I look back over at him and both of them see my hickeys. Sakura gasps and demands to know where I got the marks and I smirk at her. " Well you see I got laid last night…" I said and smirked a bit more at her and Sasuke looked shocked and gave me a heated look as I saw his fists clentch. "Who the hell did you have..sex with?!" He demanded in a hiss. And I gave a small laugh "That is none of your damn business but I will tell you this he doesn't like you stalking and for that matter neither do I" I said in a hard tone. I saw him look like I had just slapped him in the face. His face turned red and Sakura looked amazed. "Sasuke would never stalk you!" She yelled and I just shrugged "whatever but, it happens again I am telling the Hokage… I am done playing games with you" I said and went back to looking at the stream. Just then Kakashi-sensei showed up and called us over. I saw his one visible eye widen as he looked at my clothes then his eye went even wider when he saw the hickeys. "Naruto…" he said in a calm measured voice. "Yes?" I answered already knowing what was coming. "Nice clothes" He said with a sudden smile then told us we had to give some nin dogs a bath and walk them. I gave a mental groan I hated these damn D ranked missions. I really wanted something a lot more entertaining to do. All through out the mission I felt two sets of eyes watching me. One being Sasuke and the other Kakashi-sensei. I had no idea why Sensei was watching me so closely. He was more than likely going to try to find out about Hayate. Like I would let him find out anyways. Some days it paid to act like a damn fool that way they all under estimated me. Once we are done with the 'mission' I go and start looking for Hayates gift. I finally find what I am looking for. It is a jacket that has embroidered cats all over the back of it. He has a HUGE thing for cats. I think they are also his summon animal. I also find a few boxes of strawberry and chocolate pocky for the two us. I decide to go to the store while am out and do some grocery shopping. I can feel someone following me. I give a small sigh and slide in to an alley and jutsu home. I am so glad Hayate taught me how to do that. Now the bastard that has been following me has no other choice but to run around the area trying to me…. Damn loser. Once I am in the safety of my home I give a small laugh and take the groceries to the kitchen and begin putting them away. One that Is done I take Hayates present and hide it in my closet under a couple of blankets. I then go and shut my blinds and curtains and quickly undress throwing my clothes in to the hamper before going in to the bathroomonce I am in there I turn on the taps and give a small sigh. I really hate how damn nosey Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei have become. I am trying to understand WHY they are being like this. I can understand to a point about sensei. He may be concerned that someone is using me. I am hoping it is that instead of him being interested in me in a ..shall we say a less than professional manner.
I give a small laugh and reach in to the tub and turn on the water to a suitable tempeture . Once the water was a suitable tempeture I step in and give a small sigh as I felt the hot water cascade over me working out the small kinks that was in my back. I slowly washed myself as I thought of last night and gave a small moan. Damn I wanted another round of sex !! But, duty was first like always. I rinsed off and turned off the water stepping out I gave a small shiver as the cold air hit me.
I like sensei just not like that. I think he is to fickle and I need someone who has my addiction. It wouldn't do for me to be with someone who wasn't like me. I step in to the shower and wash the dog smell off of me. Kyuubi has been rasing hell over the dog stench and I have to agree with him. Dogs stink !!
Once I have lathered up I quickly rinse myself off and turn off the taps. I step out and I can hear someone in my living room. I know it's not Hayate as he would have joined me in the shower. I growl low and grab a towel and quickly dry off. I wrap the towel around my waist and open the bathroom door and go to the living room. I can feel Kyuubis wrath starting up he wants a fight. I stand in the door way of the living room and see Sasuke peeking around at the books on my bookshelf. I give a loud deep sigh and watch him as he turns and looks at me in surprise. " I am only going to say this once teme…get the fuck out of my home NOW before I summon the ANBU" I snap at him my eyes freezing over in coldness.
He stares at me for a moment then smirks and starts to stalk towards me before he even reaches me two ANBU appear behind him and grab him. Without a word they jutsu out with him in between him. I smirk a bit. Either Hayate was behind that or Baa-chan was. Either way that damn pest was now gone. I go to my bedroom and find Hayate leaning against the wall. I give him a huge smile and hug him. "Thank you" I whisper to him and he gives me a kiss.