Shifting Sands

By: CrystallicSky

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown, or any of the characters in it, which also holds true for Aladdin the Series.

Warning(s):Well, let's see, generally mild cursing, violence of a bloody nature, and romance between male characters. If any of these three bother you...go away. Just go. Right now. I don't want to deal with someone's whining because they didn't read this blatantly stated warning on content here.

Notes: The only reason this even floated through my mind is because I'm weird. As far as I know, this crossover has never before been attempted, much less the idea I'm going to use in it, and so...well, just be aware that this story is a little different than my others, being that I've never even ATTEMPTED a crossover, and I hope that at least one person enjoys it regardless. :D

Wuya fell out of the warp of the Traverser's Pyramid and landed on a hard floor. A quick check of her surroundings told her she was indoors somewhere, and that an adolescent teenager was stading nearby, a Wii in his left hand and a bottle of diet Coca Cola in the other.

"What are you looking at, kid?" she demanded, glaring at him as if that would help her to get back to her world.

The teen said nothing, practically dropping both the Wii and the coke on a nearby table to snatch up the nearest phone and dialing one of his friends.

"Hello?" the female voice came from the other end of the phone, to which he didn't respond. "Matt, hello?"

"I love you." he answered bluntly before disconnecting the the phone call.

Krystn sat at her computer chair, pulling the phone in front of her to stare at it in confusion. "Ooookaaay, then..." Matt was so random sometimes, she thought to herself, placing the phone back in the receiver and turning back to her computer screen, the Word Perfect 12 program displayed with about 12 or so pages of text written. "And now to work on Kitavra!" she declared. The room was silent for a moment. "Eh, maybe later..." she ultimately decided.

A/N: Ok, just had to do it after I gave Britta her cameo, so this one's for you Matt! XD Also, I'm in it, too, so yay me!

Congratulations, everyone, you've survived the Shifting Sands! Sorry, no T-shirt saying as much. .. :D

Hope you liked it! May the Chack be with you!...Or the Aniforce, but there's only three people in the world besides myself who understand that(sorry, Star Wars club scrabble joke, you had to be there. We're thinking about making shirts for the four people who were there that day, what do you guys think? XD)

So again, this is totally THE END now, thanks for reading everybody! .. :D I truly less-than-three all of you right now, and I appreciate the fact that you guys not only lived through Chapter 10, but read the next two chapters after it having no idea they weren't nearly as long.