Story: Code Lyoko: Jeremie's Computer Gets Busted Remastered
Author: Time Master
Written: August 2007
Remastered: July 2nd, 2016
Genre: Humor
Rating: T (Language)
Disclaimer: We do not own Lyoko, but the damages to Jeremie's computer.

The Busted Computer

It was another ordinary day at Kadic Junior High School. Jeremie was in his dorm room typing away at his computer trying to solve the mysteries of Lyoko. Ulrich was being followed all around campus by Sissi, who was trying to get him to go to the school's prom next week, but of course Ulrich always refuses. Aelita was in the female showers, Yumi was taking a nap, and Odd was outside in the courtyard tossing a football around with another student.

"See if you can catch this!" Odd's friend says, tossing the football to him. Odd had to jump up upon a nearby bench to catch the ball.

"Ha! You call that a throw? Watch this!" Odd yells to his friend, hurling the football with all of his might. The football flew straight into the air, far above his friend. To Odd's misfortune, the football was heading straight for Jeremie's room.

"Uh oh…" Odd says with a gulp as he witnessed his football fly straight through his friend's window…


…With a loud crash and Jeremie's distressed voice that follows.

"Oh noooo! My computer!" Jeremie yells from his dorm room. Everyone in the courtyard stops at the brainiac's continuous sobbing and frustrated whimpering.

"Hey Odd, what happened? Sounded like a crash," says Ulrich, approaching Odd from behind.

Sissy was next to join the two.

"Where's all that moaning and groaning coming from?" Sissy asks as she stops beside Ulrich.

Within seconds, all three of them hear another voice coming from Jeremie's room.

"Odd Della Robbia! Get up here now!"

It was Jim.

"That can't be good…" Odd says with a nervous smile.

Odd leaves for the dorms. Ulrich and Sissi followed from behind. Once in Jeremie's room, they saw that Yumi was there too. Jim was standing next to Jeremie, with a huge bump on his forehead.

"Yumi…! You're here too?" Ulrich says to her.

"Yeah, I was napping when I heard a crashing noise. The whole campus could hear it," Yumi explains.

"Uh…you called?" Odd says to Jim with an innocent grin.

"You better believe I called you! Look what you did to Jeremie's computer!" Jim says, pointing to Jeremie who was slouched over his computer, which had a giant football-sized hole in the monitor and the CPU tower.

"Oh man, I'm really sorry Jeremie," Odd says to his buddy.

"Oh man…its going to take weeks to get my computer running again…" Jeremie groans.

Ulrich leans over to Yumi.

"Say Yumi, how did Jim get that giant bruise on his head?" Ulrich asks.

"From what I heard, the football ricocheted off of Jim's head and crashed into Jeremie's computer," Yumi says.

Jim turns to Odd.

"Well Odd, to pay off the damages for your friend's computer, the shattered window, and the Band-Aids its going to take to heal this wound on my forehead, you are going to do some backbreaking handiwork around Kadic Junior High School for the next month!" Jim says sternly to Odd.

"What?!" Are you serious?" Odd says, looking pretty shocked.

"Harsh…" Ulrich says.

"You know what? I'm going to assign your friends to work with you as well," Jim adds.

"Say what?!" Ulrich and Yumi says in unison. "Why us?!"

"Ha! Tough luck, losers," Sissi says.

"That includes you too Sissy," Jim says.

"What?! These guys aren't even my friends…well, execpt for Ulrich…" Sissi says in a 'what the hell' tone.

Seconds later, Aelita walks in.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Aelita says.

"Oh good, even more help for you guys," Jim says with a grin.

"Huh? What?" Aelita says, not knowing the situation she was walking into.

"Well everyone, I'll see you all first thing in the morning. I want all of you to report to the gymnasium for your assignments," Jim says, before leaving Jeremie's room.

Everyone stood there speechless at what they've gotten themselves into.

"This is all your fault, Odd! Handiwork is not my thing you know!" Sissi pouts in a somewhat pissed off voice. "I'm going to tell my father about this! He'll get me out of this mess!"

"Oh shut-up Sissi. Don't you have anything better to do, you know, like take your two flunkies, Nicolas and Hervé, out for a walk?" Odd says to Sissy in his usual taunting tone.

"Hmph!" Sissi says, leaving the room in a huff.

Ulrich, Yumi, Aelita, and Odd all walk over to Jeremie.

"Don't worry Jeremie, we'll earn enough money to get you another computer in no time," Yumi says, trying to comfort Jeremie.

"Yeah, but look on the bright side, at least Xana has been pretty inactive for a while," Odd adds.

"Thanks you guys," Jeremie says with a smile.

Tomorrow would be the start of one hectic day as many things begin to go wrong during the gang's assignments.

Continue on to the next chapter, or else you will get a football thrown at your head by Odd!