Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Jamie Bartlett stood on the sidewalk outside of the school. How could she have been so stupid? Is had taken over her life, and now Jamie had alienated her best friends, including Connor. Jamie sank to the curb. She was so stupid! Her heart felt tight, and she couldn't breathe. She felt like her world was crashing down before her eyes. Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up. It was Lindsay, Harmony, and Connor!
"What are you guys doing here?" Jamie asked. "You hate me, remember?"
"Hmmm..." Harmony exchanged glances with Lindsay. "Lindsay, do you remember ever hating Jamie?"
"Nope." Lindsay smiled. "But I do remember something about hating who Jamie had become."
Jamie stood up and swept her best friends into a hug. "I'm so so sorry, guys! Will you forgive me? I was so stupid!"
"We'll forgive you, Jamie." Lindsay said, "as long as you apologize to Connor."
"Oh my gosh!" Jamie cried, turning to Connor. "Connor, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have given into those stupid popular people! Will you forgive me?"
"I will." Connor said, "If you'll kiss me." Jamie laughed and obliged with a kiss on the cheek. Then she wrapped her arms around Connor and they stayed that way until the dance ended. Harmony and Lindsay returned to the dance floor to clean up the seaweed a bit, and propped open the doors so Jamie and Connor could hear Lenny's song. And they danced.