For The Past
A/N: I don't own any of these characters, they belong to The Bill. For the purposes of this story Zain did not become too involved with Kristen, he perhaps loved her but still did his job. She was arrested along with Haskew and both were sent to jail. There are also some other changes which I will explain along the way. Enjoy and please review!
Chapter 1 – His Side
Phil groaned as he slammed the car door shut. It was 9.15am and as usual he was late. No doubt he would be told off. It now seemed so hard to believe that he had actually had a real relationship with that woman. It hadn't even been all that long ago, they had even promised to be friends, although that was before she was promoted, then for awhile she had been ok, she had treated him like normal, occasionally pulling him into line. But she had done that to him even when they were the same rank, so he was sort of used to it. But ever since Neil had left around three months ago the power had certainly gone to her head. He missed Neil, Neil never really gave him a hard time, they knew each other, trusted each other, something which she certainly didn't do. Neil had transferred to Spicer Street where he had become the DCI. How Phil wished that she had gone instead, or that Neil was the DCI here, then at least someone on his side would have been above her. But no, it was just Jack and the Super above her now, and frankly Phil believed that Jack thought that Sam was brilliant. The best inspector of all, yeah whatever, not in his Phil's opinion she wasn't.
He braced himself as he prepared to walk into CID, rushing quickly past her office and sitting down at his messy desk.
"She's not here mate, your safe for now" Phil heard his friend Zain tell him
"Where is she then?"
"DCI's office, she has been in there for about ten minutes"
"Oh, so she knows I was late then?"
"Of course. She never misses anything, you should know that"
Phil grumbled as he nodded his head. Any minute now she would be commanding him into her office, however as he glanced over to the empty desk, he remembered that she hadn't gotten rid of him yet. However her other ex DS Stuart Turner hadn't been so lucky, not that Phil cared, frankly he was glad to see the back of him. Stuart had lasted two weeks with her as his only DI and then had quickly been transferred or left of his own volition. Phil wasn't too sure of the circumstances, or who had done what and as she hardly spoke to him, unless it was work related or he had screwed up in her mind, then he was unlikely to ever find out.
"Oi Phil, do you wanna get out of here before she gets back?" Zain asked interrupting Phil's thoughts
"Sure, where we headed?"
"There's been reports of an assault outside Harvey Wallace, Smithy and Will are already there, but apparently it has got complicated"
"The school?"
"Yes, a parent has slapped the drama teacher. Apparently he has slept with someone's daughter"
"Sounds interesting, lets go then"
Phil stood up and grabbed his coat, following Zain out to the yard. He had missed her for now but surely she would catch him later.
"So are you going to tell us anymore then?" Zain questioned, fishing for information
"About what?" Phil was pretty sure that he knew what Zain was talking about, but he wanted to be sure.
"You know what, don't pretend. I wanna know about you and her"
"Her?" Phil questioned, playing dumb
"Yes, the ice maiden, or should that be ice queen?"
"Perhaps it should be queen, suits her better doesn't it?" Phil said with a laugh
"So" Zain encouraged, he wanted to know what had happened between the two of them. He had kicked himself when Phil had told him the beginning of the story about a week ago. At first he couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed, but at that time of his life he was trying to catch a major drug dealer and not fall in love with her at the same time. Perhaps he had fallen for her after all, but somehow he had managed to control himself and had cracked the case. He did miss Kristen though, if she hadn't been a criminal then she would have been perfect. But he had done the right thing perhaps he had saved some other family from going through the pain that his had when Jess had overdosed. In all honesty Zain was hoping that he would be recommended to take his sergeants exams so he could take Stuart's place as a reward, but so far nothing had been mentioned. Zain still hadn't heard Phil say anything so he tried again.
"Information please" he asked sweetly
"Oh shut it you. Just get in the car"
Phil laughed as he started the engine and drove out of the yard heading towards Harvey Wallace. Zain was the first person he had told about his failed relationship with her, the one he had thought he loved. He didn't know how he felt about her now, it was like they had reverted back to their past behaviour, like their years of friendship and of comforting each other meant nothing. After all Phil admitted to himself, it's hard to continue to love someone if all they ever do is tell you that they don't trust you and constantly yell at you. Phil sighed to himself thinking what a waste it was to have been so close and now so far again.
They soon arrived at Harvey Wallace and Phil quickly pulled into the first car park, there was a large crowd gathered around.
"Excuse me, excuse me, I am DS Phil Hunter and this is my colleague DC Zain Nadir from Sun Hill CID" Phil said as he moved people out of the way to reach the middle of the gathered crowd
"What is going on here?" Zain questioned
"This man has slept with my seventeen year old daughter and she is pregnant. I want him charged" came an angry voice
"That is a serious allegation Mrs?" Zain questioned again
"Mrs Roberts, and of course I know that it is serious"
"Right, do you have any proof?"
'Yes, I do. Just ask my daughter Sophie, she will tell you"
"Name then" Phil asked the blonde headed man next to him
"Derek Nixon" he replied
"Nixon?" Phil repeated
"Yes, that is my name"
"Alright then Derek Nixon I am arresting you on the suspicion of sleeping with a person below the legal age limit. You do not have to say anything, however anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I do"
"Come on then" Phil said as he looked back at Zain. He knew they were both thinking the same thing. This man couldn't be related to her, could he? If he was, what was she going to do when she found out? And who was going to be the one to have to tell her?
The next chapter is called Her Side and I'm sure that you know who it is about! Is this teacher related to her? Find out soon! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter!