Greetings, my wonderful readers!

First off let me apologize for not updating sooner, but truthfully, I've lost the character's spirit, making it difficult to write something somewhat acceptable.

Hopefully I can produce a few mor chapter so I can finish the story and then revise it.

So enjoy chapter twelve of The Name's Ashlyn, and feel free to review.

I'm not pressuring you.

Although reviews are my flesh and blood and with out them I am a withered excuse for a writer.

Like I said, no pressure.

Disclamer: I do not have ownership rights for Hole, Tinkerbell, Or Taz. Those belong to Louis Sachar, Disney, and Warner Bros. respectivly.


The Name's Ashlyn Chap. 12

As I caught my breath, the dinner bell went off.

"Mmm, dinnertime." Gregory said, and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, if only it weren't so vile." I said, making a face.

He laughed and kissed the tip of my nose.

Then we walked out of the tent together.

How. Romantic.


"Hey," I said to the guys who were standing in line, holding their trays.

"Hey, Hotshot, we saved a spot in line for you!" Said Robby, indicating a spot in front of him, with Heat, Michal and Trent in line ahead of him.

"Thanks." I smiled at him glad that they had gotten near the front of the line so I won't have a cold dinner. Eating crap was bad enough, but take all the heat out of it, and you've got yourself a heaping plate of sewage muck. I slipped in the line, Inferno behind me.

"Hey! No cutting in line!" Suddenly yelled a kid barely half an inch taller than I was, who clearly had never seen a dermatologist in his life, according to his rebellious skin. He was standing behind Inferno, looking very short compared to Infernos six foot seven inches of height.

"Did you hear me, freak? No cutting!" He was shouting at Inferno bending his neck backwards, in order to make eye contact.

Inferno turned his head towards me and gave me a look that plainly said 'Is this guy seriously going to try and start this, right here and now?' complete with raised, studded eyebrow.

"I said no cutting! You have to go to the end of the line!" The kid, who I spontaneously decided to dub him the Pimple King, yelled again to Inferno, before throwing the weakest punch this side of Wimp Town, directed at Inferno's gut, the only place easily accessible for punching.

Inferno caught his wrist, before bending down a hissing in his ear, "Now, that was a big mistake you just made. My friends and I are tired and hungry. I'm pretty sure you are too, so I'm going to let you off with a face that is not smashed in, but if you EVER try and disrespect me and my crew like that again, next time you won't be as lucky."

Then he snarled, actually SNARLED, at the guy and let him go. I could see the beginnings of a bruise forming on Pimple King's wrist as he rubbed it; pimples clear as the full moon on his white face.

"Man, Inferno, you scared the crap out of that dude!" Said Robby, practically jumping from foot to foot with shocked excitement.

"That's what's going to happen whenever some punk gets between me and my food." He growled, grabbing a tray for his dinner.

Oh. My. Flipping….!

I made a major mental note NEVER to get in between Gregory and his food after a long day out in the sun.

I grabbed a tray and watched as the dude behind the counter slap some greenish slime onto it, I could only hope it was edible.

I walked to our table, tray in hand, and I subconsciously begin to think about what Gregory looked like without a shirt.


That was weird. I blame it on the hormones.

I plopped my arse at the table, wedged between Gregory and Trent, and began shoveling something orange that I could swear was once carrots into my mouth as fast as I could to avoid the taste.

Some of the food they served here at Camp Green Lake wasn't so bad, and was actually edible if you drowned it in salt or ketchup. But it was still pretty bad. I wondered why they insisted on feeding us food that tasted like it had been sitting in a can for god knows how long, when it really wasn't that hard to grow a garden out here.


Nothing out here would grow even if you offered it a million dollars. It would die before it had the chance to blow it all on a yacht or a hundred plant babes or something else rich foliage would like.

The boys marveled at my appetite.

"Hotshot, how do you do that?!" Asked a shocked and slightly grossed out Robby.

"Wha'? I'm 'ungry." I managed through a mouthful of stale bread and over salted ham steak.

He gave me a disgusted look and shook his head, returning to his food.

"At least she's not chewing with her mouth open." Said Trent, jerking his head towards Lyle whose food was falling out of his mouth as he chewed.

I pulled a face.

"Dude, you eat like a cow!" I blurted out, and realizing what I said, covered my mouth, eyes wide. The whole table laughed, and Lyle sat there, a befuddled look on his face, string beans hanging out of his mouth.

"Sorry!" I squeaked out, "Didn't mean to say that!"

My face was pink as Gregory leaned over and whispered, "You look adorable when you blush."

This caused me to promptly turn an impossible shade of red, making A-tent hysterical.

After the table was done with their laughing debaggle, they finished semi-eating their food, (they were picking out all the un-edible bits, Trent found what we think is a chicken's foot in his beans) and the boys leaned back in their chairs, bellies full, satisfied looks on their face.

Oh great.

Here it comes.

Gregory gently nudged my in the ribs, giving me an encouraging look, nodding his head.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

"Um, guys?" My voice was so nervous sounding I thought I might choke.

All five pairs of eyes landed on my face, and I felt like I was about to burst into many different prison jumpsuit-orange explody-bits with the pressure I had just called to my very freaked-out self.

I dropped my head and started playing with the ring on my finger that I had gotten from some random machine years ago, my brunette hair covering my suddenly alabaster face.

"Yeah, what is it, Hotshot?" Robby asked, a hint of worry and curiosity staining his normally annoyingly cheerful voice.

"I-I, uh, um, I kinda, sort of, ya know, uhmm…" I stammered out, my tongue strangely unable to function normally.

I looked up, and my eyes instantly met Trent's, his face encouraging, and…. eager?

"Hotshot, out with it!" Lyle said, growing impatient.


I instantly curled up into my panicked defense mode, hugging my knees in the fetal position, hiding my face with my hands.

Silence fell upon the table, nearly choking me with the awkwardness.


Timidly, I peeked between my fingers to see Lyle, Michel, and Robby with confused and shocked looks on their faces. They looked between me, Gregory and Trent, and suddenly Lyle's thin mouth twisted into suppressed laughter. The group started sniggering, then chuckling, then full out peals of hysterical laughing.

Oh, flubbernickles, I did not expect that.

Even Gregory was laughing, but I think it was more of the fact that my face was nearly purple with embarrassment.

I should really see a therapist after all this because I know my mind is going to be more fudged up than a lamp eating sandwiches while watching Saturday morning cartoons in Canada.

Gregory laid his hand on one of my knees, causing me to look at his face.

His mouth was pulled into a face-splitting grin, displaying perfect teeth. His eyes were sparkling with such ferocity; I though Tinkerbell herself had thrown fistfuls of fairy dust in his face.

I don't think I could ever get sick of seeing Gregory like this, but my face bursting into flames from mortification part I could do without.

"Hotshot!" Robby crowed in between giggles.

I'm serious. The boy was flat out GIGGLING!

"Why didn't you tell us before?" He said after he had contain himself enough to resume normal speech.

"I didn't want you guy to react like Blaze and leave me. Plus, I thought you guys would think as me of a ho, seeing as I've only known Gregory since, what, the day before yesterday?" All the blood drained out of my face after realizing one simple, horrifying fact.


The mess hall became quiet faster than Taz from Loony Toons on seventy red bulls.

One again, for the THIRD TIME, the blood rushed to my face. The poor blood cells must be getting a huge work out from rushing to my face and back.

You could hear the dust bunnies humping each other.

"Heheh, shows over folks, nothing to see here, go back to eating." I said, trying to save my dignity from being ripped to shreds.

And as quickly as it had become quiet, the noise came flooding back that my head pounded in protest.

"Hotshot, we're cool with you and Gregory. It's about time you told us, its not like we didn't notice you making googoo eyes at Gregory ever time you get within fifty feet of him." Said Michel so incredibly blunt, that my head twisted so rapidly toward him that I nearly decapitated myself.

"What!?" I forced out, my voice four octaves higher than usual.

"Yeah, it was so obvious! We figured it out after the dart incident." Said Robby, a smirk on his even face.

I let my head fall onto the table, having completely been robbed of my dignity, secrecy, AND my ability to comprehend that I was totally head over heels in love with Gregory, and I hadn't even KNOWN they guy for more that twenty-four hours!

Talk about jumping the gun.

"So, you guys don't mind us at all?" I asked A-tent, my voice slow and unsure.

"Yeah! It's all good. Besides, it's about time Gregory got some." Said Trent slyly.

Okay, that it. I need to go outside and beat myself senseless for getting involved with all this.

"I think I'm done with dinner, see you guys back at the tent." I said almost roboticlly, standing up and dumping my tray.

"Wait, I'll come with you, Hotshot!" Said Robby, jumping up and dumping his tray as well.

"Yea, I'm done too, come on, A-tent." Trent announced, gingerly standing up, stretching his sore muscles.

We left the Mess hall as a pack, joined together by a bond that's stronger that any steel in any building. We were A-tent, and at that moment I was sure that we would never be torn apart.

The end was a little corny, and so I apologize.

Expect chapter 13 within the next four months or less.