Chapter 30: Epilogue
September woke the slumbering town of Hogsmead once again as the Hogwarts express pulled into the station and hundreds of students, new and old, disembarked for another year at Hogwarts. The professors had returned, well in advance of the students, and Hagrid has worked to primp the castle for another exciting year. The candles were lit, the house colours flew with pride and the clock at the castle entrance chimed the arrival.
"Well dad, here we are again," James said as he and his father walked up the steps that led into the entrance of the castle, "another year beginning."
"Your final year here," Harry said with a nod. "Where has the time gone? It feels like only yesterday I held you in my arms and saw my future unfolding with anticipation."
"Don't get all mushy on me dad, you knew this was coming," James laughed.
"What do you plan to do after this?" Harry asked trying to hide his emotions.
"I'm going to apply for the Auror program with the ministry," James stated proudly, "my best grades are in Defense and Potions and Professor Snape suggested that I take up the family crusade. I figured that it is the right course for a son of the great Harry Potter."
"So you don't want to be a professor then?" Harry laughed.
"Oh no, Defense against the Dark Arts is cursed," James stated, "Besides then what would you do?"
"It's not cursed anymore," Harry retorted, "I've made it into my second year as a professor without dying. That's practically unheard of for a DA professor."
"And who's fault was that." James stated as he raised his eyebrow to his father.
"It's my fault," Harry laughed, "well more Tom Riddle's fault but I did add to that."
"And who better to break the curse then you," James stated.
"You won't be able to let any of your grades slip this year," Harry laughed,
"and I won't go easy on you, my boy."
"I'm aware of that," James laughed, "there is all the added pressure of being the best this year."
"Oh really? How so?" Harry asked as he rose and eyebrow to his son mimicking the look and solidifying the family resemblance between him and his son.
"It wouldn't look good for the son of the assistant Headmaster to fail miserably in his education at Hogwarts," James laughed.
"No, I suppose it wouldn't," Harry joined in the laughter.
"But you have to know, I may get into some fights this year," James said cautiously.
"Thanks for the heads up, but why?" Harry asked putting a hand on his sons shoulder.
"Lily has a boyfriend," James stated, "and Albus and I just aren't ready for that yet."
"Neither am I." Harry said with a look of distress, "I was not informed of this development, why?"
"Because you have other things to take care of, and it's a brother's job to scare away all possible suitors that may come along," James stated. "You can deal with all the other couples snogging away in the halls of your school, leave Lily to us."
"I am not cut out for this!" Harry sighed, "I wish your mother was here."
"So do we," James said, "but you're going to be great, dad, one of the best I'm sure." he smiled as he looked into his fathers eyes and then into the great hall at the gathering of students, "They already admire you."
"Whether I deserve it or not, is the question," Harry laughed and shooed his son away. "Go enjoy your last year."
James waved to his father and then joined the multitudes of students in the great hall. Harry scanned the crowd for his younger children. Albus had found his way to the head of the Gryffindor table with the rest of the previous years Quiddich team. Harry was certain the only thing on their minds was the upcoming Quiddich trials and the new season. He continued to scan the crowded hall and found his little girl who sat mid way down the table cuddling with a boy clearly a year or two older than she was. Harry was uncomfortable with the idea of his children growing up so fast but he watched as his sons put the young boy in his place with a glance and a wave of their wands. Harry laughed to himself as McGonagall met him in the entrance with a double line of first year students, all fresh faced and scared out of their minds.
"Ladies and Gentlemen this is Professor Potter. He is our assistant Headmaster; he will escort you in for the sorting service." Minerva said addressing the students that stared and whispered as they watched Harry.
"It's him," one little girl squeaked fearfully.
"It's really him," another boy stated.
"Yes, yes, it is Harry Potter! Note the scar now because Professor Potter likes to hand out detention and after tonight that is a punishable offence." McGonagall stated disapprovingly, "you will have seven years to marvel at him. For now we have business to attend to. You can all only hope to be sorted into his house."
"You are the house master for Gryffindor, are you not professor?" a small girl with curly brown hair and big brown eyes asked as she smiled up at him.
"Indeed I am, Miss Weasley," Harry smiled at his niece.
"You are a Weasley?" another child asked excitedly and the gathering of students started to buzz with excitement.
Rose nodded pleasantly and turned back to the front of the line.
Minerva smiled mockingly as she passed the sorting hat to Harry, winked and walked on into the great hall. Harry could hear her address the gathered crowed, introduce the start of a new term and prepare the multitudes of second through seventh year students for the sorting ceremony. He waited while he watched Minerva take her place at the head of the faculty table and the candles danced in the enchanted ceiling.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," Harry said as he turned back to look down at the gathering of first years, "you have all been very lucky to be admitted into such a prestigious school as this. We have a vast and very intriguing history that you are all now apart of. I hope you enjoy your time with us. Now, if you would please follow me, we will get this term on its way." He added and walked down the length of the great hall the mass of first years hot on his heals and the sorting hat humming gently to itself pleased with the prospects of another year.