Ginny smiled at Hermione, "We been dating, ever since the masked ball."

"Really?" Draco looked at his own friend confused.

Blaised smiled, "Yes really."

After Blaise, and Ginny talked about there relationship, the twelve decided it was time for bed, so they all went to there own dorm rooms.

Hermione pulled Ginny to the side, "Ginny, why didn't you tell me, about you and Blaise?"

The younger girl just rolled her eyes, "Becasue you never asked."


The next morning all the 'Leads' had gone off to do there own things, leaving Draco, and Hermione alone. They sat snuggled on the couch, staring into the fire place, both deep in there own thougts.

"So what are you doing for holiday?" Draco was twirling a strand of his girlfriends hair around his fingers.

"I am staying here, I think," Hermione closed her eyes, as she felt her boyfriends hands slide through her hair, "Everyone seemed to handle Blaise, and Ginny dating fairely well, maybe we shouldn't try to hide out relationship."

"I think you're right, but for now let's just enjoy this alone time," He leaned down, and kissed the girls forehead, "Why don't you go home, and be with your family?"

"They don't want me, they never did," Hermione stiffened a little.

"I am sure you're over thinking it, I saw them, in the book store with you, they don't seem that bad," Draco realizing his girlfriend stiffen, started rubbing her back, calming her down.

"Ever since I started showing signs of having magic, they ignore me, and pretend I am not there daughter, I haven't seen or heard from my parents since my second year," Hermione fought back a tear, "They are always gone, when I come home for the holidays, so I never see them. They stay away for a month during the summer, and when I write to tell them I am at the Burrow, they reply telling me they just made it home, and they are sorry they missed me," she was crying now, "Well sorry stopped working the third year, I wrote them I am not coming home for the holidays anymore, and then they reply saying well maybe it's for the best."

"I'm sorry," Draco stood up, and wrapped the girl in his arms, "I didn't realize."

"Stop it Blaise," Ron's voice was heard from the entrance.

"I can't help it, if your sister can't keep her lips off of me," Blaise said, pulling Ginny into him, to kiss her.

Luna, and Susan were giggling at the couple, "I think it's sweet."

Draco, and Hermione weren't paying attention to there dorm mates, he just held his crying girlfriend in his arms, "You want to go for a walk?"

"What's wrong?" Harry walked up beside the couple, and patted his friends back, "What happened?"

Hermione realizing that some of the people were back, stepped away from Draco, "I need to go," she took off running outside of the room.

Harry looked concerned, as he watched his friend leave, "Why was she upset?"

"It's not my place to tell you, but you might already know," Draco went into his office, and shut the door behind him.

Earnie was turning the corner, just as Hermione came running, causing them to both crash into eachother, and land on the floor, "What the fu-" he noticed it was Hermione, one of the 'Lead's', and she was upset, "You alright, Granger?"

Hermione looked at the boy, "Have you ever felt lonely, like there is nothing that will ever make you feel hole, not matter how you try?" She stared at the boy, waiting for his answer.

Ernie nodded, "Everyone does, sometimes."

"Why?" Hermione sat up, sitting against the wall.

Ernie sat beside her, "Granger, I think if anyone knew the answer to that, then we wouldn't feel lonely. We would know what to do about it, don't you think?"

Hermione sighed, "You're right," she groaned, "Just want to scream, get so much crap in my head, I just want to scream."

"Why don't you, then?"Ernie was grinning.

"I don't want people to think I am being murdured," Hermione looked at the boy, as if he had lost his mind.

He mumbled something waving his wand, then looked back at the girl, "Now no one can hear us," he stood up, and screamed at the top of his lungs, then turned and looked at the girl, "It's an invisbility dome, no one could hear, or see us."

Hermione stood to her feet drying her eyes, she cupped her mouth, and screamed, causing Ernie to cover his ears, she smiled after screaming a couple more times, "I forget about that spell," she leaned back, against the wall.

"Shall we go back?" Ernie looked at the girl, after removing the spell, causing four of the form mates who had been coming tpo look for Hermione, to jump at the sudden appearance of them, he smiled, "Hello."

"Merlin!," Ron said, trying to catch his breath, "Where did you come from?"

Hermione smiled, "Was here the whole time."

Ginny looked at Earnie, then back at Hermione, "So we came to see if you were alright."

"Are you, alright?" Harry asked, as he wrapped an arm around his best friend.

Blaise looked at Ernie, and at Hermione, "What's going on with you, and Ernie?"

Hermione answered the questions, in the order the were asked, "Ron, I needed to scream, so we put an invisiblity dome up, Ginny, Harry, I am doing fine now thanks," she looked at Blaise, "Ernie, and I are friends, nothing more, so nothing happened. I love Draco."

"YOU WHAT?!" Ron, and Harry said in unison, probably a bit louder then they thought, "We thought you were just friends."

Hermione shook her head, "Nope," she walked pass her friends, and straight to her office.

Each of them had a map, so they were able to keep track of each of the students. It was a Weasley Brother's Product, which Dumbledore thought would be good for each od the teachers, and 'Lead's' to have.

Draco was seated at his desk, he had seen Ernie, and Hermie run into eachother, then suddenly both of the dissapear, actually he was looking at dots, but he knew it was them, because of the names next to the moving dots, he saw his girlfriend come back to the dorms, and into her office. He felt his body tense, when he saw his girlfriend, and the boy dissapear, and he was going to get answers. He went straight to her office, knocked on the door, until she answered, "Hermione, it's me!"

Hermione opened the door, allowing her boyfriend to enter her office, she went to hug him, but froze when she noticed the glare in his eyes, "What happened?"

"Where did you, and Ernie dissapear to?" Draco wasn't one for beating around the bush.

Hermione stared at him, "He put up an invisibility dome, so i was able to scream without waking anyone up, he screamed to," she realized he had known where she was, "You were spying on me?"

"I was making sure you were safe," Draco turned to look at the girl, "I am sure Ernie was making you feek safe though."

"You're jealouse!" She laughed.

Draco, grabbed her by the shoulders roughly, and pulled her into him, kissing her, "I want you, you're mine."

Hermione had tears running down her cheeks, "I would never think about cheating on you," she relaxed when hias grip loosened, "I am your, don't you see that?"

He sat on her floor, and laid her back, "I am the only one, you will be with from this day forwards," he leaned down over her, and caught her lips with his, he looked her in the eyes, "You understand that?"

Hermione cried, as she felt his hand slide under her blouse, she held onto his shoulder trying to push him off, "Draco, please. I am not ready for this, if you love me you will stop it."

Draco stared down at the woman, then noticed his position above her, "Hermipone," he said a little above a whisper, as he roled off of her, and went to lean against the wall across from where she was, he stared at her as she straightened her blouse, "I don't kbnow what got into me, I would never hurt you on purpose," he felt as tears rolled down his cheeks, when he noticed the tears on her face, "Hermione."

Hermione stared at her boyfriend, "Draco, I will never hurt you," she crawled i between his opnen legs, and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest, "I love you."

He was tookebn back by her gester, he never thought she would crawl into his arms, after what he almost did to her, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and rested his chin on the crown of her head, smelling her rose fragranced shampoo, "I am sorry, you will never know how sorry I am, but I am sorry. I will die without you."


Ginny was running around the common room, trying to avoid being tickled by Blaise, she hid behind Harry, who turned on her, and tickled her, then tried hiding behind her brother, which had just as much iof an affect as hiding behind Harry did, "Nor fair," she saw Luna, and hurried behind her, "Luna, they all gone mad trying to tickle me."

Luna mumbled something, causing all three boys to fall to the gound, laughing as they held thyere stomach, she smiled at Ginny, "Tickleing spell."

"You need to teach me that sometime," Ginny was laughing, at the three boys.

Nymphadora came into the commone room, she rolled her eyes at the three boys on the floor, and looked at Ginny, and Luna, "Going to be in my office studying."

"Ok-ok-okay, sorry, stop it," Blaise tried to get onto his feet, but fell back down from laughing.

"I wont tickle my sister anymore, " Ron was clasping onto the couch, trying to pull himself up off the floor.

Harry had tears rolling down his face, from laughing to hard, he turned to look at Luna, "I'll do anything if you will stop tickleing me."

Luna waved her wand at blaise, and Ron, causing the two to stop laughing, then smiled at Harry, "Anything, you say?" She made her way over to the-boy-who-lived, "Take me out on a date?"

Harry was laughing, while trying to keep a serious expression on his face, "Luna, will you-" laugh,"go out-" laugh "-with me?" snort.

Blaise, and Ron started laughing again, at the snort that escaped Harry's mouth, "Turning into a pig there, Harry?"

'Shut-," snort, "up-," snort, "Blaise!" Harry snorted again.

Luna waved her wand again, causing Harry to calm down, she smiled at him, "Saturday, we can go to Hogsmead."

"Let's make it a triple date," Ginny smiled at at Luna, "Luna, and Harry, Blaise, and Me, and Draco, and Hermione."

Luna smiled at Ginny, "It will be fun."

Ron looked at his siter, "Great, so I am going to be stuck here with Ernie, Susan Nymphadora, and Pansy."

"What about me?" Pansy, came down from the girls room, she noticed everyone looking at her surprised, "What, I took a nap."

"We thought you weren't here," Luna said, what everyone else was thinking.

Pansy looked at Ron, '"What did you say about me?"

Ron rolled his eyes, "They are going onj a triple-date, I was complaingin because I will be left here with you and the others."

"Who is going?" Pansy looked at Blaise, and then at Ginny.

"Harry, Lunna, maybe Draco, Hermione, inclucing Ginny, and Me," Blaise answered.

"Ron, and I are going to then," Pansy, noticed Ron's mouth was opne, she closed it for him, "I don't want to be stuck at this school on a Saturday, when my friends are out, and I don't want to feel like a seventh-wheel."

Ginny nodded, "Then it is agreed."

Everyone nodded.

"We'll tell Hermione, and Draco about it when they are finished in the office," Luna said softly.

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry about taking a while to update this story. I hope you like this chapter. READ AND REVIEW!