This is the last chapter, folks. I hope you'll like how I've ended the story, heehee. There's a sequel, so it's not really the end. I'd like to thank everyone who has left feedback. They mean a lot to me. I'm just happy you guys like my version of Logan and Marie.

Time of the Month Chapter 3

Logan woke to the feel of soft, warm flesh beneath his hands and the first thought that came to him was: There's a woman in my bed. Disoriented, he opened his eyes, but all he saw was a cloud of brown hair. He sniffed and the faint scent of fruity shampoo filled his nose followed by the overpowering smell of blood. Marie. I slept with Marie.

He blinked at the sunlight filtering through the window. Slowly, the events of last night played in his head. He remembered coming to Marie's room with food and a hot water bottle. He remembered seeing her in her sleepwear… He gulped at the lingering image in his mind of Marie in a tank top and panties. He remembered their conversation and the loaded questions they asked each other. He remembered getting into bed with her and holding the hot water bottle against her belly. He remembered snuggling up to her warm body...

Suddenly he became aware of their position, but after a moment of trepidation, he realized he wasn't in an awkward or dangerous position at all. In fact, he was in a very comfortable position. He was lying on his left side with Marie's back snuggled up against him. His right arm was thrown over her body, his hand resting possessively on a round, generous breast. Stretching his legs a bit, he found out that his right one was wedged between her legs. He thrust his leg upward, lodging his thigh snugly higher. The action wasn't without a consequence as a familiar pressure filled his groin.

Logan growled low in his throat as he rubbed his erection against Marie's buttocks. He continued to thrust slowly until he felt her move and moan in her sleep. That was when it hit him.

"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed in self-disgust. What the hell was he doing taking advantage of a sleeping Marie?

Silently berating himself, he willed himself to relax and let the tension go away. He tried thinking of other things. He started reciting the alphabet backwards, but it was no use. His erection refused to subside, but he didn't want to quit touching her. Not ever. All he wanted to feel was her. All he could think of was the precious woman lying in his arms and how good she felt. She was asleep and having her period, but he still wanted her. If that didn't make him a horny bastard, he didn't know what would.

Surprisingly, the smell of her blood didn't turn him off. He liked it, actually. The smell was

different from blood that came out of a wound or a gash, but it wasn't unpleasant to him. In fact, he didn't mind smelling Marie's blood as it proclaimed her womanhood and fertility. It didn't astound him that he responded to her in such a primal way. She just seemed to bring out his primitive impulses, and he wasn't complaining.

Wishing that Marie wouldn't wake up anytime soon, Logan let himself bask in the unguarded moment. Despite what he told himself repeatedly about Marie being a kid, what his hands held didn't lie. She was definitely a woman. He flexed the hand that held her breast, drawing in a deep breath at its softness. He hadn't known he was a breast man until he became fixated on hers.

He moved his hand until his thumb could flick the plumped out nipple, feeling it tighten. He passed his finger over the bumps of her aureole, memorizing their texture through her tank top. Satisfying though it was to be touching such an intimate part of her body, he knew he wouldn't be pleased until he could see it for himself. He had to see her breasts.

Somewhere at the back of his mind he heard his conscience yelling at him to stop, telling him what a pervert he was, but he ignored the warnings. He was so intoxicated with the need to see and feel her that he had ceased to think clearly. He just felt.

Logan carefully lifted her top until he bared her alabaster breasts with their gorgeous pink nipples. He filled his hand with one breast and groaned. Ah, Marie. So perfect. So beautiful.

Marie arched her back and moaned. He froze as he waited for her to wake up. When she just sighed deeply and settled back down, he continued with his ministrations. He cupped her breasts reverently one at a time, weighing them in his big hand. He pinched her nipples softly and then not so softly. He took his time playing with them, squeezing them, and wishing he could take them into his mouth and suck them hard. He thrust his hips involuntarily against her buttocks at the thought.

His hand left her breasts to wander down her smooth belly, caressing and warming. Marie moaned at the loss of contact and writhed in protest.

"Don't fret, darlin'," Logan whispered roughly in her ear, realizing she was responding subconsciously to his touch. "I'm still here. I'm still touching you."

His hand went lower to cup her mound. He could feel her heat even through her cotton panties and his butter-soft glove. His nostrils flared at the smell of her arousal mixed with the smell of blood. It was like an aphrodisiac, spurring him on to give them both pleasure.

His thumb and forefinger found her clitoris through her panties. He stroked that nubbin of flesh in a rhythm that Marie's hips followed, thrusting against the hand between her legs. He fell into the rhythm until they were both rocking on the bed.

In her dream state, Marie was a quivering mass of pleasure. She threw her head back, unable to contain the loud moan threatening to erupt from her throat. Wild feelings bloomed in her belly with every stroke of his fingers.

Logan felt it too. "That's it, darlin'. You're close," he urged her softly. "Come on. Come for me."

As if her body was actually listening to his command, Marie climaxed. His name burst involuntarily from her lips as ecstasy thundered through her.

Logan, still thrusting against her, wished he saw her face contort in bliss. He nearly came in his jeans when he heard her cry out his name.

Marie slowly floated down from her high, sighing deeply in the process. She moved restlessly against him, alerting him to the fact that she was about to wake up. He didn't want her to catch him humping against her like a maniac. Breathing hard, he carefully removed his arm from her body and slowly rolled to his side of the bed. He was aching for her, and his cock needed release. With an oath, he sprung from the bed and locked himself in her bathroom.

Shit! Shit! Logan threw his gloves off and almost ripped his fly open trying to get his engorged member out. He wrapped his hand around his cock and slowly stroked himself. He closed his eyes, imagining it was Marie's hand touching him, making him feel so damned good. It didn't take long for him to find fulfillment. He growled as a powerful climax wash over his body.

It took Logan a few minutes to focus. God, I hope Marie didn't hear me. With his jeans still gaping open, he plopped down on the toilet seat and tried to think. What the hell was he going to do if she suspected something? How was he going to explain it to her? I'm sorry, Marie, but having you in my arms made me so damn horny, I just had to hump you? He growled again, angry with himself for placing them both in an awkward situation. It would surely piss him off big time if Marie withdrew from him. He had to take measured steps from now on to try to win her slowly but surely.

With another deep sigh, Marie rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. She felt good this morning. The headache was gone, and miracle of all miracles, so were the cramps. However, there was a different sensation between her legs. She was all tingly down her and… wet. She sat up with a start as she remembered the dream she had about Logan. Logan touching her breasts, the flesh between her thighs, and then making her come. She blushed at the memory. She had erotic dreams about Logan from time to time and was used to waking up wanting, but she never had Logan in her bed and had an erotic dream about him at the same. What if Logan heard me? What if he saw me having that dream? What if--

The sound of the bathroom door opening halted her thoughts. Another blush stained her cheeks as she saw Logan leaning against the bathroom doorway, watching her. Damn him for looking all rumpled and sexy.


"Hey," she murmured back.

For a man who was unsure just a few moments ago, Logan appeared to be in control now. Appear being the operative word. He was taking his cue from Marie as to where this morning encounter would be headed. He took in the blush, knowing she was remembering what she probably thought was a "dream."

"Did you sleep well?" he asked gruffly.

"Yeah, thanks. The hot water bottle worked." Marie couldn't quite look him in the eye. She occupied herself with wringing the sheet instead. "So, uh, how about you? Did you sleep well?"

Logan moved away from the bathroom and sat on one corner of the bed. "Never had a better night's sleep." Marie missed his naughty grin.

She stole a peek at his face. "I, uh, didn't move around too much or snore? I didn't wake you up with a dream or something?"

She looked so cute with that part-uncertain, part-cringing look of hers that he couldn't help but reach out a gloved hand to touch her cheek. "You were quiet and relaxed. Don't worry about it."

Marie couldn't mask the look of relief on her face. Logan sighed secretly with relief, too. As much as he treasured what happened between them this morning, he knew she was better off not knowing what had happened...yet. He wanted to introduce the idea of them getting

together gradually. He didn't want to let her think he was going to be in it just for sex. He wanted to show her he had feelings for her first.

Marie visibly brightened up. "That's great!"

Logan nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

She leaned forward and touched his shoulder. "Thank you for last night, Logan. You're so good to me."

He pulled her into his arms, letting her rest her face on his chest. "I promised to take care of you, remember? You won't ever feel pain, not when I'm around. You're very special to me, Marie."

Marie's heart jumped at his words. "You're very special to me too, Logan."

They held on to each other for a minute longer before they drew apart.

Logan stood up and headed for the door. "So I'll see you at breakfast?'

Marie nodded. With a glint in her eye, she drawled, "So, will I be expecting you to come traipsing in here next month armed with another hot water bottle?"

Logan's smile tipped downwards just a tad. Oh, damn. "Sure, Marie." As he opened the door, he wondered how he was going to survive another night with Marie in his arms, cramps and all.