Hey! Since school for me is coming up very soon, I want to be able to write a fan fiction and enjoy the time left. So, here's something that just popped out of my mind. Not a one-shot. This is mainly an OOC, which in this story, nothing like the anime/manga. But! I DO NOT OWN NARUTO NOR IT'S CHARACTERS. Enjoy!

Royal Punishment

by iJutsu

Chapter One

"I cannot stand him!" yelled a two-bunned hair styled teenage girl, as she loosened her uniform tie.

"Calm down, Tenten," sighed Sakura, while moving the strands of pink hair that covered her face behind her ear, "It's not like it's anything new."

"But still!" she groaned, "All those girls following him like a dog all the time and kissing up to him are just wasting their time. Pathetic, I say! He isn't even that handsome! Walking around like he's king. And...and what gives him the right to have people give him what he wants even when he doesn't ask? Just like now! Look at him! Getting all those flowers and candies and high-fives from the girls and boys while he's on the phone! And we're not even suppose to have our cell phones out in campus! It's disgusting!"

"I sense jealously," Sakura hummed. Tenten shivered.

"Ha! You wish! He'd be the last person I'd be jealous of," she pouted, "What makes him so special?"

"Gee, maybe it's because...he's the PRINCE?" she said simply, laughing a bit, "Prince Neji. Gotta admit, Ten, Prince Neji is a lovely name!"

Tenten just stuck out her tongue in digust before speaking, "What's he doing here anyway? I mean, this is a well organized school, but not as flashy for a prince."

"Don't you think you're being a little too harsh on him? You haven't even spoken to him. Maybe he just wants to be a regular guy."

"Regular guy," Tenten snorted, "If that was true, he would've stopped accepting gifts from random students and allowing them to follow him a long time ago."

"He's only been here for a week..."


It was then the bell of Konoha high rung. Tenten jumped in fright a little bit, but then shook it off a second later. Linking arms with her best friend as they usually do, they headed off towards their next class. While they walked, various students from classrooms next to them popped their heads out the door and looked at them. Tenten raised a brow at their glances, but it seemed that their stare was beyond her and Sakura. Within seconds, more students popped their heads out the classroom door and looked out. Tenten sighed and turned her head slightly to see what exactly there were looking at.

She twitched angrily and looked back forward. It was no other than the prince himself walking behind them, and he was still talking on the cell. Sakura looked behind too and giggled foolishly at Tenten's reaction. Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Tenten's pace started to increase, making Sakura almost trip in her tracks.

"Tenten, slow down!" muttered Sakura, knowing the reason why she was speed walking, "It's no use, he's in our next class anyways!"

"Just want to make him know I don't want him near me," she muttered back, slowing down once they finally made it to their classroom. Sakura sighed in relief that she finally let go of her. Dusting off her school checkered shirt for no apparent reason, she walked over to her seat, which of course, was right next to Tenten's. Tenten sat down immediately and pulled out her pencil and panda shaped eraser. Sighing, Tenten looked up at the clock. Class was to start soon.

"Huh," suddenly said Sakura, making Tenten now focus on her, "I wonder where Lee is. He's usually here before us."

Tenten blinked and looked at the empty seat in front of her. Lee and Sakura are her best friends, and not being all together felt somewhat awkward. Tenten nodded slowly and before she was able to speak, the final bell rung, meaning class was now starting. The teacher came in, tying up her hair as she walked in. Finally having her hair up, she turned to the class and smiled.

"Good afternoon, class."

"Good afternoon, Kurenai-sensei."

Before she could gather up the plan on her desk, someone started yelling from out of the classroom, getting louder and clearer every second. Tenten and Sakura sighed. There was no second guess of who that might've been.

"Wait! Wait!" yelled the voice, finally making it into the room panting, and with a few drops of sweat falling from his cheek, "I'm here!"

"Lee, you're late," sighed Kurenai, "Please visit the office to get a late slip."

"B-but! I never received such a disgraceful thing in my life!" Lee said in slight panic, causing Tenten to look at him concernedly, "Please, Kurenai-sensei! I was only a minute late!"

"Minutes or seconds late, you're supposed to be in your seat before or once the bell rings," she replied simply, "Please go. Standing here is making you more late."

"Sensei, please! I..."

"I apologize that I'm late," came a calm voice from behind, interrupting Lee.

Lee turned around and blinked. The teacher seemed to have done so too. Tenten shifted up in her seat a bit, seeing the person, and hoping that the teacher won't do what she thinks she would do. After Kurenai shook her head, she gave in a warm smile towards the boy.

"It's okay, Prince Neji," she said, unusually kindly, "You're only a minute late. Please take a seat."

Tenten's and Lee's eyes widened in shock. She looked over at Lee who's mouth dropped to the floor, obviously being in a state of shock. Anger flashing strongly in Tenten's eyes, she stood up from her seat and pounded her hands flat on her desk. The teacher, and Sakura, being startled, looked over at her. The whole class did so too. Including Neji, who stopped mid-step just to look at her. Her glare flashed towards her teacher, then at the prince, then back at her teacher.

"That isn't fair!" Tenten yelled, causing Sakura to stand up and hold onto her arm gently. "Lee had the exact same reason of why he was late but you're not punishing...HIM?!"

It was then she shook her arm off Sakura's grip and pointed towards the prince rudely. Neji just stared at her calmly.

"Tenten..." whispered Lee. Tenten didn't seem to notice. The teacher did and returned the same glare.

"Tenten, I order you to apolo..."she started, but then was easily interrupted.

"Apologize?" Tenten said in disbelief, mad of what she was hearing, "Apologize for what? You're the one letting him off the loose for breaking a rule! I mean, so did Lee but you don't see Lee walking back to his seat like you let him! I'm getting so tired of him and his...his...ways!"

"Stop talking rudely of the prince," Kurenai said, anger rising in her voice.

"How am I being rude?" Tenten said crossing her arms, and turning to face the prince. She glared at him, "You must think you're so special."

The students gasped, and so did Kurenai, making Tenten look at her once again. No one has spoken poorly of the prince before. Kurenai's face grew a bit warm, "Tenten, stop! He's Prince Neji and..."

"Oh! Is that why? Because he's prince?" Tenten shot, and with a fake laugh escaping her lips she turned back towards Neji, who's calm expression has vanished, "You can take your shameful seat now...NEJI."

The whole class gasped loudly, even Sakura. No one of the lower class than him was supposed to call him by his name. No one. Neji seemed to be also surprised, for his eyes were slightly widened. Tenten's expression stayed as calm as ever, still glaring at the boy. Kurenai slammed her hands onto her desk hard, causing everyone to jump and look at her. Tenten turned her head towards her teacher.

"That's enough, Tenten," she said angrily, "Now sit down this instant and stay quiet before I make you spend the rest of the day with the principal."

Tenten sighed deeply and looked back at Neji with a death glare.

"Drop dead," she whispered before sitting back down with a huff. Neji, looking at her for merely just a second more, walked towards his seat and sat down in slight awe. Kurenai took a deep breath and managed a sorry smile.

"I apologize for her actions, your highness," said Kurenai, "She gets angry real easily. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you again. As for you..."

She turned her head and looked over at Lee. Lee blinked and looked at his teacher respectfully. She again sighed.

"Lee, take your seat. I'll just let today be a warning."

Lee blinked a couple more times before he smiled and bowed. Standing up straight, he thankfully walked over to his desk and sat down properly. Once he sat, he turned around to face Tenten, for his seat was behind his. Tenten caught his glance and looked at him emotionless. Lee patted her arm gently and smiled an ear-to-ear smile to make her laugh. It worked. Listening to her giggle softly, Lee patted her arm again.

"Thank you."



"That was one risk you took in there," laughed Sakura, unwrapping the plastic on her sandwich.

"Sure was!" Lee said, who just now joined their table and sat, "I, Rock Lee, thank you for saving me!"

"It's just one little late slip, Lee," sighed Sakura, "You could've saved the trouble and let Tenten blow up outside of class."

Tenten grinned and stuck in straw into her small milk carton. She took a sip before speaking. "I don't regret it at all. In fact, I'm glad I did it. At least now people know that they're not being treated fairly and that he knows to never get near me."

"I wouldn't be so sure," said Sakura, voice rather frightened. Tenten stared oddly at her pink-haired friend, but when she opened her mouth to speak, a shadow formed in front of her, blocking her light. Eyes widening a bit, she placed down her milk and slowly turned around. Her face dropped, with her fingers slightly twitching as she stared at the thing before her. 'Thing' to her obviously being Prince Neji.

"What?" she asked harshly. Lee and Sakura looked at them both as if it was a suspense movie.

"Let's talk," he ordered, hands deep in his pockets. Tenten stared at him oddly, for after all, this was the first time they've actually 'spoken' together.

"No," Tenten said simply, attempting to turn back around but was stopped by a touch of his hand to her shoulder. She shivered and angrily whacked his hand hard, making him draw his hand back to himself. She glared.

"Don't you ever touch me!" she growled, with students now looking at them.

"We need to talk," he said, now sounding a bit more demanding, "Now."

"Who do you think you are? Ordering me around," she said, now standing up.

"I think I'm the prince," he said calmly.

"And that makes me listen to you because...?" she scoffed, adding enthusiasm on the 'because'.

"Don't make this harder than it already is," Neji sighed, removing his other hand from his pocket and crossing his arms. Tenten mimicked him and crossed her arms as well.

"You're the one making it hard," Tenten replied, "Now, if you would leave me alone, things would be easy and...hey!"

She was caught off as Neji swiftly embraced her around her waist, pulling her body against his. Tenten gasped loudly as she was pulled off her seat and up towards Neji's body. He now held her like a bag over his shoulder, with one hand in his pocket and one around her back. Blushing madly, she started pounding him on the back frantically. Sighing, he began to walk, ignoring the pounds he got on his back by Tenten.

"What do you think you're doing!? L-let go! Stop moving! I said let go!"

Tenten's yells and sounds of her hits started to fade while the two walked out of the cafeteria area and towards the hang out area of the school. Sakura and Lee blinked.

"Should we follow them?" asked Lee.

"No," replied Sakura, "It'll probably be for the best."


"I have no idea."

The 'hang out' area was just a calm area of trees, flowers and fountain connected to the ground causing a small water flow underneath a wooden bridge about 1 feet above the water. The bridge connected the first building to the second, second being their classrooms. There was also a long bench underneath every cherry blossom tree. It was a lovely place to hang out if students don't plan to eat during lunch. Neji looked around and stopped at the bridge. Luckily no body was around. Once in the center of the bridge, he placed her down gently, still feeling the small pain on his back due to her punches. When she finally set foot on the ground, she turned her back on him and attempted to run as fast as possible from him. Again, she was prevented to do so as Neji grabbed onto her wrist firmly before she was able to get as far as turning around. She turned her head angrily towards him and tried to shake her hand free.

"Stop touching me! Let go!" she demanded.

"Wait," Neji said. His voice seemed somewhat different. He spoke in a bossy matter, yet, with urge for her to stay. Her glare softened, but it didn't disappear. She drew her hand up and sharply drew down her hand, making him let go. She again crossed her arms and raised a brow towards the prince.

"What do you want?" she asked, trying to keep herself calm, "If it's about earlier in class today, I'm NOT sorry. And I don't take back anything I..."

"Do I anger you?" he suddenly asked, interrupting her with his simple tone. She twitched.

"What kind of question is that? Of course you do!"

He placed his hands again in his pockets and moved his hair away from his face with a slight movement of his head. Tenten groaned softly. "Why can't he have normal guy hair?" thought Tenten, referring to Neji's long hair. Neji paused for a moment before speaking.

"So, then. Do I annoy you?"

Tenten didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes, you do. Just like right now."

"My actions disturb you?"


"What I do is disgraceful to you?"


"You must think that I'm full of myself."


Neji shoulders seemed to have relaxed a bit as Neji let out a calm, relaxed sigh. That made Tenten confused, since she literally just insulted him and he acted totally fine about it. She let out a frustrated breath and began to step back.

"You hate me?" he finally asked, causing Tenten to stop mid-step. She blinked. Oddly, she found that harder to answer than the other questions. She never exactly hated anyone. She stared at Neji, who just stared back at her expressionless. Tenten pressed her lips together and took in a deep breath. Her glare then again came back.

"Hate is a strong word, don't you think?" she asked, having one hand on the hip and one frustratingly on her forehead, "I don't hate you. I just really, I mean really, dislike you."

With that, she turned around and without hesitation walked away from him. Neji watched as Tenten walked back towards first building. People were bond to ask her about what happened. Suddenly, his cell rang. With his hand already in his pocket, he pulled out his phone and answered.

"Did you find somebody yet?" came a male voice on the other end.

Neji again looked towards the direction of where Tenten was walking, seeing her now disappear into the first building. Neji nodded to himself.



The school day finally came to an end. Lee stretched his legs a bit, pushing the empty seat before him a bit. Sakura took in a deep breath and fanned herself with her hand.

"Finally!" Tenten grunted, "Thought today was never going to end."

"Say, what happened today at lunch?" he asked, and when receiving a glare from her, he laughed, "Not good, huh?"

"Weird is more like it. Asking me obvious questions," huffed Tenten, then glancing over at the clock, "Oh, guys I got to go. Today is trash day and I have to take out the trash before 3'o clock. I'll see you tomorrow!...Wait, tomorrow is Saturday! Alright! Want to go to the park tomorrow?"

"Picnic?" giggled Sakura, knowing that a picnic is all that they do on a day at the park, "Sure, why not. Want to come, Lee?"

"Sure," Lee smiled, "Need to get some fresh air nowadays."

"Great! See you guys tomorrow morning! At 8, alright?" she said happily as she walked out of the classroom, waving to them behind her.

Once leaving the room, she walked speedily towards the exit of the building. Reasons being: she didn't want to encounter Neji and she didn't want to have week old trash in her home. She lived in a small place, small being an apartment. It wasn't easy living alone in a small home, but she was thankful. She groaned. She hated her last class, since it was on the second floor. Making it towards the stairs, she held onto the rails and walked down, almost losing her balance at the last step once she let go. Regaining her straight posture, she looked forward, seeing Exit A before her. That was the exit closest to the entrance or exit of the school. Happily, she walked over the door and before she was able to grab hold of the door handle, she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. Blinking, she turned around calmly to see who touched her. "Oh no," Tenten thought annoyingly in her mind. Her eyes flared towards his.

"What do you want, Neji?" she asked cruelly, "I'm kind of in a hurry and I don't have time for your..."

She stopped seeing the expression on his face. He seemed far more serious than she last saw him. Just by looking at that, the sounds around them seemed to have become silent, for nothing went through her ears but the sounds of the faint wind. Nej looked deeply into her eyes. Tenten was locked into the eye-contact, somehow finding it hard to look away. His eyes shown hesitation and annoyance. It was clear to both of them that he didn't want to be here. And he didn't. He took a step closer towards her and sighed.

"I need you to be my lover."


I know, I know. It doesn't make sense now, but you'll find out what you don't understand in the next chapter (If you do read closely) . Please R&R! Keep me motivated. (: