
Every time he went near her, he could feel it, shaking him right down to his bones. But he couldn't avoid her, not without offending James. He couldn't tell him either. He knew what reaction that would get out of his friend. So he got used to it, distracting his mind with other thoughts. And eventually, he forgot all about how his stomach turned over, how it felt like ice against his skin, when she brushed against him.

Sirius had known there was something strange from about six weeks after Evans found out she was pregnant. Once the initial euphoria of becoming a father wore off, James, though he would have never told her any of his suspicions, knew it too.

You remember when we went out for dinner to that Italian restaurant for our anniversary last fortnight? He had whispered to him one night in front of the small fireplace in Sirius's flat. She was so sick, she could barely move for the next three days. She says the pasta must have given her food poisoning but it's phoenix droppings. Lily never gets sick from pasta. Never!

By the following morning, he had sobered up, and it was never mentioned again.

If he had waited a while, Sirius might have passed the task of being Godfather to Remus, but James had asked him straight after he'd found out and, being surprised yet excited, he'd accepted, clapping him on the back and giving him a hearty congratulations.

He'd never seriously considered backing out until one afternoon out in the backyard. Watching Lily lying on the grass in only a bikini and muggle sunglasses, he'd looked curiously at the stick poking out of her mouth.

Sirius approached her and she turned her head to him as he poked her abdomen, five months gone and starting to protrude out. It'd poked back weakly and Sirius frowned.

"Not a very active one, is it?"

"Yeah, I thought the same thing when it first moved until later that same night. Now it just doesn't stop. It definitely likes to keep its poor mummy awake, just like it's daddy." She'd said, smiling indulgently, and then she'd laid a hand on top of it, clearly not disturbed by the unusual behavior.She must have seen him staring at her mouth because she picked up something from the side of her towel and handed it to him. A small red sucker. Oblivious to its make, he'd thanked her and popped it into his mouth.

Smacking his lips at the strange taste, he'd pulled it out and looked at it again. It seemed to be dripping its red covering onto his hand. Recognizing it now, his eyes widened in horror and he rushed inside covering his mouth.

It's normal for woman to have strange tastes when they're pregnant, Sirius. Remus, who was training as a healer, assured him through the bathroom door ten minutes later as he continued vomiting up the contents of his stomach, the liquid crimson and making him feeling even worse.

Treacle tart and egg is strange. Sausage and ice cream is strange. Bloodpops are not just another strange craving!

Somehow he'd been convinced by Remus that it was normal and life had gone on, though the feeling of horror stayed with him, growing stronger as the pregnancy continued.

They hadn't had another day outside like that again though. James had told them on the next visit that Lily had gotten a strange rash over her belly the next day and the healer advised her to be careful of sunburn.

He was there the night it first happened.

Lying on their couch dreaming peacefully, Sirius was woken by a scream. He sat up blinking and rubbing his eye tiredly when James rushed into the room, his eyes wide with terror.

"It's Lily."

Letting James go call the healer, Sirius went upstairs cautiously, and as he entered, saw what was wrong. Lying in her long, white silk nightgown, she was clutching her stomach and whimpering in pain, her skin looking almost the same colour as her clothes.

Her eyes were fearful and suddenly rolled back, her body convulsing. He picked her up, holding her still, his heart racing and his breathing fast and panicky, and then he saw it. Her belly, seven months gone by now, jumped and, he could see the skin move, almost as though something was trying to break out….

Okay, this one's a little darker than I usually write, a bit different, but variety is the spice of life (nothing too heavy though). It'll be Sirius/harry and might just be mpreg later (knowing me, it's gonna be in there somewhere), thats still undecided. Tell me what you think and I'll do more soon if you like it...
