Sleep Touching Skin

Disclaimer:Saiyuki and all associated characters were created by Minekura Kazuya.

Author's Note: I've been listening to some of Gojyo's character songs (plus some of his duets) while working on a multi-chaptered fic. In one of his songs, "Crimson", Gojyo twice sings that if he can just sleep touching skin, he can bear the night. That's where this story idea came from. Non-yaoi/shounen-ai

"Tch. This sucks," Gojyo muttered, staring up at the ceiling in the dark. "Why do I always have to share a room with the stupid monkey?"

"… Oi, Gojyo, is sharing a room with me really that bad?" Goku asked softly from the other bed. They both always complained when forced to share a room, but it was like two brothers good-naturedly squabbling. This time though, Gojyo had sounded serious.

"Hn. You snore, and you aren't a woman for me to snuggle up with."

There was silence for a moment as Goku considered that. "Why do you sleep around so much anyway?"

The redhead considered answering with some kind of dirty joke, but it had been two weeks since his last woman, and he was tired. Because of that, Goku got the truth. A truth Gojyo never would have admitted under any other circumstances.

"When I was little, our house was small, so I had to share a bed with my older brother. It made me feel… safe, you know? Anyway, that was a long time ago, but I still don't sleep well unless I'm touching someone else's skin."

Once more, there was silence, and Gojyo figured Goku had fallen asleep. Just as well, he thought. I can't believe I said all that. Stupid monkey probably would have made fun of me if he hadn't nodded off.

There was the rustling noise of shifting blankets from the other side of the room, followed by soft footsteps. Gojyo raised himself up on his elbows as Goku settled on the edge of his bed.

"Oi, what the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked.

"Shut up and go to sleep, cockroach" Goku murmured, cuddling against him and draping one arm across his waist.

"Tch… Stupid monkey," the redhead muttered as Goku started snoring. He closed his eyes, smiling slightly before lowering himself down to the bed. Curled up around Goku, Gojyo slept soundly for the first time in two weeks.