Space-time warp
By T.E. Rankin
Chapter 1: the failed Warp
Summery: When the covenant and flood have destroyed the human race there is only one survivor, Master Chief. He and Cortana, not counting as a survivor because she's an A.I., decide to take one of the last remaining spaceships capable of slipspace travel to try and find another halo, so at least he could take them all out with him. On his way out of earth's atmosphere he is attacked by Covenant Forces which damages the Warp drive. Unfortunately he is unable to turn around so he tries to use the damaged one, luckily he doesn't die but there are still some unexpected side effects.
I don't own Halo or Naruto
Location: Earth
Date: June 1, 2557
Five years after the first Halo was discovered the war ended, but only for Master Chief. Those five years had been very hard on him he had seen everyone who he had attachment to die, save the A.I. that was currently in his armor, the war had been lost and he was the last of his species. Master Chief knew that he couldn't win but he hoped he could make it at least a draw, he mentally went over it all again, "So Cortana, the plan is to use the Sword of Dusk the last and only fighter with the capability of using slipspace to find and activate another Halo, right?"
There was the crackle of static in his ear then he heard her reply "Affirmative, we might not be able to win but we might be able to take those bastards with us."
When he did a double check of the systems on board his ship and taxied his way to the runway, the last that still had most of its original form intact, "radar show no enemies within range, launch will commence in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…" and he put the ship on full throttle, while within an atmosphere. The ship began to climb quickly out of the troposphere. Two little red dots appeared on his radar; they were covenant Geisterschiff, a new type of aerial assault vehicle that can become completely invisible to sight and radar until they attack. Master Chief heard the sizzle of plasma hitting metal and said "Shit, I don't have time for this." And he immediately took evasive actions. Dodging most of the plasma now flying towards his vessel he flew around and was able to get behind the two alien ships and fire shaped rounds into the thick fiber optic armor of them, after a satisfying explosion the two Covenant ships dropped out of the sky.
"Cortana status report" barked the helmeted hero.
"Only some minor damage to the life systems, the nanobots should have it fixed by the time were out of earth's atmosphere, but there was extensive damage to the warp drive, I don't know what will happen if we use it but there is an 80 percent chance that it will be bad." Cortana answered as several more red blips appeared on the radar.
Master Chief replied "Well we'll have to risk it; it's either suffer an unknown outcome or die in a large fiery explosion. I think I'll take the one that has a possibility of us surviving." The Sword of Dusk was faster than any other ship made, human or covenant, so Master Chief out ran the three Geisterschiffs that were after him and made it out of the atmosphere with just enough time to hit the warp drive switch.
Cortana shouted "Master Chief! We are in a collision course with the wall of the worm hole and the controls are down, this is bad, I don't know what will happen if we hit it."
"Easy woman, we'll just have to find out what happens," Master Chief replied in a growl. "The worst that can happen is we're killed and if that's the case it would have happen any way. So the out come can't be that bad." Explained the armor clad warrior.
If only the outcome had been death then he might have been able to at least rest some, but unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, he hit the wall and broke through to find he was headed towards an earth like world. The controls were still out though so it was going to be a rough ride.
"Cortana where are we?" Master Chief inquired. He waited some time and didn't get a response. "Cortana are you there?" he said with a little more worry in his voice. There was still no response. "Shit, looks like the wormhole wall deleted her"
There was the familiar crackle of static and he heard "Master Chief, do you honestly think that a simple wormhole can delete me?" it was a bit higher than usual but it was definitely her. "Why didn't you answer before?" he asked
Cortana replied, "Well I had to find the headset for this seat."
"What?" questioned a confused sailor.
"I'm not quite sure how but I have a body now and I think that it is twelve. You should check yourself out you might be changed as well, you voice does seem quite a bit higher than normal," Said the suddenly solid A.I.
Master Chief looked down and noticed that he too had somehow become 12, he muttered "just like my dream," and asked Cortana "Where are you?"
Cortana replied, "I'm in the seat behind yours. Now focus you might not be able to steer but you still need to brace for impact." When she finished the sentence a red glow started to build up along the under belly and windows of the Sword of Dusk the two genocide survivors braced them selves for impact.
Location: Just outside of Konoha
Date: June 1, 12 AK, after Kyuubi
Naruto was staring out the window waiting for the day to end; he only had a couple more days until the exam so he wasn't very focused when he saw a bright light and a meteorite fly through the sky of Konoha. He had had it with the class so he decided to cut it early to go find the meteorite. Naruto shouted "sexy no jutsu" and poof a sexy nude blond with long blond hair and dazzling blue eyes appeared where Naruto had once been, she said seductively "Iruka-sensei" Iruka turned towards her and passed out from a nose bleed. Poof and where the blond had been stood Naruto once again, he yelled "Iruka is unconscious class is let out early!" He jumped to the nearest window and looked in the direction that the meteorite had gone, he saw a small could of dust rising from the middle of the forest and ran off to investigate.
A/N I did this in the middle of the night so I might revise it later, hope you enjoy and please Read and review.