Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, or its characters. Etc.

Chapter Three: The Moment of Truth: Edward

"Go, go! We have to go pick her up now," Alice said, pushing futilely against my back. She was more adamant about getting to Bella's house on time than getting to Jasper's. That only left me to one conclusion—something was up. I shrugged the feeling off. Even if something was up, it shouldn't matter or effect me in any way.

So I got into my shiny, silver volvo—my second most prized possession—knowing, at least hoping, that Alice wasn't scheming in regards to anything that involved me. I kept instilling that idea into my head as I drove up to the Swan's residence.

"You," Alice said, all business and pointing at me. "Come with me."

"Why—" I started to object, but she cut me off.

"Just come. I know what I'm doing," she said, still commanding. She added, though under her breath, "Hehehe..." Sometimes I swear that she knew a little too well.

Wordlessly, I got out of the car, sending a confused glance in Jasper's direction. All I got in response was a shrug. Some help he is. I followed Alice a little slower than necessary as she practically skipped to the door. I, at least, was trying to keep my enthusiasm under control, knowing that as soon as I saw Bella, I would have to fight back the childish glee from escaping me.

I inhaled deeply as Alice rapped her knuckles against the door—bracing myself of course. Less than a few seconds later, Charlie yanked the door open, looking a bit out of disarray, but still somehow smiling as he ushered us in. "Welcome, welcome, I'll go call Bella."

"Thank you, Charlie," Alice said with one of her most charming smiles. Officer Swan was practically wrapped around her little fingers.

"Anytime, Alice," he replied, smiling back. With that he scurried off, leaving Alice and I behind at the door way, an uncomfortable silence befalling us.

My sister was the one to break the silence. "Get closer to the stairs," Alice warned quickly, her tone urgent.

At the same time an angelic call came from above, "Coming!"

"Don't run!" Alice called out to her from my side. Then her tone was low again, prodding me forward and mouthing, 'go, go'. And so I went, went—with a fairly perplexed expression on my face. I turned back to Alice, pleading for answers with my eyes. She just motioned with her head to the stairs.

I turned just in time to see Bella falling to the floor and landing with a slight 'oof'. I couldn't help but smile as I bent down, tying my arms around her waist and hoisting her back up to her feet. She was staring closely at my face, probably to recall her surroundings and see who had so abruptly brought her back up. I couldn't help but stare back, taking in every emotion that could possibly be playing in her mind.

Suddenly she spoke, her little stunt still leaving her breathless, "Hi, Edward. Read anything interesting?"

I couldn't help but blink a few times at that. Huh? She remembers that? Weird. I remembered the time I had once told her that after she had caught me staring at her. It was a really trivial encounter, but I wasn't one to forget it. She didn't forget either? I stowed that little tidbit of information for later. Now I was brought back to reality.

I smiled a small, lopsided smile and replied to her, "You know, I think I did."

A cough from our side garnered both of our attention's. My sister and chief Swan stood there, looking at our little charade. Immediately I tensed a bit. I didn't need her father on my case when she didn't even like me.

Alice interrupted my panicked thoughts when she said, "Come on, lovebirds! We haven't got all day!" When she said that, I couldn't help but quickly risk a look at Bella's eyes, wondering her emotion at the words that sent my own heart into hysterics. A blush had completely overtaken her face, and I felt the familiar heat fill my own face. "And, Edward, you might want to give Bella her waist back."

I dropped my hands from her waist as soon as her words registered in my mind. I hadn't even realized that they were clung so tightly to Bella's waist. I had probably just made a fool out of myself, but the sensation that my hands felt around her—it felt good. More than good. Right.

I looked up in time to find Alice had taken a hold of Bella's belongings and her hand and was promptly dragging her toward the door. It was odd how such a meaningless gesture set a pang of regret through my system. I could be leading her through the door, and carrying her things. I brought my attention back to Bella.

She was starring at me. And smiling? I smiled back, unsure of the reason behind her smile, but grateful nonetheless. She turned back around in due time to talk to Alice, but their words were lost to my ears, for my eyes were still remembering her smile.

"I'll see you next week!" she yelled back to her father as she passed the threshold into the world beyond her house. I saw her quickly hurry to the car—heading toward the backseat? Oh, no, she didn't.

"Where do you think you're going, Bella?" I asked. She wheeled around to look at me, looking a bit confused.

"Um, getting in the car?" she asked, oblivious to my hopes that she would ride in the front with me.

"What, you don't want to sit next to me?" I tried to keep my voice as teasing as possible and hide the fear that threatened to consume me. What if she really didn't want to ride in the front with me? Am I really that repulsive?

"I never called shotgun," she explained, playing along.

"Oh," I began, continuing with her sad explanation. "Such a shame... but, I think we can arrange it so that you can still get the seat. What do you say?" I winked, hoping I didn't overdo it. But, she seemed eager enough as she smiled—that of an angel.

"Alright. That sounds good," she replied, making her way to the passenger's side.

More good than you know. I couldn't help but think as I slid into the driver's seat. I smiled at Bella as she fastened her seatbelt and I drove away from her house. A small blush was lingering on her cheek. I almost couldn't bring myself to look away.

"Bella?" Alice asked from behind me.

"Yeah," she replied, her tone quiet as if she were afraid to speak any louder. It's not like I bite.

"This is going to be great, I can feel it," my sister told her, confidence in her every word.

"You know what, Alice?" she asked back. "I feel like it's going to be great too."

At that I had to risk another glance at her. She was staring at me again. I stared back for a bit as I forced myself to speak, "Yeah. I agree." It wasn't much, but it brought another smile to Bella's lips, and that was enough for me.