While the medical team engaged Hogan in questions, Newkirk went to visit Flagg. Late that night, Hawkeye held BJ tight in the small bunk. With Winchester in Post Op, the Swamp belonged to them. BJ sleepily murmured and kissed Hawkeye. Hawkeye cuddled BJ close, breathed in his lover's scent deep. He didn't dare sleep but he rubbed his cheek against BJ's neck. When he could barely stay awake, he reluctantly went to his cot and fell asleep. He awoke hours later. It must be around 3:45. Why am I awake?

Shadows flitted and Hawkeye quivered. He stood sleepily, glanced at BJ and stepped outside the Swamp. He scanned the compound.

"You should be sleeping, doc." Hawkeye whirled as Newkirk separated himself from the shadows. Clad in grey green, he limped forward. "Walk with me."

"You should be in bed," Hawkeye hissed, thoroughly sick of this patient.

"Had to speak to Colonel Flagg. Tell you one thing, you Yanks should really mentally check out your CIA agents." He gestured and Hawkeye walked beside him. "Just a quick word, doc. Colonel Flagg is going to 'ave a few marks on him but he'll live. And you and your mate..." He looked around. "You really should wait until Flagg is gone before you bunk down." He cocked his eyebrow and Hawkeye felt the color drain from his face. "Relax, doc, it doesn't matter."

"It's considered unnatural," Hawkeye ground out. He looked back at where his lover slept.

"You're kidding, right?" Newkirk stopped by the motorpool. He scanned the area and looked at Hawkeye. Hawkeye noted his green eyes were clear, almost glass like in their luminance. "Unnatural, mate, is walking through a ruddy labor camp with troops and smelling the stench of burned corpses where the Nazis burned people in a furnace. You and BJ are far from unnatural." He grinned. "He should really change that name."

"You called me out to warn me about being caught?"

"I called you out to warn you about your friend. I've watched him, did some research. He's going to need you real soon."

"Research? Just who in hell are you?"

"I know people." Newkirk glared at Hawkeye. "Look, doc, that man loves you. And just from little I know, what I've seen and heard, that man doesn't love easily. 'E may have a wife and kid but he's yours. He helped me. And brought me and the gov'nor together. I owe him. So I'm paying him back by telling you. Take care of him. I already know he'll take care of you."

"BJ can take care of himself. And his wife and kid are his life!" Hawkeye snapped.

"His wife is having an affair."

Hawkeye stared at him. "How do you know?"

Newkirk shoved an envelope at him. "Took a walk through Colonel Flagg's briefcase. Nicked these. Do what you want with them but take care of 'im."

Hawkeye flipped through the photos and shook his head. "My God..."

"Flagg has notes on nearly everyone here. Watch yourself. I thought I should give those to you rather than let Flagg do it. I don't know what he was waiting for but I'm sure he'd use them in a nasty way."

"Who in the hell are you? Another spy like Flagg?"

"I told you what I am. I'm a reporter. I have a few skills here and there but nothing to write home about. I'm sure you're more than a doctor."

"In my spare time, I'm a drunk. Look, your skills aren't like --like playing golf or something. You took out those snipers and Flagg. You're some kind of pro."

Newkirk snorted. "Reading too many novels, doc. Ian Fleming aside, James Bond isn't real."

"Then why did you come here?"

"Because I was too bleedin' slow to dodge a mortar attack. Believe me, I never heard of this place before the unit I was assigned to got the job of cleaning out your snipers." Newkirk tilted his head. "You know, you're as suspicious as me."

Hawkeye jerked, wondering just how alike he and Newkirk were. "Thanks for giving me the photos."

"You're welcome." Newkirk began limping off, then turned around. "Look, if you need help, call me. I'll be with Hogan. I'll help."

"Can you end the war earlier?"

"I'll try."

"Why do you care?" Hawkeye asked. "You don't know BJ or me."

"I know Flagg. I know people of his type. And I've seen too many people like you and Hunnicutt tear themselves apart for stupid reasons when they should treasure what they have. You have it bad here. Believe me, doc, I've seen worse." For a moment, Hawkeye saw unknown horrors in the British man's eyes. "Just remember life can be good."

"Now you're a philosopher."

"No. And you can take my advice and throw it away. But your friend is going to need you." Newkirk started limping off again.

"Newkirk, Post Op is this way."

Newkirk grinned. "But my boss is this way."

Hawkeye's curiousity got the best of him. "What is your story with him?"

"He's my CO, my friend." My ruddy heart. "He may be an officer and a Yank but he's the finest man I ever met and I met a few." He studied Hawkeye. "Major General Hogan's the real deal. You heed what I said. Watch out for Flagg and take care of Hunnicutt and yourself." He slipped into the darkness.

Hawkeye went to his tent and laid awake.

"Thanks, Newkirk," Hogan said, stepping around a garbage can. Newkirk groaned.

"You weren't supposed to hear that."

"Come to my tent." Hogan pulled Newkirk's arm around his shoulders and helped him walk to his tent. "Getting pretty old if a small time MASH surgeon can figure out you're a spy."

"Don't be bleedin' cute."

The next day, Hawkeye and BJ walked Newkirk to the General's jeep. "You've been different," BJ said, shaking Newkirk's hand.

"Thanks. You, too." Newkirk grinned. "You two take care of yourselves." He rolled his eyes as Hogan neared with Potter. "Here comes the boss."

"Ours, too."

Hogan handed a crate to Hawkeye. "Something for you. I promised you something good."

"Hey, thanks. I'll tear up my bill."

Hogan grinned. "Come on, Newkirk. Our plane is waiting."

"All right, gov."

"Be careful of that leg," BJ warned.

"Yeah, yeah," Newkirk muttered. "Come on."

He slid behind the wheel and gestured to Hogan. The General shook hands with the men and slipped in behind Newkirk. Newkirk gave a lazy wave and they drove off.

Potter sighed. "Let's get back to work. Pierce, remember to share that hooch."

"Wonder where they're going?" BJ wondered.

"Come on, Beej, let's have a drink. I need one."


Hawkeye watched BJ stare at the photos, touch one over and over. "Guess I should be happy she has someone," he softly said.

"I'm so sorry, BJ."

"I have no room, no right to complain, Hawk."

Hawkeye bit back a snap. She isn't in a war zone, Beej! And the notes say she started this affair a month after you left. That's different. We didn't get together for months! And you still write her every week. Hawkeye swallowed hard. "I know it hurts," he awkwardly said.

BJ looked at him with his sky colored eyes, tears dripping down his cheeks. Hawkeye pulled him into his arms, held him close. BJ broke into sobs. Hawkeye kissed him, squeezed him hard as BJ's broad shoulders shook. Hawkeye shuddered, thinking of what Flagg would have done. "Will you stay with me?" BJ rasped finally.


"Stay with me. Here. Now. Back home. Anywhere. Everywhere."

Hawkeye stared. "Are you joking?"

BJ looked at him. "Hawk, I love you," he quietly said. "I've loved you a long time. That's why I can handle this. You. I loved Peg. Then I met you. You're all I think about." He paused. "You don't have to answer right away..." His voice trailed off as he studied Hawkeye. "Oh, God..."

The sick horror in BJ's face was a look Hawkeye never, ever wanted to see again. "Beej, wait," he blurted as BJ struggled in his arms.

"It's all right," BJ snapped, yanking free.

"Wait, damn it. Of course I will, you moron!"


"I'll stay. Forever and ever. If you'll do the same."

"I don't want your pity, Hawk."

"Pity? You complete jackass! Why do you think I was so pissed about Hogan? You're mine, you idiot! That's all I ever wanted!"

BJ smiled, a smile like the sun breaking through the clouds. "Always?"

"Always," Hawkeye vowed. BJ wiped his eyes hurriedly.

"I hear Maine is nice."

Hawkeye kissed BJ again and pulled the younger man back into his arms.

On the plane, Newkirk looked at Hogan. "So where we heading, mate? After we see your kids, that is."

Hogan grinned. "You'll like it."


"Ever hear of a place called Roswell?"