Ah. FujiRyo drabble! I was thinking about the whole tree falling in a forest with nobody to hear it, and decided to write about ... proverbs. xD
No. I don't own PoT. What a shock!'
x Proverbs x 100 words
'Ryoma-kun, I've got something to share with you.'
'Fuji-senpai, I don't see-'
'Have you ever heard the proverb, "Faint heart never won fair man?"'
'I think it's "Faint heart never won fair lady", Fuji-senpai, but-'
'Or the Japanese one, "The young of a frog is a tadpole?"'
'It's "The young of a frog is a frog", but Fuji-senpai, I-'
'How about "When in Greece, do as the Romans do?"'
'"When in Rome, do as the Romans do", but Fuji-senpai, I don't see what any of these proverbs have to do with your groping me.'
'Do you actually mind though?''
'...No.' x owari
x omake
'What were you and Echizen doing in the change room?' Tezuka asked sternly.
'Discussing proverbs,' Fuji replied innocently.
'For an hour?' Tezuka raised an eyebrow.
Fuji smiled widely. 'You could join us next time if you like.
x x x
And there it is! xD Whoopdidoo.
Reviews, flames, and concrit will all be welcomed with metaphorically open arms. -awinchan