Title: Say Hi, He's Back

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


She walked toward the entrance looking around.

'Where is he?' she frowned 'This is stupid, I should've staid home.'

A sigh escaped her lips but soon she felt a small tap on her shoulder, spinning around a smile replaced the frown.


"You didn't think I'd ditch you did you?" he stuck his hand out, a small and sweet looking bouquet with pink and white flowers in it.

"Thanks, it matches my dress." She lightly giggled; she wore a simple white dress with a light pink belt hanging loosely on her hips. They walked into the cream colored restaurant, there were large wooden table covered in lace and a small doorway to the famous Lotus Garden.

"Reservations for two, Uchiha."

"Uchiha…" the man scanned the list and smiled, "Yes, two for the garden table. Come with me." He lead them out the door and into the garden were couples lay talking and gazing at the inky sky. They walked down a cobble stone path and soon a clear pool of water could be seen, small lotus flowers floating peacefully on the surface. Sakura's eyes widened, on a small platform was a beautiful table sitting ever so lightly on the water.

The man left the small couple alone as Sasuke lead her to the table. He held her hand as her heels clacked across the walkway. They sat down and smiled; soon a waiter came and took their orders.

They sat quietly, stealing a glance at each other every once in a while.

Soon another waiter came with their food, but now no other waiter was going to come so they were now alone and the air was getting uncomfortable.



"Um, it's really nice tonight."

"Yeah, very peaceful."



Sasuke stood up and walked over to Sakura, bringing her up too. He pulled her up close and closed the space between them.

She giggled as she felt him lick her lips trying to open them, she parted her lips slightly but Sasuke opened it wider tasting her cavern. He had one hand on the middle of her back as the other gently fingered her belt lightly tugging on it. She felt her dress strap fall and soon felt his lips leave hers and brush against her neck and her shoulder. She giggled and stepped back only having him follow her.







They landed with a plop in the water. Sakura clung to Sasuke and heard him laugh. Looking up she blushed.

"What are you laughing about?" he sighed and kissed her gently.

I love you.


Thanks for reading!

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