Chapter 29: Response

"I'm guessing that the Prophet is your work and something you were hoping for." Hermione said to Kieran that night in the library.

"Of course," Kieran answered with a smirk.

"What are you going to do now? Professor Dumbledore is talking expulsion. You can very well carry out whatever plans you had while expelled from school." Hermione stated.

"My dear Hermione, do you think I would have done this without a plan of action ahead of time?" Kieran asked. Hermione just gave him a pointed look that clearly said 'this is you we're talking about.' Kieran chuckled lightly. "I suppose in years pass that would have been the case. But no there is a plan of counter-attack. But even if I were to be expelled there are plans already in the works and Shadows here to carry out orders if need be. I don't necessarily have to be here."

Hermione gave him a concerned look, as always concerned about academics.

"But it won't come to that. Just wait and watch."


The next day there was another interesting article in the Prophet.


After yesterdays article there has apparently been an outcry of unjust treatment of the Riddle twins. Many seem to believe that it is wrong to label them the "Dark Twins" when they have done no dark deeds themselves and are being titled for their father. I was able to have a conversation with one Lucius Malfoy about the issues he see facing his godchildren.


I don't believe it right to start labeling teens in school that have yet to get out into to the world and prove their worth. To do so is and injustice against them and unfair for their prospective future. I can't stand ideally by while people try to deny them a proper wizarding education just because of who their parent are and have or have not done. These are my godchildren and I feel the need to defend them like m own son at these gross allegations. The fact that snakes are apparently getting into, what was believed to be, a secure school hardly seems to be their fault. The fact they they were attracted to the only people with the ability to understand and speak to them hardly seems adequate reason to expel to young students. Should we truly be considering expelling students for their natural born talents? Many lack such talent, or true talent at all, should they be considered for expulsion because of their faults? It is also difficult to believe that two mere teenagers were able to sneak a dangerous snake pass the Headmaster and his entire staff. Then keep it concealed for six months then decide to, after pulling of this incredible feat, send the animal to attack poor younger students. Unless the Headmaster has a way of proving that he knew the snake belong to the twins and that he sent the snake to attack the poor first years students that were traumatized by this event this whole mess should be dismissed and the attention should then be turned to securing the school more adequately. - Lucius Malfoy

There were whispers all throughout the Great Hall at Lucius' reasoning. The Twins noticed the lack of twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes after reading the article and shared a smirk and a small high five under the table.


A/N: Another chapter as I promised. Hope you guys enjoy.